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Sweetask asked in Dining OutOther - Dining Out · 1 decade ago

How can I get better service in restaurants?

I just moved to a new area and every single restaurant I have been to treats me like crap and I receive awful service. I am friendly to the waiters and treat them nicely. I tip as well as I receive (not too awful, not too large). I don't understand what the problem is. I am not one to complain to management but whats the problem here? Isn't it their job to treat people respectfully?

How should I handle this?


Its the first time I have been to some of the restaurants and they treat me like crap or mess my order up completely.

Update 2:

Oh and I live in a really small town so there aren't very many places to eat here. Its so infuriating.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think the whole service industry has gone downhill, not all, but a lot of it.... I see the same crap even the places that know us......

  • 1 decade ago

    It's probably the restaurants you're going to, not you personally. There are some places here that have amazing service, even if the food isn't that great, and then some restaurants where the waiters are AWFUL (one time I asked the waitress to repeat the specials, and she gave me the hugest pissed-off look, sighed in annoyance, and repeated them). I hear from friends who eat out a lot, though (and I don't know if just applies to LA, but it seems like it makes sense), that couples tend to get better service. You should try that next time...just bring a friend of the opposite sex if you're not dating anyone. Waiters see couples and think that the guy will lay big tips to impress the girl, so that gives them incentive to treat you better (if they don't already treat you well).

  • 1 decade ago

    I would look at two areas:

    1) where do you live? I get amazing service almost always! I live in the southern U.S.

    2) what vibe are you putting out. If you are putting pressure on the servers, that will get you snapped at. You say you are friendly, but are you being demanding or something? If not, then it is probably where you are living or the specific places you are visiting.

    Finally, I do agree with the other poster saying that service has declined a bit overall (in the U.S.). I attribute this to a wealthy society where food service is frowned upon: it used to be a somewhat more acceptable and respected industry. These days, it seems that anything that isn't 6 figures is something that everyone hates to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is a servers job to treat everyone respectfully and give good service. Strange you've had this experience at so many restaurants ! I would complain to management if this happens again. This from a server.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I had waitresses who would complain about tips. I'd have customers who complain about said waitresses. I'd have to sit down and talk to the servers and say they got bad reviews, and if they wanted tips to be higher, they'd actually have to TRY HARDER. They can be extremely lazy. I know when I was a waitress I ran my butt off trying to please everyone, usually for a buck or two for a tip. But it was still my job to please everyone and be friendly even though sweat was dripping down my back.

    And when you become a regular, we already know what we're going to get off your table. But should still do our job. And this was in a small town too. Word gets around fast.

    Yes, when you pay, ask to speak to the manager/owner. The only way I could change things was when I knew there was a problem, not after the customer left already.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    go to a nice place that is NOT a chain restaurant and call to make a reservation and tell them it is your first time and a special occasion and you can always request a better server. If you find someone you like, take their name and you can always ask for them. But you wont find good service in family/diner style restaurants. you need to go somewhere a little more upscale and classy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because you are of those people who sends out invisible vibes that you NEVER complain. maybe the vibes get more active whenever you are inside restaurants and people around you feel this vibe and as a result you get poor service :)

    seriously, you sound like a decent customer and as such, you have the right to get good service just like the rest of the consumer world. if you feel that you did not get what is accorded to you, tell it to the manager or whoever is in charge.

  • 1 decade ago

    I might be your attitude cause I don't have that problem. Also you said: I just moved to a new area and every single restaurant I have been to treats me like crap and I receive awful service

    So it maybe you..............sorry

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe since it's a small town, they haven't gotten to know you yet. And, seriously, I have noticed a sharp decline in service everywhere I am. I used to tip decently, but now, if I don't get service, they get tipped very poorly.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't let it bother you, but if you are treated rudely tip low or don't tip at all. & do not eat there again. Leave a note with your tip or no tip on that they should be nicer if they want to be tip better or at all.

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