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Can they do this?

I am going to beauty school. I have paid it 100% in full. The past few months I have missed a lot of school. Not by choice. Both of my children have been very ill. When the kids are ill Im not able to take them to daycare of course. My hubby cant stay home with them while I go to school, because he is the bread winner of the family.

My question is, can they drop me for this? Even if I bring in doctors notes, and have proof that Im not just messing around. There are times I do not take them to the doctor because it does get expensive, and half the time they really dont need to go, because they cant do anything for them. And if they do drop me, what can I do about it?


wasnt sure where to post this question.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That depends on the contract you signed with the beauty school. In your case, I'm betting they'll work with you because you're giving valid excuses for missing classes, and I'm betting the contract you signed states that they agree to give you a certain number of hours of instruction in exchange for whatever you paid in school tuition/fees. They would also be taking a big risk if they dropped you because word-of-mouth advertising is the most powerful, so you could easily give the school a bad reputation if you were dropped. You may want to go back and look at that agreement you signed though. There may be a provision that says they can drop you if you have too many unexcused absences, or they may even have something very subjective in there like "if the school feels that you are not making satisfactory effort or progress" or something like that.

    Source(s): 13+ years experience as a paralegal specialist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "They" can do anything that "they" want to do. Don't believe me. Just wait a few years you will see.

    If your kids are ill when you get a job, you could lose your job if you do not work enough. Sure would like to hear the schools side of this.

    Why post the question on here. I bet you are looking for sympathy. If your husband is the bread winner stay home and raise the kids. That should be your job. My mother did, then she went to college and became a teacher.

  • 1 decade ago

    Attendance is important to succeed. In you case, you had valid reasons to be absent, but most schools have a drop date (usually 2 weeks after class starts) to drop the course without penalty and you can retake it at your own pace. Having missed many classes it will dilute the quality of the degree if they just passed you. I empathise with you, but that is how it works.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure they can drop you. Is not like Grammer School or High School where you can make it up. You have missed too much, so there is probably not enought time for you to make up the credits. So you might have to start all over again and probably pay again.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My school would drop with ten absences, and it was made clear to us when we enrolled. I'm sure your school did the same. If they have a policy, and you broke it, they can drop you. Matters not if you paid in full or took out a loan.

  • 1 decade ago

    Likely, they can. Read everything you signed when you signed up, the rules, etc.

    If you have everything recorded, along with doctor's notes and all, you can always ask them if they will apply your tuition, in part or full, to starting over. Good Luck!

  • Jim G
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Getting an attorney is expensive. Take them to Small Claims Court and try to get your money back.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't see why they couldn't throw you out for excessive absences. The best thing to do is to go speak to the administration and explain your situation. Tell them you have children and stuff. tell them you would like to stretch your courseload out over an extra semester. Maybe they will buy it.

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