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Advice for a career-related ethics dilemma?

I work have worked in mgt for two years for a small business. The owner would like to retire, but keep the business and has offered to have me run it entirely(as an employee not an owner).

I like the business very much and think I will succeed. However, my family has been tossing around a relocation out of state in a year or so.

In mentioning this possibility to my employer, it could affect the decision to give me this major promotion. However, in not mentioning it, I will make things very difficult for him if I do choose to relocate.

He has been very generous and good to me as an employer, which makes me feel like I should tell him. My husband feels that I shouldn't because we have no definitive plans. Thoughts?



Very clever. However, comparing a recreational forum such as YA to a career choice that has the real potential to affect several people is not really valid. Cute though.

5 Answers

  • 75160
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tough one. As the owner of a small business, I would like to know if the person I was depending on was planning to leave in the near future and yes it would effect my decision. I guess I would have to say since your plans are really not set, you would be better off not mentioning it. If you are promoted and in a few years need to move on, then it is time for the owner to step back in at least until he can find a replacement for you. In the mean time, while you are there, it is a good situation for both of you.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have made no firm decision to leave. Families toss around ideas like moving quite often. Further, a major promotion may factor into your decision as to whether to move. Finally, your employer has not yet offered you the position.

    I see no ethical need to share your families tentative plans. If your boss does offer you this promotion down the road, you need to revisit this issue. If you cannot make a reasonably firm comittment to stay with your firm (given you will be running the company for its owner) for two to three years, you should inform your boss at that time why you might not be the right person for the job.

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your husband is right. You shouldn't say anything to your boss on a 'maybe', or a what if we decide to move? When you have something concrete just make sure you give your boss plenty of notice and you have time to train someone else.

    Source(s): shaman in training
  • 1 decade ago

    Unless he asks for a commitment, you should feel free keeping the private information to yourself, both because you may change your mind down the road and because you haven't been asked for a commitment.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm undecided that i may be of plenty help yet i think of that one and all strikes of any individual are stimulated ethics, company, and verbal replace. you should to ask somebody who's a scientific assistant.

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