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I need a car for dummies! Which cars are easiest to drive?

I am a lousy driver. I admit it. I need a car that's responsive so when I do something idiotic on the road, I have time to respond. I'm a lousy judge of distances, so I needs it to be fairly small and with an automatic transmission and power breaks and steering. anyone out there have an idea for me?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How often do you drive? Is that a reason why you're a poor judge while on the road? I suggest you practice more on the road, with equal time spent practicing highway and city driving. The more you drive, you will feel more comfortable behind the wheel, and you will make better judgements on the road.

    As far as choosing a car, I would go compact and front wheel drive. Focus on visibility - check the view from the driver's seat while looking out all windows, and the rear window. Make sure the pillars in the front corners don't obstruct your view at intersections.

    I used to have a Ford Focus, I found it fun and simple to drive. I'd say the best driving small car I've ever had was a VW New Beetle. Talk about responsive.

    Although you may not be a teen, here is an article regarding affordable, easy to drive cars:

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm going to jump on my soap box for a few minutes, because you have penned what I have seen to be a major problem on the roads.

    It is not the car. It is the driver that determines safety. A motor vehicle is a machine that only does what it's told to do.

    I would suggest that you check your local area for a driving school that offers a precision or performance driver training course. One thing they will teach is distance estimation. It is a skill that anyone can learn.

    The biggest problems with drivers are: 1. Lack of attention to their driving, (when behind the wheel, all of your attention should be on your driving, not your sound system, friends, nor CELL PHONE!) and 2. Lack of proper training. (most driver training programs teach minimal skills at best and unsafe techniques at worst. I.E. using the left foot for the brake in an automatic transmission equipped car is an accident waiting to happen.)

    Some of the dangerous things that I see people do on a daily basis are speeding, tail gating, not signaling turns and lane changes, cutting in too close after passing, not using mirrors, braking at the last moment for stopped traffic and not watching the traffic around them. A safe driver drives in a safe manner and watches for others NOT driving safely.

    Accident avoidance is primarily spotting POTENTIAL accident situations BEFORE they happen and doing a minor correction in YOUR driving so that the accident is avoided. I.E. 1. Seeing someone approaching an intersection fast and adjusting your speed slightly so that you don't arrive at the intersection at the same time. 2. Slowing down smoothly and early when approaching stopped traffic. NEVER run up on stopped traffic expecting your brakes to stop you at the last moment. A slick spot on the road, or a brake malfunction in your vehicle will ruin your day. You won't get there any faster speeding up to stopped traffic and braking at the last moment. You can't go before they do anyway!

    NEVER ASSUME that another driver will do the right thing!! When they prove you wrong it will get messy.

    A good driver must know AND USE safe driving techniques!!!

    Source(s): I am my own source in this matter. I have taught driving courses ranging from sports car racing techniques to police driving techniques to 18 wheeler driving for more than 35 years. I have raced SCCA for many years, spent many years behind the wheel of police cars and have more than 3 million accident and ticket free miles in 18 wheelers.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A Pontiac Sunfire? It gets good gas milage, it's a relatively small car, too. A good one if your like me and can't judge distances that well. (Although I'm a good driver)

  • Mike C
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    get a Honda Fit, it's a new car offered by Honda. Either that or a Civic or Corolla will fit your needs well, and you'll enjoy driving it for it's responsiveness.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you need a Hummer. That way you won't get hurt, but you will crush everything, and everyone, in sight. Make sure its the first one - the one that looks like an actual tank.


  • 1 decade ago

    4 cyl auto 2002 hyundai Sonata. I will sell you mine for $6000

  • junkee
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    think about taking some lessons to give you more confidence in your driving... i don't think the type of car will matter as long as it's small

  • 1 decade ago

    you shouldnt drive at all. If you admit to being a bad driver, you could hurt someone!

  • Ism
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Umm, I think it might be safer for everyone if you refrained from driving!!!

    There's no car out there that can correct for your lack of driving skills.

  • 1 decade ago

    you shouldn't get on the wheel then if you're that kind of driver! save your money and avoid car accident!

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