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Jon H
Lv 5
Jon H asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Should the United States withdraw from the United Nations?

Should the United States withdraw from the United Nations? Should we start a new international organization for democratic free nations?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the United States should withdraw from the United Nations. Time and time again the U.N. has shown itself to be nothing more then a social club. Many nations blatantly ignore the U.N's resolutions and decrees. What does the U.N do? Pass more resolutions but doesn't take further action. In the majority of case,not all but most, whenever the U.N does send fighting forces to solve a conflict most of the troops are from the U.S.A. I believe if the U.S.A withdraws from the U.N it will collapse as did its predecessor the League of Nations. I think the U.S should begin again and make an organization that will succeed where the U.N has failed time and time again.

  • 1 decade ago

    I assume the people who say the US is providing all the budget actually know how much it is!!!!

    The US provides approx. 21% of the budget but.... Japan provides 19%.

    About the usefulness of the UN be aware that the UN is as active, effective and swift as the nations forming it. Do not tell me the US is always right! The US has the biggest amount of vetoes. And it wants to take action when there is something to gain ($$$):

    Darfur = oil found lately

    Iraq = oil + gain contracts hold by Russia, Germany and France

    Please read some historical data and cold facts before you start screaming!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes we should leave and take our money with us. We should also kick the so-called diplomats of all those countries out on their collective butts. The UN is infiltrated with some of the worse people on the earth and it is time for it to go. If we withdraw it would collapse under the weight of its own dollar wasting bureaucracy.

  • amg503
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Hmm... That would work, except the U.N. is FULL of Democratic, free nations (it's also full of Democratic-free nations, as well [as in lacking].)

    Every Nation except North Korea belongs to the U.N. If we were to leave, which would be incredibly stupid, we'd become outcasts just like them. Besides, the cost of relocating the U.N. would be so much, some prominent nations might drop out (since it's the rich nations who are afraid to spend money.)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think so. The UN is a joke and way to corrupt to solve anything anymore. Lets start from scratch and train some new world police.

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Most of the UN funds have been provided by US, it will withdraw because the initiative of UN was by US and UK.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, it`s a forum for talking (predminantly) and nations who would not otherwise give each other the time of day should always have neutral ground on which to talk.

    An overhaul of the united Nations is much needed, and the power of veto should be abolished for a start.

    The US and Britain abuse it`s power of veto, to the point of criminality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can't do that (about starting a new international organization for democratic free nations) because like all Americans say, only America has the freedom that no other country has.

    You should withdrawl because America will destroy the UN. Too dumb to fit in.

    Sorry, its honesty.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We should never have been involved in LoN or UN. God forbid that if we ever get free of UN we be involved in another such travesty.

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