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WHEN WILL U THINK RACIsm will stop..or will it ever stop at a certain point!!!!!!!!!!

32 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It will stop when everyone realizes we are all the same race - the human race.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's been my hope that we evolve out the need to create such horrible division lines between each other.

    I honestly think that it won't. Its a primal instinct to select a "weaker person" [ real or not] and pick on them.

    Serious physiological group test have been done from the 40's and most accurately in the 1960's that prove once a "thought" has been planted, its harder to remove it and reprogram the person or this case a Child. The famous case dealt with 2nd graders and "eye color" as the point of reference for the prejudice. The "Brown eyes" as the children were referred too were the target for disdain and it escalated on its own, by children, just by saying once by an authority figure that these "those brown eyes are just not as good as us". Left to observe the children by remote cameras, in less than two hours their was complete isolation and fist fights. A complete breakdown of values and it was just shocking- these are kids.

    So that is not just a social programming at work here. Its a primal thing as well.

    Animals "do it" just not socially, they normally just kill them for no reason. The Alpha will pick on one and the rest will follow and try to kill it, I have seen this first hand with dogs and horses ( yes horses). IT really freaks a person out, when its actually people.

    A perfect example of this is teen age girls. They rule the roost in most schools and can boast, bomb and burn other girls in a single day. The oftern befriend a girl to find her weakness to tear her down to build their egos up. Its really true. Sad enough.

    SO Racism is a byproduct of that, its so easy to just say the color of your skin or your religion is the target for hate. Its sad to think that people waste so much hate on each other, when that same energy in love would change the face of the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Racism might stop some point way down the line, but the problem is that it seems that there will always be deviding lines between cultures or peoples that groups will exploit to create" an "us" and a "them". It can be through religion, region of birth, dialect, etc. It's been a problem with societies since the beginning of time, and it's a part of human nature. The energy for that act will migrate somewhere, we can do all we can to dampen it, but it will continue to be there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wishful thinking.. Racism has existed since the beginning of time and it will ONLY get worse as time goes on.. wouldn't it be great to live in a world without racism?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Racism will take on a new meaning if we are attacked by aliens. Until then I think people will continue to be racist. Education and economic opportunity will reduce racism but not totally eliminate it... there will always be some mentally ill among us.

  • 1 decade ago

    well when some people really want it to stop they will stop on it and think that u don't judge a book by its cover also u don't know what they went through or how their life is. so why judge them if u don't know them at all. will u like to be judge for no reason just cause you r mexican,latino,american, liberian,african american,chinese,janpanese or what color your skin is u don't have a clue about them thier life is like also don't know what they r all about.don't matter what skin color is u should respect and understand that they have a life too and the right to speak whatever on their mind.freedom of speach and this is a free country.before u judge someone from different color u should be in their shoe first by going through what they been through.

    Source(s): my brian
  • 1 decade ago

    One of these days we will all be one big mix like a cream color then racism will be over. But then people will just hate each other for another reason. Hate is what keeps the ignorant going

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont know girl. i would like to say i could stop if people wasnt teaching it. meaning, from old fashion parent, friends even in history books.lets keep hope alive. for all you races of color stop learning the wrong thing (racism) from the white man we need to stick to gather if we are going to beat this

    PS the reason i said history books is cause i didnt know a thing about it until my history class. had a family that loved every race they came across

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hope it stop cause I go thru raceism my self at a point of my life

    but I think it's not going to stop. cause it still goes on today for

    all these years and it's still going on that's really sad how people

    are these days all I can say the world is getting woser and woser

    but that day is coming soon and be ready for it it's so much in

    this world today it is so sad.

  • 1 decade ago

    It never will! Everybody is racist to some degree. Some more than others. So like it or not, we ALL are. So no it will never disappear. The only time that will happen is if we were all identical in race, color, religion, political ideas, sexual orientation, etc. That will never happen. Lets hope we are never all the same! Cause the world would be a pretty boring place if we were.

  • 1 decade ago

    Racism has always been with us and always will. We of every race, creed ,color,etc all practice it.Those that say they don't are blind or liars or both.It's as much a part of the human being as any other trait.Will it ever stop? that's a sophomoric dream.

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