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Lv 4
pyg asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

ever seen anything that disturbed you to this day?

(can you even talk about it?)


i can't even fathom most of these let alone

imagine how you would begin to process them.

i'm not generally mushy, but you guys are amazing and will be respected by me and others who read these.

and to our vietnam vet: consider this a firm virtual handshake. i'm honored you responded.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    watching my father try to kill my mother twice when i was very young still disturbs me. so does seeing my son's tongue hanging half off after a sledding mishap and seeing a former coworker's hand shortly after he blew all of his fingers off with an m-80 firecracker.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I was in high school, my mother attempted suicide by slashing her wrists in the bathroom. I realized something was wrong when I woke up and saw blood seeping under the bathroom floor. I called 911 and they got there in time, but I had to clean up all the blood (there was a lot), It was summer and pools of blood tend to congeal and smell unbelievably horrible. To this day, I can not tolerate the smell or feel of raw meat. She found a less messy way several years later, taking an overdose of pills, we didn't find her body for a week in hot weather and again I had to clean up the floor, this time where she had died. The smell of death still comes to me in dreams.

  • 1 decade ago

    A young woman died from alcoholism...she left behind a 7 year old and a 2 year old. when the family came to the hospital to see her before we took her to the morgue, they had with them both of her sons.....all three of the adults smelled of alcohol and the seven year old was dragging with him the baby. What broke my heart was they spent all of two minutes in the room and no one even so much as put their arm around those kids and offered any kind of comfort as they looked at their dead mother. The oldest one was in such a state of disbelief. I was standing at the nurses station and i heard one them say let's go and the seven year old kept looking back at the room and as they got to the elevator he came running back looking like his heart was ripped out and not one of those selfish so called humans even looked in his direction or tried to console him. I became so enraged and I cried the rest of the night and to this day I have never forgotten nor will I forget the look of desperation on that poor baby's face as he looked at his dead mother who was only 35. That child needed closure and it was selfishly taken away from him. I will never forget that moment in time and I pray that child turned out better than all of them despite what I know must have been a terrible family life. God bless that poor soul and thank you for asking this was a good one that really made me think.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes there are so many that I am not sure which one to put down but they can all be placed under man vs man and a few of man vs machine. The stories behind it I guess I will leave in the past where they belong

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  • There is a 2 frame shot of a demon face shown twice in the movie The Exorcist. I saw it for the first time over 20 years ago. I still have nightmares about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have seen many disturbing pictures and events that I push away as soon as I get any glimpse of the disturbing memory for whatever reason.

    The one I find hard to forget, is finding my four month old daughter passed away in her bed.

    Even now, 27 years later I start crying at the memory.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The news video of a mother beating and punching her 5 year old who was strapped in the carseat & unable to get away. I was pregnant at the time, I cried so hard when I saw that, luckily my husband was there for me to lean on. Some one should have strapped that woman down and beat her. To this day I still hurt for that girl.

  • 1 decade ago

    The lower 9th ward in new orleans in total shambles...whole communities in New Orleans wiped out from Hurricane katrina. I lived through Hurricane Rita in SW Louisiana and also witnessed total devastation in that area.

  • 5 years ago

    the genuine execution of the the loss of life penalty is gentle. The prisoner is sedated, then is going to sleep and by no potential wakes up. reminiscent of putting a dogs to sleep at a vets workplace. Have I ever seen something extra annoying? sure, the mutilated bodies left by potential of the prisoner. they did not get a sedative, they did not something incorrect, they went by violent, painful, terrifying acts in simple terms before their very final brutal loss of life.

  • 1 decade ago

    A year ago, a man committed suicide by throwing himself off of a freeway overpass here in California. He jumped into oncoming traffic and was first hit by the car ahead and then mine.

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