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Americans - you've given the power to wage war and use nuclear weapons to a single man. Why?

Are you not aware of the real reasons for the wars in the Middle East?


alberto g - Wake up boy - That WAS the case. Things have changed and several of your rights under the Constitution have been taken from you while you were not looking.

Update 2:

Wakey, wakey Sophist: "The Congress exercised legal and Constitutional authority in giving President Bush the power to wage war on whomever, wherever, and whenever the President deemed persons had any role in supporting or harboring the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001." - That’s essentially carte blanche bearing in mind that a 'terrorist' is absolutely anyone the administration decides is a 'terrorist'.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here`s a little something especially for you. Enjoy.

    Since that day our bumbling boy wonder stole the office of president some have wondered about the ulterior purposes behind this administration and all it's nefarious doings. They have not been alone in this mini-quest. Part of the dilemma for anyone who truly wants to understand these actions and re-actions, within the circles of power and greed is that 'nothing they do' seems to make any logical sense.

    Ordinary criminal schemes are usually easy to decipher. Money trails can be found and their telltale tracks followed, to whatever may have been the point of such an effort. But this 'super-plan' for domination includes the complete destruction of most or all that matters - in or to the civilized world - and none of it makes sense.

    The litanies of the theft of everything constitutional have been well documented. The voracious greed of the warlords, while perhaps less clearly delineated, are finally taking shape: At least as to which countries are now being targeted, even when it remains unclear as to why those countries might now find themselves in that position. In addition to the above we also have the destruction of the entire system of social programs, the welfare of the states, the counties and the cities of the United States - as well as the total isolation of all the citizens of this country - inside a massive shroud of secrecy and fear.

    In addition to all of this, the Bush Crime Family has targeted the viability of the environment, the supply of clean water, the fertility of the soil, and the breathablity of the air itself - as though they somehow will not have to suffer the same consequences as the rest of the human race - once their policies begin to destroy all possibility for life on this planet.

    Where's the sense - where's the profit in all the artificial fear, all the hate and all the aggression? Recently they've begun to destroy the very instruments of dialogue and discussion. In their haste to attack Iraq they destroyed the Atlantic Alliance, did major damage to the United Nations, and managed to severely wound the NATO alliance. How can they hope to triumph against such a background of belligerence and destruction? What's left to crush or threaten once we've finished declaring ourselves to be the Supreme Rulers of the World?

    It turns out that most of the above has only been a side-show, an 'introductory video' of what will happen to the United States and to all its citizens if we should fail to comply with every command on the Bushwhacker's hit list of rights to be taken, property to be stolen, or dreams to be denied. It seems there is a plan beneath all this after all.

    This little nightmare was brought to us by Nixon's creation of something called FEMA, The Federal Emergency Management Agency. And over the years each consecutive president has contributed to it's continuing health and viability - until we got to '41,' bullyboy's daddy. GWH Bush saw to it that this weapon against the people was armed and ready - the only thing not in place was a sufficient excuse to implement it.

    What exactly is FEMA, in terms of its powers, once it is activated?

    "EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months."

    A complete explanation is here:

    Then came the events of 911. Here was the beginning of the real possibility to make the transition from a science fiction fantasy to living reality.

    To facilitate the onset of civil unrest in the United States, a number of actions by the executive branch of government have been undertaken with the complicity and collusion of both the congress and the courts, under the direction of a loosely defined coalition of the eager - that involves both the USA and a faction of extremists within the government of Israel. All of this is being financed by you and I - through the monetary choices we have allowed this government to make, since the ascension of the Bush Crime Family to their executive posts in Washington D.C.

    To understand how this was possible one needs to go back in time to a little known but extremely important occurrence that reshaped our country in 1871. The changes created by the "Act of 1871" altered the words "The Constitution for the United States of America - to read:


    This latter form is the corporate constitution, and it operates in an economic capacity that was designed to deceive us into thinking that "it is the same parchment that was meant to govern the Republic. It absolutely is not." The differences go well beyond the capitalization. Legally the entire key is to be found in the difference between a United States Constitution that is "for" and the one that is "OF" the United States.

    Once the differences are understood, between a Corporate Charter and a civil Constitution, it becomes clear that what serves the corporation, may often work against the people of the civil society. This action killed the Republic created by our revolution, and replaced our charter with a corporate democracy - and that is exactly what is playing out in history as it's being written today.

    When one combines the "Act of 1871" with the 'rights of personhood' granted to the Corporations in an 1886 Supreme Court decision (that freed American corporations from individual responsibility for their actions) that act completely revised the intent and purposes behind the original Constitution "for" the people of the United States of America. Taken together these two major alterations became the basis for our two-tiered system of both law and life. Americans are now trying to cope - as second-class supplicants to the corporations that now rule our lives. Add to this the introduction of our de facto dictator, George Walker Bush, crown-prince-in- waiting for the title of Leader-of-the-World - and one can easily see that we are just one hair's breath short of complete and outright slavery.

    The amazing thing about these facts is how few people are even remotely aware of their existence - not to mention the above historical precedents that have become the bedrock of America, as we now know it.

    Americans since 911 have been traumatized by the shock of unfolding events. As such we could be said to resemble a patient who has been in a coma for an extended period of time. IF we ever learn what happened to us, we will awake from that coma in a rage of righteous anger. Anger that while we were defenseless - the government has metaphorically 'been having its way with us.' Figuratively we've been raped and sodomized, used and abused at will by this government to flesh out their fantasies of world domination - at the expense of everything we thought our lives were made of.

    The Bush Crime family has been secretly and voraciously devouring the critical funding for everything from schools and medicine to infrastructure and the 'privatization' of social security. The willful destruction of social programs, coupled with an economically irresponsible foreign policy of continual and unnecessary wars;

    plus a 'reorganization' of the entire federal government through implementation of the HOMELAND Security Act that has obviously - all been created to bring this nation to the brink of economic collapse. This brings us back to the original question - "Why are we doing this?"

    The answer is beyond ugly. The goal it seems is to get us to relinquish all our rights - to the government - to "protect us from all the evil in the world." The actual problem is that all the evil resides in the compacts that have been forged between the Cabal in Washington and the thugs in Tel Aviv, under the international cover of 'fighting terror on a global scale.'

    Once the next 911 happens, the nation will be put on condition RED, and then we'll have PATRIOT II by executive order. This will unleash FEMA to do what it was designed to do - which is to round us all up, strip us of anything anyone in government might want, and throw the rest of us away. This will be courtesy of that secretive black-ops shadow government known as FEMA - that rising curse that gives shape to all the nightmares that Bush wants each of us to fear. This terrifying new world will exceed all natural bonds, and will even surpass our innate wish to remain a viably free and prosperous society. This will make Orwell's 1984 look like a fairy tale.

    Once FEMA has the reins in it's slavering jaws, there will be no going back, no governmental oversight, no review of events, or of transgressions - we will be absorbed into a monolithic morass that serves the corporations and only the corporations for only as long as we may be useful to their purposes. All else will be discarded or recycled into something useful to the new powers that will replace what used-to-be the United States in America. Life as we have known it will cease to exist!

    The only question now is "Will we ever awaken from our self-imposed comas?"


    All true.

  • 1 decade ago

    OK, now to answer the question. Having lived thru it I am fully qualified to answer. Back during the Eisenhower administration Russia got the A-bomb and then the H-bomb by "stealing" the secrets from us. Congress was scared to death! So they gave the power to drop the big one to the President since a plane could be in our Air Space in a matter of hours. When the ICBMs arrived on the scene, they were even more frightened and were glad they had given the man the power.

    After Vietnam, it was decided by congress that the Presidential power to involve us in conflict had to be limited. They allowed him to fight a war and/or police action for 90 days. When Desert Storm came up, it was shown that the run up time was more like 6 months. So the time period was extended. Though out this entire time period, Congress always retained the right to be the one and only body that could declare war. They have declared war on the regime of Saddam Hussein and it has not been reascended.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The power to wage war and use of nuclear weapons are not in the hand of one man, not in America. Our government is composed of three branches and the most powerful is not the three branches of government but the votes of the people. About the war in the middle east is about oil, oil and oil, specially now that China is becoming a super power. The first country that control the middle east win. The world is getting tougher every day and I think that the USA policies are not too up to date. We have to stop being naive about the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    What color is the sky in your world!?.............And what makes you think anyone should listen to you!? What exactly is your degree in!?

    Watch your snotty tone when addressing Americans! Americans won't tolerate a fool like you for very long.

    Ask Kaiser Whilhelm, Hitler, Noriega, Mulla Omar, Saddam, etc.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The reason for all the wars in the Middle East is the result

    of Islamo-Fascist PIGS and the idiots that run the governments of IRAN and SYRIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Thus it is easier to be lead astray by the lies we believe to be the truth than to stand up and fight for what is right and the real truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    sure, lets just roll over and not do anything about what other countries do to us... you know what, people complain when we get involved and people complain when we don't get involved so lets just be selfish and not help anyone and you all can keep your mouths shut when you're in trouble and need help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Another kook. Lovely.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sounds like you are scared LMAO the guilty ones always worry typical democraps

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