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rdnkchic2003 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Dog with bladder problems?

Our 6 month old puppy has a bladder problem. We thought he was peeing in the house and we'd just gotten him trained. I was noticing small spots, but not like he actually went in the house. Anyway, then we noticed when he got scolded this weekend, he peed in the floor. One of those small spots. We thought maybe he scared easy, cause he was only scolded for being too rowdy. Anyway, my husband was playing with him and rolled him on his back and he squirted pee. Then when I got home I went to pet him and we was excited and running around my feet and peed on my feet. It's obvious that he's sick, but now I'll have to wait until after the weekend to take him to the vet. It's not an emergency and he doesnt seem to be in any pain. Is there something we can do for him at home until we get him to a vet?


He's a 6 month old rott.

Update 2:

He was scolded for being too rowdy. Jumping around and jumping on our other dog and biting him. Yes he's a puppy, but that behavior must go on outside. He could knock something over or hurt himself.

Update 3:

Thanks everyone, but I was hoping I could take him to the vet and get a pill and I wouldnt find any more spots in the house lol

Update 4:

I certainly wasnt going to punish him for it, I was just hoping it was solved easier. Thanks.

Update 5:

He's actually like 5 and half months old. He's got a couple weeks left before we take him to be nutered

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    he's not sick. it's a behavior issue. it's submissive peeing. puppies and less dominant dogs do this alot. when they are dominated or excited, they pee. rolling him on his back puts him in a submissive posture, so he pees. he's excited to see you, so he pees. the only way to avoid it is to avoid the behaviors that trigger the peeing. so, when you come home, ignore him until he calms down. then pet him. try to not put him in a position that forces him to be submissive. he may grow out of it. what kind of dog is he? i have a lab, he's 1 1/2, and he still does this. but large breeds tend to mentally stay puppies longer. good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Some dogs do this, they twinkle a little bit or sometimes do a "full pee" when they get excited or scared. I wouldn't say it's a bladder problem, per se, more of just the dogs demeaner. My dog used to twinkle a little every time I got home and pet her, but she stopped. I think because it's a puppy, all emotions are still new to it, but the pup will grow out of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's PROBABLY not a medical issue. It's more likely submissive urination, which is behavioral. Lots of puppies and small dogs to it. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have your vet check a urine sample, just to make sure there is not blood, bacteria, etc present in the urine that is causing a problem like a bladder infection. Once the medical issue is ruled out, talk with a trainer or behaviorist about ways to work around the submissive urination. He may grow out of it once he grows more confident and learns more commands and where he stands in your household pack.

  • 1 decade ago

    They do not make a pill to cure submissive peeing. Your dog is not sick.

    He is peeing either from excitement or from being scared or submission.

    The best thing is to clean up the spots and not make a big deal out of it. When you come home try to not get him worked up and excited and get him outside first.

    Most grow out of this as they get older and more confident. Some do it only when you push them to do something they are afraid of or do not want to do.

    My male weim does it is he thinks he is going to get in trouble. He will lay down and flip over and squirt a little bit.

    I just clean it up and move on. Punishing him will not stop it.

    Source(s): I am a dog trainer
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's still a baby. And babies often pee when they get excited. I don't think it's anything to worry about. He will grow out of it. And also scolding him after the fact is not going to help him grow out of it. If you yell at him after he's already peed, he has no idea what you are yelling about. You need to catch him in the act. When you see that he is trying to pee in the house, you should give him a warning or a little tug on his collar and then bring him outside immediately.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if he is a small breed...most of them just do that. I had a weiner dog that always piddled a little when he got excited. My uncle has one too that does the same thing. I just got a 7 week old border collie and he pees sometimes when he is scared or excited. They are babies, it will happen, I dont think he has a problem though.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


    If your dog has behavioural problems and you want to train him, you can find a lot of good tips here

    I guess it's the sotware you need.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's is still young and excitable but he should be old enough to hold it. When he does his little pee do you take him outside to potty? Was he recently neutered?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i ve seen puppies pee like that hes little (like a child) nothing to take him to the vet

    I think he'll grow out of it

  • yes get those towels for puppies and put them all over the place

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