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why can we not all just get along?

I am not christian..I was raised christian have read many book's on it and the bible..I chose a diffrent path. My grandmother does not agree and she is a hard core christian but she say that christians are to love and accept everybody for there diffrences. So why is it that if somebody of diffrent spiritual or religious beliefs put's out a question...They get slammed by the christians with quates from the bible...That is not being forgiving..or accepting. I believe the bible says that god is the one who judges you.

I just think that the religion and spirituality should be open to ALL even the one's who do not believe. We should not have to go into mythology and folklore to ask questions.


I am a Celtic Pagan. I have done spell casting and I do not do it to hurt other's but to simply improve myself and my life. I have never had anything bad come from it actually I have had great resualts.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you are right. People defend their religion so much that they will kill and die for it if others wouldn't follow their religion or offended it. It's sad to see them fight for it so blindly and forgotten the basics of what is taught in the books of their religion: compassion, understanding, forgiveness & love.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    not all christians are like that, which you should already know...

    And if you've read the bible you should know if it says that Jesus is the only way or not. If it does in fact say that, then people like your grandmother are only worried about you and want you to make the one and only correct choice, even though the bible does say something about respecting others' beliefs, which leads to the thought that the same God can speak through to people of other religions? Anyhow, I don't know. I'm sure you've heard the popular answer "Because if you believe one thing is the truth, how can you be accepting of false teachings?"

    Maybe they should respect your beliefs more, but it is perhaps more of the concern 'for' you. they aren't (usualy) trying to be mean.

    But if someone does specificly ask about a certain religion here, then it is respectful and goes along with Y!A rules to not change the subject.

    Why can't we all just get alone? Because then we'd eventualy have to loose some of our own values?

  • 1 decade ago

    You are correct we shouldn't have to go there to get serious answers. I visit both areas and have noticed that Pagan questions in the Mythology area get answered without having to sift through as many bible quotations.

    I think it is important that we spend time in the Religion & Spirituality arena. After all we are religious to a point and we are spiritual. This is an open forum. Open for ALL to share their views and opinions.

    Blessings )O(

  • 1 decade ago

    In my opinion, the bible is mythology and folklore.

    I agree with you. I was raised the same.

    I'll get along with most. Haters are the extraction. There is nothing more wrong than hating. All we are looking for is acceptance, and if somebody feels accepted by a religious deity.... Fabulous! They found acceptance! Good job! Now... let's be friends.

    Source(s): Even more horrific is the latest broadcast by Al Quada.... Something like... "We demand that all non Islams in America convert to Islam or face our wrath..." Sick right? This is where most wars begin.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I am a Christian and I totally understand and agree with you. Christians have a bad habit of thinking they are better than those that aren't Christians. Instead of accepting they try to shove their views down your throat. That is a big mistake they have not brought a person closer to God but have pushed them away. Everyone has to decide their own path based on their learning and experiences.

  • 1 decade ago

    THis is really a great concern. What you are saying is you are talking about "UNIVERSAL BROTERHOOD". Its impossible to attain universal brother hood without having Universal Fatherhood first. We all consider our own prophets , or true master as real one and other to be inferior then them, which is totally worng. Gid made men in his own image, but we are not able to give respect to others, We are getting divided by religion, but religion meand to unite not divide. It means we are follwing somthing wrong. We are dividing world into religion like Christainity, islam, hinduism, etc, but if we go deep and study we will find they teach the same things, there is no diffrence. They r actually not diffrent, but we this our community is better so we dont let other speak. To remove this we have to find out a way to spread voice oh humanism(true religion), Universal fatherhood, and ultimately universal Brotherhood.

    If someone want to discuss more you can contact me at

  • 1 decade ago

    Because this is the Religion/Spirituality category, and like you, everyone has an opinion or an honest answer or something just stupid to add to the mix. Ask a question/get an answer. May not always be what you want to hear. That's why you have the option of picking the best answer.

  • I agree completely. As you can imagine, since I am a Mormon, I get "slammed" as you put it by people all the time from the bible. I am also guilty of such things, but I hate the contention that comes from arguing over doctrine so much. In the Book of Mormon it says, "For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another.

    Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away. "(3 Nephi 11:29)

    I am grateful that someone else understands!

  • I agree too.

    I asked a question about Wicca and I got answers telling me that Wicca is "the worshipping of the Devil". Why do Christians do that?

    P.S.:I am a Christian that beleives on other religions too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Greed, Anger, Stupidity, Foolishness, Religious fanaticism, Power,

    Sex, Misunderstandings ....Thats all that comes to mind at the moment....

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