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Would you vote for an interactive govenment?

If a govenment was set to allow the public to be part of every desicion process would you vote them in? In other words every new policy and new law would only be made if the public voted in favour of it. It could be set up to allow free phone call votes, text messages and online voting.

Or would it fail as popularist views are not always the best.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably more of a true Republic than a true democracy.

    I propsed a similar concept except all WE the people did, was hold VETO power, except for capital punishment and amendments to the constitution.

    The problme here, however, is it may almost be impossible to pass revenue laws.

    We want to take money out of your pay check to finance things.

    All in favor of giving 20% to government raise you hand.

    Ah you can raise your hand now

    Ah I mean is is the vote time.

    Do you under, raise your hand if you WANT this

    Do you guys hear me out there? No one seems to be raising their hand!

    Also understand that the US, for example, is 90-98% religious. IF a law was proposed allowing a specific prayer in school, by popular vote it might pass, Atheists be damned!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ever hear the too many cooks spoil the broth?

    OUR system has worked for over 200 years why F with it

    Don't like the way it works protest the election process do not vote show the Bastards

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is what is known as a true democracy (as opposed to the standard representative democracy). In the past it hasn't worked because it requires way too much organization, but it may work now due to computer technology. However, I'm not at all sure if it would be better than a representative democracy. And I'm SURE it wouldn't be better than a meritocracy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would vote for it. You might be surprised at just how conservative our country really is. Why do you think libs always have to hijack the law with a liberal judges ruling? It's the only way they can control anything, which is also the reason they tried to block and still have some of GWB's judicial nominees. If they hold out long enough, eventually, a liberal Prez will get elected and fill the positions with liberal judges. Libs play dirty pool.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is called a pure democracy, and history has shown time and time again that it is a TOTAL FAILURE, and our founding fathers KNEW this, that's why we have a Constitutional Republic instead. So to answer your question, absolutely NOOOOOOOO!

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