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Lv 7
Meeya asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

how do I quit smoking?

I started smoking because of the "stresses" of everyday life. I found smoking as an outlet. Its almost 5 years now since I first started. I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. I tried to quit but it becomes futile at the end of the day. I desperately want to stop. HELP!

49 Answers

  • HK3738
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    talk to a doctor, there are lots of presription and non prescrition remidies, search the internet. this is a good start, good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is honestly how I quit. I prayed every night to God to give me the strength to quit. I even asked him to pick a day out for me, whether I had a full pack or a half pack of cigarettes I would squeeze the package of cigs until they all broke up. That would be my start day for quiting. One day at the computer I took a 1/2 pack of cigarettes and did as I promised. I felt at that time I was suppose to quit then. I continued to pray that I would not light up another cigarette, I did not. I went through a time of having crying spells however I replaced the cig. with carrots, celery, potato chips. I have been smoke free 5 years now. Next month I will be 6 years free. If you go long enough without smoking you get to the point you can't stand the smell of cigarettes anymore or the smoke. Hope this helps you some.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you really truly want to quit...then just stop cold turkey. It also helps to have a supportive bunch of people around you. My husband tried quitting 3 times before and each time he only lasted maybe 3 months before the stress got to be too much. It's been over a year now since he's touched a cigarette. Now and then when he's doing certain things like fishing or driving for long periods of time, he gets the craving to hold a cigarette but doens't go through with it.

    It helps that I don't smoke and we don't allow others to smoke in our house.

    Source(s): my life
  • 1 decade ago

    my dad smoked 3 pack a day he stopped :)

    1. ya people don't know how cigarettes can be addictive. It has nicotine soo obviously it drugs u duuh. Individuals aren't the same soo take your time.

    2. dad cut 4 packs to 1 pack a day, after used to it, half a pack a day, a couple of cig a day and so on till 0

    3. Must have will inside of u. Soo buying chewing gums or patch work won't work if u don't have will

    4. do it as soon as possible cuz 1 cigarette takes out 5 min of your life away

    5. Everytime u feel like smoking, eat something that would usually take the taste of smoking away

    6. my dad regrets smoking cuz bad breath, expensive, and gives heart and lungs diseases...this is for your own benefit


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  • 1 decade ago

    Read Alan Carr's 'easy way to stop smoking', that is how I stopped. It was the easiest thing ever.

    You are encouraged to smoke whilst reading the book. The book is about 200 pages and costs about the price of 2 packs of cigarettes. The guy who wrote it used to smoke over 100 cigarettes a day himself and it is the method he used to stop himself.

    By the time I was on the 100 page I didn't want to smoke any more but the book encourages you to continue to smoke until you finish the last page.

    What is so good about it is that at worst you spent some money on a book and it didn't work or at best you end up being a non-smoker. But you don't have to suffer at all during the process of giving up.

  • 1 decade ago

    i started smoking when i was 17 because my boyfriend "forbid" me to start. wow .. i showed him, didn't i? 25 years later i found myself coughing, and becoming very scared that i was going to contract lung cancer. 5 years is bad enough but do you REALLY want to be smoking for 25 years?

    one day i just decided i was done and i quit ... cold turkey. i used a website called QuitNet ( which really helped me get through the first 100 days or so. these are my stats as of right now:

    You have been quit: 619 days, 15 hours, 49 minutes and 7 seconds smoke free.

    18590 cigarettes not smoked.

    $3,813.00 and 4 months, 22 days of your life saved.

    Your quit date: 12/27/2004 6:00:00 PM

    that was 18,590 cigarettes I DID NOT SMOKE ... and i've been quit almost two years.

    there is a TON of information, articles and real time people to help you. if you REALLY want to stop .. you can do it. think of it as giving a GIFT to yourself, not that you are depriving yourself of something. QuitNet saved me. it can work for you too. i'm here to answer questions for you any time.

    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I smoked. When I quit it was by the 'cold turkey' method. my friends have said that this works great for them as well. Why?

    well...probably because it involves understanding and being honest w/ yourself. What is the 'trigger'? What are you running away from? Some people blame peer pressure. My question would be why did friends have such an effect on your decision?

    When you answer these and other questions honestly ...and are willing to face and deal directly with the situation/problem (in my case, anxiety, fear, sense of being out of control) then you will quit and become stronger in character too.

    You may have relapses...still you are in control of your actions not some 'white stick' or chemical called nicotene. You have ability not some pill or patch. You're taking the first step now in re-claiming sense of control. Simply, You can do it

    I support you...Best wishes for success :)

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can do it if you have the will power. Please read my experience and it will hlp you tgo quit smoking.

    I was a chain smoker for 20 years smoking @ 30 cigarettes a -day. Suddenly one day I started thinking and -

    -Calculating the amount I would have spent in all these 20 years.

    -tried to find what is the enjoyment I got by smoking - Answer was nothing.

    -Saw cases of heart attacks of my own close relatives and friends because of smoking.

    I realized - It is a silent poison for death. Threw away the full packet of cigarette and decided to quit smoking. I had the will-power and it is nearly 10 years now I do not smoke.

    Do you also want to stop smoking -

    You can not stop it by-

    gradually reducing or

    step by step etc.etc.,

    You have to decide and implement on that moment itself and throw the cigarettes in hand.

    Only WILL POWER will achieve your stop smoking.

    By smoking you do not get anything excepting getting heart ailments and cancer fast.

    Is it clear act now. Best wishes

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you have the money.. see your doc and he will probably agree with me. Get nicotine gum and use it threw out the waking hours.. also take 2 - 3 zyban a day. then at night use the nicotine patch. slowly wean yourself off these things, but continue with the zyban. Also excercise, do something that wears you out lifting heavy weights or running. Drink lots and lots and lots of water.. you will need it to flush the toxins out of your body.

    Youll also need people that will support your quiting. You wont be able to put yourself in a position to relapse. Dont go to bars where people smoke. A personal thing that helped me was having folks around that wouldnt keep asking "so how is the quiting smoking going?" THAT is highly annoying and just let your friends know that its best for you that your not reminded of it daily

    and what the hell diamond.. PEOPLE STOP USING CUT AND PASTE

  • 1 decade ago

    Nice to know you want to QUIT smoking !

    First of all dont try any of the nicotine patches, chewing gums etc. Also dont try to quit by reducing slowly. It will never work.

    You need the will power.... thats all.

    I was smoking about 30 cigrettes everyday for 20 years. Then 1 fineday I decided to quit. Was smoking very heavily till midnight.

    Then the next day onwards I did not even have a puff. I have quit since 8th January 2004 without a single puff till date.

    So please dont use all those stuff available in the market like the patches etc. You will be a slave to those patches etc.


    Need more info please care to write back with your pics.

    Best wishes and Good Luck

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it is hard to quit!!! been there. if you go cold turkey the 1st 3-4 days are the worst. try to stay away from caffiene during this time. chewing gum or sucking on a mint can also ease the craving. plus you have to have the will power and change your lifestyle as don't frequent places where you smoke during the early days of quiting. there are also aids out on the market that can help or talk with your doctor he may have some other ideas. good luck!!!

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