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Why are questions asking for homework help all spelt terribly wrong?

Since it would benefit both questioner and answerer if the question was both spelt correctly and all information was present. For the questioner, they will get a right answer. For the answerer, they will have the satisfaction being able to help solve a problem.

I ask politely, please be as clear and descriptive as possible when asking a question regarding homework help. I hope I have not offended anyone in this post.

Happy tutoring,



Ok, so spelt is wrong, spelled is correct.

Spelt is a wheat species somewhere.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    my brain works faster than my fingers at times. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Well for what it is worth, my best friend is brilliant but he can't spell worth a spit. His mind works on reason and principles of consistency, and the English language is such a hodgepodge of archaic spelling and words and roots from diverse foreign languages that it just never quite sinks in for him. He reads voraciously and has virtually perfect comprehension of everything that passes his eyes, and he had an IQ somewhere in the 140 range last time it was tested and he is college educated, so it is neither stupidity nor lack of education. Some people simply never discover the mental "Rosetta stone" which allows them to not only decode, but to encode the English language into its symbolic form.

    It is like me with advanced mathematics -- I did fine up through Intermediate Algebra in High School, but consistently failed or did very poorly in Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Calculus, and Statistics. I thought I must be pretty stupid, since no-one else seemed to be having trouble with these subjects. I had all but given up hope of pursuing an engineering career. But then I joined the Navy to take a breather from college, and in their schools they taught mathematics in a completely different way. Suddenly my mind was able to see how it all fit together and worked together to achieve the desired results. I had found my "Rosetta stone." After my stint in the Navy I went back to college, got A's in all my higher mathematics and engineering classes, and now I've been a practicing Electrical Engineer for about 20 years.

    So yes it would be nice if the questioners all spelled properly and used proper grammar and punctuation, but I'm not going to be a stickler about it. It does bother me, however "wn ppl uz abrvns" -- use a keyboard folks, leave the PDA and text-phone at home if they are so hard and slow to use (it sends the message that your time is so valuable that you can't be bothered to spend any time asking the question, but us poor slobs on Y!A should be expected to spend all the time in the world helping you for nothing). It also bothers me when questioners use excessive slang or simply make up slang words "and shizznit" (the english language is what it is, not something you change just for the hell of it). Writing is supposed to facilitate communications, not impede and prevent communication...

  • alisha
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No, i do no longer decide human beings from the blunders of their questions. I comprehend that there are those with distinctive languages and cultures around the international. to decide a guy or woman from his language or spelling isn't honest. i presumed right here we are meant to grant our comments on the themes raised by human beings, and not enter into very own judgments in accordance with how they be conscious their questions. no count if that's an exciting question yet i do no longer understand its gist after, say, 3 readings, then I pass it. Even questions devoid of spelling blunders many cases do no longer make experience on first reading, yet this does not mean that we could desire to consistently overlook approximately them or decide the folk who ask them. If we ought to study to overlook approximately spelling blunders yet wade by the widely used of a question, that's what could count. that's confusing, yet achieveable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lol. I have to say the level of the education in the US public school system is horribly lacking. I have never heard such bad grammar and speech. My personal favorites are:

    1) And so I says "What is your name?" I says

    2) I don't have no problem with that

    In conclusion, my hubby went to a public school here in Los Angeles, and then continued to a technical college. He has the reading ability of someone in the 8th grade. It's truly shocking.

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  • Jim
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Spelt or spelled are both acceptable in English.

  • 1 decade ago

    The people who come here to ask questions for homework are idiots so they don't know how to spell

  • 1 decade ago

    Well the people asking for homework help are usually middle school kids.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they are all high school and college students,so they only know how to communicate using Internet/text messaging short hand.

  • 1 decade ago

    Morons don't know how to use Spell Check

  • 1 decade ago

    It's the same reason they're asking for help in the first place. LOL

  • raj
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    one answer to your question is that English is not a phonetic language and like George Bernard Shaw said you write gh o ti and pronounce it as fish

    gh as in rough (f)

    o as i in women

    ti as sh as in tuition

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