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  • Security cameras in the workplace? What is the line to invasion of privacy?

    Ok, what do you all think of this....My daughter works at a big-chain hair salon. Today they installed security cameras...ok, not bad so far, safety and all...These cameras are everywhere in the store, with high-tech audio that can even pick up whispers. EVEN IN THE BREAKROOM!. I think this is a HUGE invasion of privacy. This isn't a "corporate" decision, it's just what the francise owner did. Even the customers were freaked out when they were installing the cameras and found out all their conversations were going to be recorded. They didn't want to come back. Would you want your conversations with your hair stylist recorded? The owner was laughing at the employees that now she would know what they REALLY talked about on their break....OMG!!!!! Opinions? Suggestions?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Selling an Ipod? how do you do it?

    I want to sell my Ipod Nano, I never use it and I hate Itunes. I only have about 150 songs and some personal family pictures on it. My question is how do you sell this when it is registered with Itunes. I don't want to sell it to someone and have them "pirate" a bunch of stuff in my name.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • 2 week old wine...will it kill me?

    I had a Christmas party 2 weeks ago and someone left a pretty big bottle of white wine in my fridge. It had well over half the bottle left and was corked back very tightly. I tried some a little while ago and it tasted "sort-of" good, but is not my usual type or brand so I can't tell if it's supposed to taste that way. Is it still good? Will I die a horrible, painful death?

    12 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Any Missouri teachers out there freaking out like me about the retirement vs. social security issue?

    I have been teaching special ed. for 27 years and was looking forward to retirement within a few years, but now I learn I may lose some of my benefits as well as have to work longer? Just because there weren't special ed. teachers in 1960-whatever? Don't give me links, I've read them all but I'm still confused and scared. Should I update my resume and look into starting a new career at age 51? I actually am!

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago
  • HELP! I want a cigarette! Anybody been through this horrible experience of quitting before with some advice?

    After smoking for 30 years, I finally decided to quit. Hooray, strike the band, all that jazz....I'm doing the patch which for the last 3 weeks has been working pretty well. I get urges, but not that bad, but I had a really, really rotten day and all I can think of is smoking a giant ciggie, about the size of my arm!!!! I want it so bad, I'm about to steal one of my hubby's cigars and sucking that until I puke.....HELP. Any advice on what to do when those really bad cravings start?

    9 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Sarah Palin's tax return? Biden gave his, will we really get to see hers?

    I doubt it personally, a lot of questions about her have been put on hold until after the election and then it will be too late for the country. Abuse of power inquiry, question of her baby's parentage, whether it's really hers or her daughter's. Oil wind-fall profits she procured for Alaska with no thought for the environment of her state and let's not forget her effort to get books banned from the library of the small town she was mayor of......Yea, let's elect an old emotionally disturbed guy with an anger problem and when he kicks from the pressure of office, let's let Palin take over and bomb Russia in the name of God...OMG, I'll have nightmare tonight now for sure.

    1 AnswerUnited Kingdom1 decade ago
  • people are hating my "serious" poem, how about these shorties? 1 is happy and the other is depressed. ?

    Teddy-Head Slippers

    As slippers they're functional

    But friendlier then friends

    Looking up from the floor

    Full of warming thoughts, awaiting

    The next step.

    Last Wednesday

    uncooked spaghetti

    causually dropped



    swept up by as careless

    a broom as you

    have ever known

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • A poem, would like serious critiques?

    Twisted Trail

    Given a twisted trail to tread,

    A rope-like thing thrown wild

    To check a capricious pace.

    Forest shadow; foresight obscured.

    Distant, luring sunflower field ,

    Beyond reach,

    Beyond reach.

    Quivering trees harbor old broken crows

    Screeching enigmatic mockery,

    Hastening my step on the trodden course.

    Brief glance of a deer's tranquil stance,

    Beyond reach,

    Beyond reach.

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • How do you cook tofu to get a less squishy consistency?

    My 16 year old daughter is a vegetarian and we are trying to support her in her beliefs, but it's too expensive and time consumming to have to cook a "veg meal" for her and a "meat and potatos" meal for my hubby. I would like to eat more tofu myself, but can't get over the mushy consistency of it. Even when I get it to absorb the flavors of the other ingredients, that squishy-ness makes me gag. I know supposedly you can cook it so it is the same consistency as chicken, but HOW?

    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Settle a bet for me about our PC? Like the more you have saved on your hard-drive, the slower it gets?

    Our computer is running very slow and I keep telling my hubby he needs to delete his e-mail and other stuff once in awhile...he has like 5000 saved e-mails, 5000 saved "sent" emails, and he sells things on-line and has about 500 pictures in his portfolio...even things he sold a year ago....that HAS to slow things down, right? The man has no concept of the term DELETE. So I say...if he deletes all his dumb old stuff, the computer will work I right?

    11 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • I'm not "burned out", just SO tired, can you motivate me?

    I have 5 years until retirement, I've been teaching the most severely handicapped kids in our district since 1981. I was nominated Educator of the Year last year (didn't win). I am teaching summer school this year and it's the first time I've really felt BURNT OUT. I'm just getting too old for this, the bruises, injuries, running after "runners", dealing with parents who blame you for their child still being handicapped when they hoped the kid would "snap out of it", so it's got to be MY fault....It used to be a challenge, a joy, an adventure, but now I'm too tired. Don't tell me to change careers, I only have 5 years left and can NOT afford to lose the pension, I just need some pearls of wisdom, some insights, some jolts of energy...anybody?

    7 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • cell phone plan question? What are the exact hours of "nights and weekends"?

    What are the hours included when they say free nights and weekends? I know the nights start at 9:00 pm but when do they end? Midnight when technically it's the next day? 6:00am? I'm so confused

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • iPod problem! Won't go to song list!?

    Just got it and have songs on it, but now it only gives me the menu and will not show playlist or songs. Tried resetting it several times. What do I do now?

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Free music to an iPod nano? How do you do it?

    Got one for Christmas and don't have the funds (or credit card) to "buy" music from iTunes like they say you have to. My hubby saved all year to get me this and I'd hate to have to try to return it.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • How is the imagery in this poem?....Serious replys only please?

    I'm not quite happy with this work-in-progress, does the imagery do it for you? also the alliteration is a concern for me.

    August Evening On The Missouri River

    The sun pearls

    Reflecting bright and soft

    Cicadas sing of resolved sex.

    Uncertain black quicksilver river rushes by.

    Confused cobalt sheet, pink-lined

    Water sounds a symphony

    Serene and hopeful.

    Haze hides herons,

    Catfish kickin'/channel lickin'

    Where the wishing star follows.

    Time and I take a break,

    Red-mouthed moon eats treetops

    With barefoot scattered sky.

    Don't walk away.

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors2 decades ago
  • Can we really be honest here without repercussions?

    I just read a post here from a guy honestly voicing his opinion and he had a bunch of "hate" e-mails...I definitly don't want that!!!!! Sometimes I have un-orthodox ideas and views and I would hate to think my in-box might be flooded if I voice them......hhhmmm what do you think?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • taming a degu?

    I have 2 degus, I used to have them in my classroom, but one of them was "nice" and the kids could handle her, but the other has never gotten very tame. I took them both home (you need 2 to keep them sane) because I was afraid the wild one might bite a student. How do I get the nervous degu to calm down and let me handle it?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets2 decades ago
  • why are most of the "christians" i've met so hypocritical?

    This is been bothering me for some least 90% of the so-called christians I have had contact with claim to be "saved", but yet are the first to chastise, judge, and promote hate and intolerance of others. I claim to be a christian too, but do not attend church because of what I see there...and DO NOT tell me I went to the wrong church...they are all the same, been to many, many, many. Even though I have been saved, does this mean I'm "un-saved" now?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • barking dog trouble?

    we just moved to a new neighborhood and our dog just goes nuts with every bike, squirrel, jogger, leaf, breeze, etc...the barking is can we stop him from barking at every tiny thing?

    3 AnswersDogs2 decades ago