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Christians prove God exists?

On this website I always see Christians asking Atheists to prove that God doesn't exists. But it seems that Christian never get a fair chance to prove God does exists, so Christians heres your chance, tell me about the proof you that you have that God exists. It has to been something that can be proven true or false, or logic that is based on something that can be proven true or false.


Up this point all you believers are dodging the question, if there is no proof in God just say it.

Update 2:

To Booth G, first off that doen't prove God exists. Also that can't be tested.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think that anyone (Christian, Athiest, Muslim, etc.) should have to prove anything. It's all about faith. If you believe something with all of your heart than you don't need any proof that it exists. People get too obsessed with trying to PROVE their point and PROVE that they're right. It's like they're trying to justify what they believe in. IF you're a Christian (which I am) spending so much time proving that you're right only takes your focus away from God, which is where it should always be.

  • 1 decade ago

    Like most questions on this board, this cannot be simply answered with a yes and a no. God has proven to exist, simply by the evidence given for Christianity as the only true religion. Why and How, you may ask. For God to exist, we essentially have to prove Christianity. In order to do that, three things must be proven as absolute truth. 1. Jesus is the Song of God 2. The Bible is absolute truth and 3. Jesus rose from the dead

    Without these 3 proven, Christianity is a myth and God is dead or never existed in the first place. One must consider though, that these have been proven and reliable sources have given physical proof, while also, logical reasoning and historical findings also have justified it to be absolute. One must also know that Christianity cannot be proven scientifically (and neither can you prove that you drank milk yesterday scientifically) but you can prove it HISTORICALLY (by eye wittness accounts, data, dna, blah blah) This can also be applied to Christianity which proves a God exists. I do not have enough room or the time to go through each of the 3 things (TOO MANY DETAILS) but for anyone who wishes to do further research and see how Christianity is the absolute and has been proven....YOU CAN READ "THE CASE FOR CHRIST" BY LEE STROBEL (who was an atheist at first and set off to disprove Christianity but what he got was evidence to support it. HAVE FUN.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can't prove God exist with a document or some sort of scientific explanation. I can only say that i have seen and been through things through out my life that science can't prove. And docctors don't know how it happened! I am a walking miracle. All my life i have been spared from death numerous times! i can tell you all day how much i know that God really does exist but it's up to you to believe! It's not something that you can just prove like proving 1+1=2! You would just really need an experience for yourself!

    Source(s): Grace and Peace!
  • 1 decade ago

    This comes up a couple hundred times a month.

    What kind of "proof" are you looking for? God tapping you on the shoulder and saying, "I am God"?

    Atheists always argue that pointing to the creation is not proof of God yet somehow in their twisted logic, the creation proves there is no God.

    The fact is, the creation is here and we can observe it. Atheists will always argue about this statement but another fact is that the burden of proof that there is no God is placed on the atheist.

    God is the cause because matter can not created itself neither could matter form itself into the universe that we see and observe. If a person believes in the "Big Bang", it still required a power to ignite the Big Bang. Life cannot come from lifeless chemicals; it requires life to produce life. Intelligence cannot create itself from non-intelligence.

    Atheists take a huge blind leap of faith to believe that matter created itself from which later produced life and intelligence from within itself. It is never explain how this occurred but will always fall back onto chance and the magical ingredient of time to have got it done.

    When a person keeps the focus on the origins of matter, life and intelligence, science draws a huge goose egg. Because science cannot explain origins, they have to revert to making up all kinds of senseless hypothesis to explain origins that have absolutely nothing to do with science but rather it falls into the category of philosophy.

    God is eternal and he was before time and before matter. God is spirit and is not made of matter and exists outside of matter. Matter is not eternal but rather was created by an eternal God of who is the source of matter, life and intelligence.

    Does this prove there is a God? Nope but people can chose to ignore the obvious evidence that points to a creator or resort to philosophy to try and explain why there is no God. Science cannot prove the existence of God neither can it prove the non-existence of God because science is outside of the realm of the spiritual and cannot explain origins without acknowledging a Higher Power that we call God.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Neither can be proved (Existence or Nonexistence)

    Religion is a matter of faith, thus not required to prove anything.

    See definition of faith:

    firm belief in something for which there is no proof

    Since Christianity is spiritually based, there is no way beyond faith to prove existence of spiritual matters while being limited to that of a physical world.

    So, God can neither be proved True or False. It all comes down to faith, which is an individual endeavor.

    Source(s): common sense
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Christian who doesn't think God exists. Does that count?

    I'm a Christian because I think that religion is just an argument for how people should live in society, expressed in mythological, symbolic language. I tend to be the most effective when I'm using the language of Christianity to express this argument. Thus, I am a Christian.

    However, I don't think that there is any proof or evidence for a real existence of anything that can be called God. Therefore, I lack a belief in a deity and am, by definition, an atheist.

    In short, I reject your challenge because I don't need to worry myself with trifles like questions of existence. Questions of importance and usefulness are far more valid. And God is both important and useful.

  • A*
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I look around and I see things that couldnt evolve and I dont see how people think they could. I could go on and on about different things but the fact remains that no matter what anyone says, you are going to believe what you want to. Its sad but I dont know how to change it. Things people take for granite, things like love, beauty, compassion, faith, grace... these I know came from God. How do you explain love to someone unless you have been in love or have been loved. How do you explain standing on Mt. Everest unless you been there. I could type any words and the fact remains that you still wont get it. I dont know how to explain it because its not all logical. I just know 100% in my heart that God exists and that is one thing that evolutionists can never say. I know you dont believe me but I know the truth and I hope you find it someday as well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    In regards to asking for a sign. Jesus had this to say. "Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying,Master,we would see a sign from thee. But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign;and there shall no sign be given to it..." Matthew 12:38,39.

    We humans are always looking for tangible proof, especially when it comes to faith and belief in a Supreme Being.

    It has a lot to do with faith. Read this passage from the book of Hebrews, chapter 11 verse 1. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

    Take a look at this . "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh,and whither it goeth..." John 3:8.

    The wind is one example of God's existence. Its there, we feel it, but do not know where it comes from or where it goes.

    Another, is gravity. We cannot see it, but it affects our daily lives. lt is one of four factors that makes airplanes fly! If you drop something, it falls! It is constant, it does not falter.

    Consider electricity. It controls just about everything we do!

    As it runs through wires and cables, we cannot see it! But it works our computers, televisions, radioes, cars, airplanes and so on. We know how to produce it, we can harness it. But, stick your finger in any working outlet and you will know its there! Yet, scientists cannot explain how it does what it does.

    We live on a basically round planet. Yet, no matter where you go in this world. We are walking upright! How do you explain that

    our planet rotates on its axis at more than 16 miles per second! Yet, there is no sensation of movement!

    How can you explain the fact that there are a limited number of stars over the North Pole? But, the Bible speaks of it. The reason.

    The Supreme Being wanted to prove Himself. Even though He did not have to do so!

    How is it that during the winter months, our Earth is about 2 million miles closer to the Sun, yet we don't burn up, and the climate grows colder. Think about that!

    " The heavens declare the glory of God;and the firmament sheweth his handywork." Psalms 19:1.

    How and who placed all the stars that we can see in the night sky? Who made the familiar constellations like the Big Dipper and Orion's Belt, etc. Who keeps them from crashing into each other?

    In the gospel of John, chapter 14 one of His apostles asks." Philip saith unto him, Lord shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not know me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath

    seen the Father..." Verses 8 and 9.

    You want to know if God exists! Jesus already answered your question!

    That is more than enough for me. How about you? The proof has already been presented to us!

    Jesus told a doubting Thomas, " because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet believed." John 20:29.

    You are blessed just for believing! Is that enough for you?

  • oldman
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm getting tired of hearing both believers and non believers attack each other while claiming to want peace in the world. You're like this and then condemn others for us being at war? why do you think we have war, how do you think they start? Because of intolerant, pig headed jerks who refuse to just live and let live.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not a christian. however, I pray to my god and I see him everywhere in this world. Where did u get the water from? where did u get your life from? where did u get your food from? where did u get oxygen from?? to sum it up.. how would you explain the very existence of all the ideal conditions in this world for human race to exist and multiply???

    Ofcourse, I do condemn people who say Jesus is the only god or Allah is the only one. well, to me god is existent in every nook and corner of the nature and every smile and tear of a toddler.. !! The meaning of Life to me is... "Life is not about attaining perfection, Its about dealing with all the imperfections within us and become better person(s)" and believe it or not.. its my own quote.

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