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Christians, what makes you feel that your god is the right one?

I read this interesting article from Please comment on what you think:

If you believe in God, you have chosen to reject Allah, Vishnu, Budda, Waheguru and all of the thousands of other gods that other people worship today. It is quite likely that you rejected these other gods without ever looking into their religions or reading their books. You simply absorbed the dominant faith in your home or in the society you grew up in.

In the same way, the followers of all these other religions have chosen to reject God. You think their gods are imaginary, and they think your God is imaginary.

In other words, each religious person on earth today arbitrarily rejects thousands of gods as imaginary, many of which he/she has never even heard of, and arbitrarily chooses to "believe" in one of them.


The following quote from Stephen F. Roberts sums up the situation very nicely:

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

A rational person rejects all human gods equally, because all of them are equally imaginary. How do we know that they are imaginary? Simply imagine that one of them is real. If one of these thousands of gods were actually real, then his followers would be experiencing real, undeniable benefits. These benefits would be obvious to everyone. The followers of a true god would pray, and their prayers would be answered. The followers of a true god would therefore live longer, have fewer diseases, have lots more money, etc. There would be thousands of statistical markers surrounding the followers of a true god.

34 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am Christian.


    I believe, GOD has chosen to present himself to different cultures in a way that the culture would best understand what God was offering. Jesus has said "In my father's house there are many mansions"... this could mean that their is life on other planets (which I also believe) and it could mean that God has room in his house for all religions.

    So, to put it simlpy -- there is ONE GOD, he just chooses to be known to the Muslisms as Allah... he chooses to be known Vishnu to Hindi, .. etc. etc. etc.... (Remember though that Budda is not considered a god, he is mearly a man).

    So how do I know my God is the right one... because there is only one God, and he is shared by us all under different names.

    OK, many will disagree and there are Christians who will call me a heratic... but it is what I believe.

    (proof that Allah and God are the same -- the Quaran and Bible's old testament are the same to a certain them both, you will see.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just wanted to tell you you ask a great question. It is one I have also asked several times. Doesn't it just crack you up when you read all of the answers from Christian's! None of them actually answer your question. You get answers like...

    There is only one God, The God Almighty

    We as Christians don't believe that are God is the right God we believe that our God is the only God, and its called faith

    Ya. I forsake other Gods.

    I KNOW my God exists though....

    So I don't really care what you say.

    So they are basically admitting that they have no basis for dismissing the other gods or religions other than the simple fact that they choose to close their minds and not even think about it. I guess that's why they call it blind faith! The point is that a persons religion has nothing to do with them worshiping the correct God (which it should), It has everything to do with geography and where you are born. If you are born in the middle east your Muslim, in American your christian, in India your Buddhist. You would think religious people would think about that and question the logic behind it, but they don't...BLIND FAITH!

  • 1 decade ago

    To Muslims, "Allah" is not another God - it's simply a translation of the word "God." The same God that Abraham, Moses, and Jesus all were followers of. The three main monotheistic religions are more similar to each other than most people either know or want to admit. Too bad, since maybe it would inspire more respect among different peoples and less fighting.

  • Not really, I am a Christian and better yet, a Roan Catholic and apostolic believer, there is not other God, that God, and more specific God the Father of Jesus Christ, I don't know were you have your information about Buddha been a God, Buddha was one of God illumination to the earth, as well than Allah, which was the word for God been left behind by Mohamed, Now, there is much true, in the names, but non-of then have openly proclaimed their divine, sublime and Omnipotent powers to the World as God HIM self did, as he resurrected his Son, after death. I have study this religions closely, and to my perception my own mentality is ready to accept The God, my creator, which isn't Buddha, Mohamed Vishnu and or Allah, in the western civilization. Although for your own information, this entities you are calling God's, are God physical reincarnations, as once was Nostradamus, Blaise Pascal, Robert E. Lee, and few more as well Socrates. just to mention few. all of which its part of the great scheme of God Life and Creation. "Remember that isn't the same to Love HIM, as to know HIM(God). TRy to read someone like Madan Blavatsky, if you which.

    P.S. Whith all do respetct this will help you to take control of your own Imagination, <<<<God bless you>>>>

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  • Pashur
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's not about feelings but millions of personal experiences and personal testimonies that Jesus is the one true God. Our God is not Dead but very much alive! Other religions reject God because of the guidelines that he has set. Not every christian as myself have been brought up in religion because my parents were atheists so don't generalize! I studied other religions and non-religions but I've that found that God is not an author of confusion.


  • 1 decade ago

    first of all, as a christian, i do believe that God and Allah are the same divine entity. the God of abraham is my God, and therefore is also the God of the Muslim, Jew and Christian.

    i can look back in history and archeology (which is history in itself) and prove the lives of the persons of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, John the Baptist, King David, King Solomon, King Saul, etc, etc, etc.

    there are archeological digs that prove the existence of the civilizations and socieities of biblical history.

    therefore, the only thing we christians, muslims and jews use faith to prove, is the divinity of God Himself.

    Muslim, Jew and Christain all believe that Christ will deliver God's chosen at the end of times. the main difference is, the Jewish Torah does not mention Jesus, the Muslim Quran mentions Jesus as a prophet of God and we Christians believe that Christ was here once before in the human form of Jesus.

    as for vishnu, budda, waheguru and all the thousands of other gods....even God said to take no other gods (little "g") before Him. satan is referred to as the "god of this earth" in many teachings because of the evils that occur on this earth.

    besides, other than a few stories here and there, there is no archeological or historical evidence of vishnu, buddu or the rest.


  • 1 decade ago

    Those who believe in the One true God carry the Holy Spirit in their heart. The Holy Spirit guides their faith in the Lord. The Holy Spirit helps us understand the truth - the Word of the Lord. We feel the presence of the Lord and cannot deny that. How could we possibly research or even consider the existence of any other gods when our Lord's presence is so strong and powerful.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't feel it ....I know's a very long story that started when I was young. After working for God many years, I've had not a few miracles, that helps.

    It was a blessing to be born in a place where the Bible is popular, but don't worry...God know how to reach the others with his message...sincerely, Tina

  • 1 decade ago

    A very well thought out question!

    The answer is rather simple. There is evidence that my God is real because he actually answers prayers! (Sometimes it isn't the way that we want them, but He answers just the same!)

    Buddha, Wahuguru, and the others usually show no sign of human involvement or interaction. Humans pray to them, but does their god respond? God speaks to our hearts and minds. He presents us with indescribable emotions and feelings when we are in certain situations. He tries to steer us away from sin and doing wrong. (Ultimately, it is our decision on whether or not we listen. We still have free will.)

    A very good question! I hope my answer has helped you in some way.

  • 1 decade ago

    We are free to choose any religion and follow the teachings. I believe that all the Gods of all existing religions are the one and same God... Only in different forms. The followers of their own religion worship God based on their history, cultures, traditions and beliefs.

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