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You can't support the troops if you don't support the war, right?

Why do you hate America?

35 Answers

  • Phil S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well the troops have killed tens of thousands of men, women, and children. They have tortured prisoners. They even shot the tiger to death at the Baghdad zoo.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't hate America, i don't support the war but i do support the troops!

    They have gone into that war to defend their country as it is what they believe in!

    But Bush isnt doing anything to help the troops out there! He just pushes and pushes and the terrorists keep coming back! They just don't have a clue! I'm not saying i could do a better job! but i wouldn't of rushed in when we did and watch the bloodshed!

    My brother was sent to Iraq and he missed my 18th birthday while he was there! but he nearly missed every birthday as i bomb got dropped on there base, luckily the soldier's were training!

    He also got caught in a ambush and 3 of his friends got killed including his best friend who he had known since school!

    So i think i have answered well enough for you! as if what you were saying is true then it would mean i don't support my brother! and i sure as hell do!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate the war, but I do support the troops

  • 1 decade ago

    There are two parts to both the military and the war. The troops and their officers are the uniform military part of both. Those troops and their officers are under the authority of civilian leadership. Nobody has a problem with our uniform military, wants them hurt, or anything of the sort.

    The problem is the civilian leadership, the ones with authority over the uniform military, who also happen to be the people behind the war. These things are not one and the same. The civilian leadership are politicians who do things for political reasons. Including sending our uniform military to fight in wars. The uniform military fight when they're told to fight because that's the job.

    War is sad, ugly, dangerous and awful and there are a tiny few who don't respect the strength and courage of the uniform military. Unfortunately, if the civilian leadership of the military sends the troops to fight a war for political reasons, one of the reasons they do this is because they-the civilian leadership-are among that tiny few that doesn't know how sad, ugly, dangerous and awful war is and they don't understand how valuable the courage and strength of the uniform military is.

    Quite frankly, if much thought is put into it how anyone can support the troops and support THIS war?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, you can disagree with the purposes behind the war on terror and or how the war has been handled. You can write to your representatives expressing your opposition.

    At the same time you can support the troops by publicly supporting their efforts and the work they are doing even if you don't agree with why they are doing it.

    War protests lower the moral of the troops and do nothing to end the war sooner.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't hate America. I hate Bush's politics. And you are wrong, I think. If you are against the war successfully, the troops will stay alive. What better support could they want?

  • Liz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I support the troops, but not the war. It is kind of confusing and hard to explain, but I don't approve of this war while I do support our men and women. They are just doing the duty that they signed up for. They can't help that they have to participate in this awful war. They deserve all the love and support that they can get. And, I don't hate America. Just certain things the government does.

    Source(s): Myself, my opinions, and the fact that I'm the proud girlfriend of a United States Marine currently in Iraq.
  • 1 decade ago

    Bush is the reason we are fighting this senseless war and going into debt. He is a money hungry,power thirsty fool who does not care about life or the U.S. Citizens for that matter,or our opinion. If he did he would look at the polls and know less than 30% agree with this war. All he knows how to say is stay the course",without any further plan. He lied about so many things,and everyone knows he is a war monger like his dad. All in it for the money!!!

    The Troops are just good guys getting screwed royaly by our Politicians. Trust me I know. My husbands been gone a year in Iraq,gets home in Nov. and missed alot of seeing his 3 little girls growing up, his friends getting killed,and all for this senseless war.

    Source(s): Hubby's 4th Deployment,and this ONE and only time it is senseless. He had to go,Good ole Dubya' sent him.
  • 1 decade ago

    You can support our troops and still not agree on the war. But for me our troops are doing a great job i am so proud of them.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can support the troops without supporting the war. This seems obvious. You can want to the troops to be home and alive. That is supportive and not pro-war. Saying that anyone who doesn't support the war hates America is silly. Grow up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually I can. I support their right to live, to come home to their families. I support our soldiers and their right to see their children grow up rather than force them to stay there and die over what has become a CIVIL war. How supportive of our troops is it to ask them to sacrifice their lives for something that doesn't involve us?

    Those men and women joined to be able to protect OUR country. They joined to protect the way of life of their families and the right of their families and communities to survive. They did NOT join to die over which religious faction ends up with ultimate power in some foriegn country.

    Bush wants a certain sector in power because that's the one HE likes, regardless of what the Iraqi people want. That makes all his mantra about a democraticly elected government complete and total bull. Democratically elected means that the PEOPLE choose who will lead them, not the President of another country on the other side of an ocean.

    I don't hate America. I admit I am NOT fond of it's current President, but I love the nation as it was created to be. I support our troops. They won the war. They disposed a genocidal tyrant. They have succeeded in their mission to protect America from risk. Now I support them in their right to come home and live long and happy lives. They should NOT be kept over there so that Bush can decide who will rule Iraq's next government and they should not be kept over there so that they are close and "handy" when Bush decides to attack someone else. They have mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters... etc. Support your troops. Bring them HOME!!!

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