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Why am i such an emotional train wreck?

My ex and I have been done for quite a while yet he still affects my life so much. Sometimes I cry out of nowhere over our relationship and what he used to be in my life. We talk every once in a while but I just dont seem to be moving on. What do i do?


Ok i should add that we had a very painful relationshp. i did most the giving. Im thinking it may be so painful because issues like marriage and forever were brought up and i believed it?

13 Answers

  • Casey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh sweetheart, I know your pain. My boyfriend and I of four years just broke up in July and I still feel the hurt EVERY DAY. It is getting better, though. My advice is to keep yourself occupied. Get a hobby, no matter how lame that sounds--something you've never tried before that you think might be fun, and most importantly DO NOT talk to him anymore. Just cut him out of your life, as hard as that is. That hurt more than anything to have to do it at first, but I think that just not talking to him anymore is the thing that has helped me the most in moving on. My thoughts are with you. I know how hard this is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why? i mean really why? if u broke up why do u talk to him? why does he affect ur life so much? what is it he does for u? pay ur bills? transport u places? give u emotional support? hold u when u cry? NO what NO u say? then why do u let him in ur life bc those things is what a bf does and u said he was ur ex. so let go and move on..find some one who will do for u what u need is too short to ponder over what u HAD, what u had is called memories what u need is companionship

  • 1 decade ago

    He probably likes it that you are still carrying a big torche for him. Why would you want to make yourself miserable over him when you could be moving on with your life and being happy. Start by going out with friends or finding a hobby. Start doing things just for you. Try bettering yourself and distancing yourself further away from him. Life is to short to be wasting your time with tears for him. Move on.

  • 1 decade ago

    It going to be hard. but you have to face it, it over for whatever reason. If you don't know ask. and I can tell you until you get your questions answered you are always going to be a train wreck. And it is OK for a little while be He was apart of you, you made allot of decision and scarifies for him and your relation ship. He was a major part of your life for a good amount of time and it only fair to mourn

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  • 1 decade ago

    It took me two years to get over my ex. Put your energy into something you enjoy, probably best not to speak to your ex for a while

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    looks like he needs to leave u alone,dont answer his calls,change your number,move away. or maybe your still in love with him.maybe u wanna get back with him.either way your tearing yourself apart.witch is it love or anoe?

  • 1 decade ago

    Either try to get back with him if he doesn't have someone or find somebody else that makes u happy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    best way to get over an ex...get another man or woman..what ever you perfer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you need to get a new man. stop letting him ruin your life. im sure if he read this he would smile about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are a typical woman

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