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If I decide to move to Mexico, will I have to learn Spanish?

If so, why? They move to the U.S. but don't learn our language so it should go both ways, right? If you don't agree, why not then??? Back it up baby!!


Bill G - my point exactly. If I move to another country, I'm going to try 100% to learn that language. No country is going to cater to me so I don't have to learn their language.

And to the idiot that said they learn English in h.s. - LOL YEAH RIGHT!!! That's why they all speak it so fluently here, right?

Update 2:

PS - no attitude just the facts ma'me...

ya know, make people think...

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, don't do it! Gather up a bunch of people from the states and march in their streets, demanding your right to have everyone speak English to you. Don't forget to demand voting rights and welfare; and WHATEVER you do, don't forget to wave the USA flag when your group is marching. Remind them of how lucky they are and how they would be nothing without millions of us being there illegally.

    Oh, but wait--bad idea! THEY can march and wave the Mexican flag here, but WE can't do the same there. Non-citizens are not allowed to participate in ANY kind of political discourse over there. Marching could get us a hefty fine and land us in jail for several years. So much for fairness.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, the countries are different because, frankly, we in the US are much nicer than people in most other countries.

    So, while some of you are really ornery, there are enough nice people who like the Mexicans and help them out, just because they are fellow humans.

    This is good for us, not bad for us. I mean we are a good people, fiends here on YA to the contrary.

    Now, on to your question. The Mexicans do learn English, UNLESS they live in places where everyone speaks Spanish, such as parts of Chicago; New York City; or Los Angeles, or along the border here in Texas where I am now.

    So, if you have the money to live where the rich expats live in Mexico, such as Ajijic or San Miguel Allende, where a lot of people live close to each other, you really don't have to learn Spanish.

    Most of you would not stay in Mexico. I know because many people move there during retirement, and almost all of them are back within two years. Those who do stay long-term almost always learn to speak Spanish.

    Another item. I realize public school kids really don't learn much useful history, too busy with dildo class; gay sensitivity; and feminist bogus history. But, in the 19th Century (That's the 1800's for you public school students) the Irish and Germans and others, ancestors of most of us today, faced the same hatred you give the Mexicans today.

    And, don't fool yourself that they had illegals in those days. Not so many because in those days we let in large numbers of immigrants. the problem today is we really don't let in enough, so they say S***w you, and come in without permission.

    The first generation immigrants also had the same problem of living among their own language, but their kids almost always assimilated. Today, the illegals can't assimilate because they are illegal and don't dare hang around other people much or they will get deported.

    If we accept them as residents, they will start to assimilate very fast.

    Source(s): I know illegals both in the US and in their homes in Mexico when they return.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, I have been to Mexico visiting many times and many Mexicans speak English. You could get by without speaking Spanish, but its easier to know the language if you decide to live there....My husband grew up in Mexico and he had to learn English, his English/Grammar is better than some American's I know!

  • 1 decade ago

    I lived in Germany 7 years in the army I learned to speak German so I am a big fan of them learning our language. Be they Mexican Russian or whatever.. The US language is English has been since the beginning.. I don't think its going to change anytime soon. But yes I think if you go to Mexico learn Spanish they talk bad about you if you don't :)) and you wont know it..

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know about anyone else, but if "I" moved to another

    country and didn't know their language, I would learn. Think about it. You need to know about money, understanding what people are saying to you, and questions you may have for "them." I mean, what if you give someone 10.00 dollars for something that is $6.00 and this person knows you don't know what you're doing?

    Or what if you get lost and need directions, how will you ask if you don't speak their language? Yeah, move? Learn.

    Source(s): opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you!!! lol If I were moving to Mexico I would learn there language,only makes sense. I just don't understand why they want to come to the U.S. and not learn English. I see that all the time, I live in Texas.

    Source(s): :)
  • 1 decade ago

    There are American citizens in Jalisco.Some can speak a little Spanish,some can't or won't.It's a matter of common-sense

    Immigrants will learn English.Do you expect the first generation to master a reasonable level of proficiency in English?They are too busy trying to make a buck.(BTW,most of them have no intention to stay.)What about the reasonably educated American expats and their lousy Spanish skills?No one complains. are the typical monolingual american (spoiled)brat

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope, there is a large population of Japanese people living in Mexico and they don't need to learn spanish. Actually English is mandatory learning in Mexican Schools. It may be only a couple of semesters but its something.

    Now take your inciteful self back under your rock

  • 1 decade ago

    I´m from mexico ( and l live in mexico) and I believe that if you want to move to another country you MUST speak it´s language.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    LOL You are right. are right. As a matter of fact, what do you think would happen if we went into their country illegally? hahaha We would be taken behind a mud hut and shot to death I'm sure.

    Don't let the sad little stories of their "Poor Country" fool you...its all a bunch of BS.

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