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CSI fans -Do you know about Catherine?

I missed seeing, way back in the beginning of CSI, how Willows went from being a stripper to being a forensics expert. Will someone please fill me in?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They never actually showed her go from a stripper to a CSI, it was only talked about. When the show started, she was already a CSI with the Las Vegas Police. She wound up in Vegas after her parents were forced to sell their ranch home and told her that she was on her own. She started off waiting tables and got into stripping because she could make more money. She spent all the money on school and helping to finance her ex husband's music-producing career. When Eddie left her, she had no money, a drug habit, and a daughter to care for. She decided that for her daughter's sake she'd get her life straightened out and become a CSI, mainly for the fact that it makes her feel like a kid solving puzzles.

  • 1 decade ago

    There was one episode where Catherine meets another police officer in a bar and refers to him as her "mentor." Apparently she knew him when she was a stripper and it appeared that he may have encouraged her to finish school and get into law enforcement. I don't remember the name of the episode, but it has to do with the execution of the guy who supposedly murdered another stripper who was one of Catherine's best friends, and he openly stated before he died that he didn't do it. As a result, Catherine re-opened the investigation and learned a few rather unnerving facts...won't spoil it for you though...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    since CSI tends to overlook the finer points of a plot, from what I gather she decided to change her life and did something new. It may have been after one of her dancer friends was murdered...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There was a cop that looked out for her when she was a dancer and he used to tell her about his cases and she got interested in criminal justince, went to school and became a CSI.

    Later he was arrested for the murder of her friend & fellow dancer that he wanted to marry but she didn't see it that way and feeling rejected he killed her & tried to set up a bartender.

  • 1 decade ago

    They never showed but it seems she does have a habit of getting drunk and ending up in some stranger's bed. On one seasn she woke up and the guy was dead now this season she comes to in a skeezy hotel.

  • 1 decade ago

    Although they never actually say it... I think it had something to do with her young daughter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im not sure too..but you can checked this site out..hope i helped.=)

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