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NBC., Madonna set to mock the Crucifixion. Christians anwser only.?

If you don't agree with this go to and help send one million e:mails asking NBC to show Christians the same respect they show other religions. Sign your Petition if you don't agree with the her mocking the Crucifixtion. Video is also available at

Take care.

18 Answers

  • BAnne
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Eh, who cares. Madonna is just trying to stir up some religious folks. I could care less. BUT could you imagine the outrage if she was hung naked on a Islamic Crescent?

  • 1 decade ago

    We as christians have no rights in todays society everyone thinks it's okay just change the channel. Well they are wrong, should we just change the channel when someone is being gunned down by a police officer and they think it's just because of the color of their skin. GOD and loves them all he examines your heart not the color of your skin, how much money you have or don't,and that is why he sent his word rapped in flesh, his son to die for our sins on that cross so that not one person should die but have everlasting life. He suffered and this is why we as christians do not want to have madonna mock the "Crucifixion" she doesn't even know what it's about she needs to have compassion towards others so far she has mocked every faith. This is not what we would hope that a celeb. would do with their GOD given talent. Ihope that more people get the big picture here and take stand for once and let your voices be heard we are a free country not just for the few who want to mock everything but for the rest of us who want to perseve values as well. thank you!

    Source(s): THE BIBLE and /
  • 1 decade ago

    Don't worry to much about Madonna. She has demons influencing her, and she loves God and prays regularly.

    Soon her demons will be expelled, and God will give her her mother back in the resurrection.

    There is more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents, than 99 righteous ones.

    Luke 13:16 Was it not due, then, for this woman who is a daughter of Abraham, and whom Satan held bound, look 18 years, to be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?

    Jesus and Elijah are about to come on the world scene and turn this world up-side down.

    Source(s): Bible, Holy Spirit, Divine Revelation as a prophet.. There is nothing secret that will not be revealed!! Praise Jehovah the God of the Universe!! Hail earth's new King, the King of the Universe, Jesus Christ, as Satan has been abyssed!! Welcome Jesus angel wife, the true Queen of Heaven!! Rejoice Kingdom bride class of Jesus, your government is about to rule!! Daniel 2:44 Honor the chosen Elijah, Scott Stapp.
  • 1 decade ago

    If Christians want the same respect from a network that other religions are getting, they need to take Sunday morning church services off programming. They don't have mosque or synagogue services on the air.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Who cares about this, really? Madonna is a shameless self-promoter. She is old now and has a kid and just wants to shock people. She will love those emails and may use them to sell more records. Seriously, just ignore her so she can go away.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    '...asking NBC to show Christians the same respect they show other religions'.

    The same way that Christians show respect for other religions? You mean by saying that they're all wrong and all going to hell? Ok, I'm down with that...

  • 1 decade ago

    Not ALL of them show other religions respect and Madonna has the right to free speech too......You can always change the channel.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's a suggestion: don't watch the f*cking show. Maybe some people wanna watch that dried up old hag...

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I agree with Beth here. Imagine if she insulted some sort of Islamic icon. I suppose she only dares to insult Christians as she knows that she can get away with it and that we won't burn effigies of her or call for her to be murdered. What a sad world we live in!

  • 1 decade ago

    Since when have conservative Christians enjoyed Madonna concerts anyway?

    Watch something else!

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