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Favorite Answers13%
  • Help me win the BET! How does Google Earth get their "Streetview" perspective?

    My friend and I have a disagreement about how they get those street know the feature where you can zoom down, turn back and forth and it looks like you're standing right in front of your house (or whatever place you choose to fly to)?

    My friend foolishly thinks that Google actually had people go around every location in the world with a 360 degree camera and take videos. I maintain that that is impossible or, if remotely possible would take YEARS to complete and that it is all done by satellite. Please settle our dispute as a lobster and prime rib dinner is riding on this!

    1 AnswerGoogle1 decade ago
  • VOTE--Alec Baldwin, Kim Basinger or neither?

    Who should be in charge of Ireland?

    26 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Fellow PET LOVERS...I am outraged that the FDA chooses to?

    suppress the names of additional companies that still have potentially melamine-tainted pet food on the store shelves. This is unacceptable!!! Pets have died and if the FDA has ANY pertinent information it should be released to protect our animals. How do YOU feel about this??!!

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite breed of dog and why??

    Mine are Black Labrador Retrievers. They're soft and soulful, goofy and gregarious and loving and loyal to the core. I have 3. Lila, Georgia and Oliver.

    12 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • What are your pet peeves concerning other peoples DRIVING?

    Mine include jackasses who sway to the right before turning left (practically hitting me as I go straight); idiots who stop at the intersection where there's NO stop sign; morons who pull right out (going 15) in front of me when I'm going 45; and my all-time worst pet peeve---TAILGAITERS!!!!! What drivers drive you crazy???

    19 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • MD's/Nurses --Olfactory Hallucination---causes???

    About a year ago I began to smell smoke like smoke from a campfire. After many trips out of bed to find the "fire" and finding none I realized this must be a hallucination and set out to find the cause of this smoke smell that is threatening to drive me insane.

    I had an MRI and an EEG ruling out epilepsy. I do not have allergies and I cannot pinpoint any specific triggers for these events. I smell the smoke intermittently for the most part and constantly at times, sometimes strongly for days in a row. I smell it in my home, car, at work, while shopping,...etc so it is not situational. I have also twice experienced the taste and feel of ashes in the back of my throat and on my tongue. PLEASE help before I go crazy.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • A Ban on the game of Tag?

    Yes, folks it's true. An elementary school in Boston has banned children from playing tag, touch football and other chasing games at recess. This comes on the heels of the Dallas, TX 5th grade teacher who was fired for taking her students on a field trip to an ART MUSEUM because there were nude statues/paintings there.

    I am appauld. I think this is insanity. What are your views on this subject?

    5 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • After you Sneeze.....?

    We say "Bless You" when someone sneezes.

    Where did this saying originate?

    11 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Can you solve this riddle?

    Here it is..........

    If you say my name I will cease to exist.

    What am I?

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Why does this happen to my eyesight?

    If I sit outdoors and read a book (which I like to do a lot--except for this problem) my vision gradually become "starry". I can describe it as being like having Vaseline rubbed over my eyeballs and trying to look through it. It takes quite a while for my eyesight to return to normal. Does anyone know the physical reason this happens? Does it happen to anyone else out there?

    13 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • CSI fans -Do you know about Catherine?

    I missed seeing, way back in the beginning of CSI, how Willows went from being a stripper to being a forensics expert. Will someone please fill me in?

    7 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • How many of you are tired of the rat race and long to return to a simpler way of life?

    If you had your own piece of land would you grow and raise your own food ? Would you find relief in throwing on your overalls every morning instead of high heels, makeup, etc.? (or suits and ties for you guys) Could you be happy with less money and a lot more fresh air? Would watching the sunset become more appealing than watching TV?

    7 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • Regarding the Bible and history......?

    Why do you think people so readily accept accounts of history wriiten about Washington or Lincoln, the pioneers, The Civil War, etc., but refute the history wriiten in the greatest history book of all--The Bible--about Jesus?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Regarding AMERICAN IDOL!!?

    Who do you hope wins American Idol....Elliot, Taylor or Catherine?

    Are you shocked that Chris got voted off?

    15 AnswersTelevision2 decades ago