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lobo asked in Science & MathematicsPhysics · 1 decade ago

Time Travel?

If we gained the ability to travel in time, would it be too dangerous to use because of the chance of altering the future??

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    depends on how the universe is structured.

    Multiple timelines- whatever you do will not affect your line so do as you please...thus making time travel irrelevant anyway

    One line- in theory you could go back in time and kill your mother before you were born. but this means that you wil have never been born in the first place to travel back in time and kill her, so it would be impossible

    also, say you go back to kill hitler before the houlocaust. it never happens so you never actually learn about it later, thus not giving you a reason to go back in time to kill him

    confused yet?

    traveling into the future would give teh same complications. you visit yourself 40 years from now and find out your a burger flipper. you go back to your time and go to college so u dont end up that way. 40 years later you get visited by yourself and see that you're now a lawyer. you dont go to college because you werent planning to in the first place. you end up being a burger flipper anyway. its a never ending cycle

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think we could alter the future since it has not happened. Time travel deals with a different dimension than humans can understand. Some say the Bermuda Triangle or Dragon Triangle could hold secrets to time travel. Not many come out to tell about it though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps time travel is possible, some quantum theories suggest that the past is not static, meaning at any one moment every potential choice that can be made off-shoots from our current time-line to create another where by an infinite amount of us's exist. So if we were to travel back through time, that time-line would off-shoot from this one, so the future you came back to would not be in this time-line, maybe thats why nobody comes back!

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe so. Who says that the future is predestined? And who is also to say that our destiny is so confined to happening in one manner...

    Let's say that after you build your time machine you got so excited that you hopped in and floored it week. This entire time, even the time included in the moments you "change the future" are in a certain lineage of forward passing time. If we were predestined for a set future, that future could never be altered. If someone were to go into the future and do something which you say could "alter" the present, why not just say that going into the future to make that move was the REAL future that should come to pass? Catch my drift?

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  • 4 years ago

    I usually choose floor return and forth, yet for long journeys, air return and forth is plenty quicker, so i'm going to apply it if i'm in a huge hurry. i've got moved from the East Coast to the West Coast, and this variety of holiday takes approximately 4 or 5 days with the help of automobile, if i do no longer provide up long everywhere, yet there is plenty exciting ecosystem alongside the way that I omit with the help of air return and forth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let's say there are an infinite number of identical universes . If u "travel in time" , your native universe will continue to exist whit out you , they would have no way of telling if it worked , but u get in an identical universe in a different time . So , there u can't violate causality , cuz if u kill your grandma , your actually killing an identical version of her in a different universe , but not actually her .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we wud never be able to travel back in time n if future travel becomes a possibility the one travelling wud change others future but wud never realize the changes happened to him

    Source(s): Breif history of time - STEPHEN HAWKINGS What is relativity-
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes just think of all the different ways you could mess up the time line.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Kind of like death; no one has been able to come back and tell us what the real deal is.

  • 1 decade ago

    We can go to future but we can not go to past.

    Source(s): myself
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