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Muslim political and religious leaders around the world have been reacting to a speech by Pope Benedict XVI?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What is your question?‎

    Never the less, I will tell you one side of it.‎

    A man like this Pop should try for peace and call for more understanding and dialog ‎among all nations and religions, but his statement reflects hate and support for global ‎religious war.‎

    More over, for example, he said that prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has encouraged the ‎spread of Islam by the sword...this is a stupid statement, as our great prophet, during 23 ‎years of His prophhihood, was engaged in 63 battles with which He has united the Arab ‎in one strong country. In those 63 battles, only 386 people were killed from both sides..‎

    How many were killed during the war between Protestants and Catholics...????????? 40 ‎‎% 0f the population of Europe were slaughtered, by, Christians...‎

  • Dusty
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    And the Muslim leaders are offended? To friggin bad, they endorse violence and I suppose every little thing said will be twisted to start trouble. Maybe if they really acted in a way God wants people to act we can all get along. I'm Catholic and hear stuff said about my religion, but I don't believe in going out and killing as many people as I can. I guess they'll go looking for another building to bomb or innocent people to behead. I'm not talking about those millions of good God fearing Muslims, just the ones that start trouble all the time. They only end up getting a lot of people killed, including their own.

    Source(s): Everyday life.
  • 5 years ago

    now provide up making excuses..... The pope additionally quoted a 14th-century Byzantine emperor who reported concepts presented by ability of the Prophet Mohammed have been "evil and inhuman,,, why quote what some individual reported seven hundred years in the past. if pope quite needed peace between christians and muslims,, then whats the pick of quoting that ??? why to not quote what different non-muslims says approximately Muhammad pbuh. "His readiness to undergo persecutions for his ideals, the severe ethical character of the adult males who believed in him and regarded as much as him as chief, and the greatness of his terrific fulfillment - all argue his standard integrity. To assume Muhammad an impostor will boost greater issues than it solves. in addition to, not one of the excellent figures of historical past is so poorly favourite interior the West as Muhammad." [W. Bernard Law Montgomery Watt, MOHAMMAD AT MECCA, Oxford, 1953, p. fifty two.] "Muhammad became the soul of kindness, and his impact became felt and not in any respect forgotten by ability of those around him." [Diwan Chand Sharma, The Prophets of the East, Calcutta 1935, p. l 22.]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And here I am trying to fix the booboo.

    Conjugial Love 115.

    The second Memorable Relation:

    Awaking from sleep at midnight, I saw, on an eminence towards the east, an angel holding in his right hand a paper which, from the inflowing light of the sun, was seen in a bright radiance. On the middle of the paper was a writing in letters of gold; and I saw written there: THE MARRIAGE OF GOOD AND TRUTH. From this writing flashed a splendor which spread out in a wide circle around the paper so that the circle or ambit seemed like the dawn as seen in spring-time. After this, I saw the angel descending with the paper in his hand. And as he descended, the paper seemed less and less bright, and the writing, which was THE MARRIAGE OF GOOD AND TRUTH, changed from the color of gold to that of silver, then to that of copper, afterwards to that of iron, and finally to that of iron and copper rust. Finally, the angel was seen to enter a dark cloud and to descend through the cloud and alight upon the earth. There the paper, though still held in his hand, was no longer visible. This was in the world of spirits where all men first come together after death.

    [2] The angel then spoke to me, saying, "Ask those who come hither whether they see me or see anything in my hand." A great number of spirits was approaching, one company from the east, one from the south, one from the west, and one from the north; and I asked those who came from the east and the south, being those who in the world had been in the pursuit of learning whether they saw any one with me in this place, and anything in his hand. They all said that they saw nothing at all. I then asked those who came from the west and the north, being those who in the world had put faith in the words of the learned. They also said that they saw nothing. But after those in front had gone away, those in the rear, being those who in the world had been in simple faith from charity, or in some truth from good, said that they saw a man with a paper--a man in becoming apparel and a paper upon which, on closer view, they traced letters. Bringing their eyes still closer, they said that they read, THE MARRIAGE OF GOOD AND TRUTH.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Muslims are reacting the same way that secular humanists react when they hear the truth, neither of them can handle the truth because they would have to admit that they are wrong and Allah is a butt hole of a god.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here is a link to the English translation of the Pope's controversial speech:

    With love in Christ.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Uh? Did yo just get here?

    Yea, the Pope merely stated that if the the Muslims don't quit blowng themselves up theer won't be enough virgins in heaven to go around...simply supply and demand...

    I don't think the Mussies understand ecomonics.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just a short message to poki poki, as probably a cowardly Muslim he isn't even brave enough to put his email on.why defend a religion that beheads women fgs.there was a English women beheaded in Iraq and you defend that.are you sick or something.i suppose mohammed marrying little girls is ok too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wonder how muslims are spread in the whole world.

  • mido
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Do you think they should just keep their mouth shut while their prophet was insulted?

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