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Why are the people that complain the most about the Government the ones that don't Vote?

So many people in this country Biiitch about the Government and those are the one that either don't vote or are not even registered.

And for the people that do vote, why complain when WE re-elect the same damn pople we complain about. the fix is not voting for anyone already in office and start over!!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You know, I've noticed that too. If You're gonna complain then why don't you vote for someone you want in office. It's your right!!

    Maybe they think that there vote won't matter because it's just one, but it only takes one vote to change a leader. Everyone that is eighteen and older I encourage you to register and vote next year for our new President!! It will change things!! Don't sit at home and watch the the presidential debate and scream and hollar at the tv if you're not gonna vote!! Need I say more

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I believe that many people complain because it is easier to point the finger then to fix the problem, but your consern about voting is only hitting part of the issue. Yes some people complain to much, but also you have to look at the other side of why some people don't or have stopped voting. There was a time when we voted for the best person for the job, but these days that has all but gone away. I mean truely name the last great leader for election. Instead we are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. In our modern day we simply go to the poll and say okay which one of these guys are less of a shmuck then the other, and that is who we vote for. Give me the days of FDR, Eisenhower, JFK. The days that we voted for someone we knew was going to make a change, then people will complain less. (Dont get me wrong, people will always complain, you cant please all of the people all of the time, but they will complain less).

  • 1 decade ago

    Civic Participation rate in voting can be interpreted in many ways. Unfortunately, %60 percent is considered acceptable in some countries these days. This is a great indication that in many places political systems are so corrupt that people show their discontent with not voting as doing otherwise would strengthen the unwanted regime.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you want things to change in America, then you have to vote. Hopefully, there will be a better choice than fruitcakes like Dukakis, Kerry and Gore this time around. I heard Hitlery was planning on running. Well, I hope Bill stocks up on gowns and high heels for his First Lady role.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because the choices are "dumb", "dumber", and "dumbest" .. who will hear the voices of those that are actually informed and do anything about the real issues? and how do we get to those power figures behind the scenes that are pulling the strings and are not elected? if i see an inspired and true leader that is for the common man i will vote for him but until then i abstain in protest....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Omg This is one of my biggest rants! If you do not vote then keep your mouth shut lol!

    As far as the re-electing true! Don't vote for them again du lol!

    Your right on with your questions :0)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are those at loss without any solution and having lost sense of direction so they don't go and vote.

    But they are happy to kick the butts of someone else being overlook on planet earth.

    Source(s): decoded from the missing x-files.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Simple answer, people are now becoming increasingly sceptical when they believe that elections are stolen and manufactured.

    Bush 2000 being a great example.

  • 1 decade ago

    I vote...and I vote my mind. My voter card is marked UNA for unaffiliated.

  • Dr Dee
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because elections are rigged.

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