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Did yahoo set up this site to promote bigotry?

There are hundreds of violations reported on LGBT that yahoo never enforces. I can only assume that this site is here only to promot hatred toward gays. I'd also estimmate that there are now 3 to 4 bigots to every gay on this site. If you mention the religion of the highjackers who crashed the world trade center you'll get a warning though.

Tammi Dee

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your right! I have said it before it is pathetic that gays and lesbians can't use their own section because every other question is a hate Statement and most are never removed. I realize that Yahoo has a lot of users to keep up with but noone should have to put up with that!

  • 1 decade ago

    It concerns me that the LGBT section is buried one level deeper that other Society and Culture topics - How come Bull Fighting gets a full listing in Society and Culture but LGBT has to be down in Culture and Groups - are we a group - I don't think so - we are spread thinly across the globe - we have some common interests. Burying it suggests a concern that people (read children) might find it too easily if it's not hidden away.

    We have been trying for the past few years in the UK to get LGBT issues addressed in school since the prohibition was lifted three years ago - but still we are told - Parents don't want their children to be taught about this and the system supports this bigotry - I suspect is worse in the US where you have major problems with Christian Fundamentialists.

    What happens if LGBT issues are raised in questions in other main strream - especially family focused topics - There is a question about men lactating on men's health which has a number of references to Transsexuals in the answers. No questions there about AIDs.

    I don't think there is a policy of promoting bigotry - I just think there are a lot of christians here. Remember the bible most people read was the King James I bible - when puritans still prevented women from acting, preferring to see boys play female roles and women were imprisoned for cross dressing. Oh and James was bisexual.

    Also there are the homophobes who come along annd ask silly questions because they are turned on by the idea of same sex and get off on reading the answers to their questions, some of which are quite sexualy explicit and I don't see any moderating happening then.

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Dearest tammi:

    Don't let the jerks get you down.

    I know it seems as if this section is over-run with bigots and hatemongers, but I genuinely don't believe Yahoo! intended for it to promote such.

    There are just so many hateful people out there and they all seem as if they decend on our section like flies to sugar.

    Maybe it's out of some twisted sence of guilt, personal shame or whatever, maybe it's out learned hate or religious abuses..I can only guess why they go out of their way to come in here just to stir up trouble.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Finally someone with something sensible to say! Seems like all the idiots seem to flock to the gay/lesbian section!!! But I've learned, like many others have, to pick and choose who you answer and who you talk to. There are truely some AWSOME, INCREDIBLE people that come here and have made some really good friends through YA.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel you Tammie D... It seems as though.... I really think that Yahoo was trying to include us.... I'm sure they never meant for it to become a bashers haven.... But unfortunately bashers find this a place they can vent and not be seen... If they were to bring some of the things they say in front of my face they would be cowards.... To say mean things and look someone in the eye would make them re think the hurtful things they say....... I feel that sometimes I come on here to only defend my self and that is a tragedy......... Sadly some think is funny...

  • 1 decade ago

    Yahoo must be promoting bigotry as the gay bashers and all the people who clone and post retarded questions are still running around here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The ENTIRE site devoted towards anti-gay bigotry? What about the 'sculpture' section of the 'visual arts' area? Or the section devoted to trivia? Or mathematics? Perhaps you meant that the 'lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered' section was set up this way? Personally I think that setting up a portion of the site devoted to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered is an indication of their willingness to INCLUDE gays, not promote bigotry.

    Many of the anti-gay posts I've seen here describe their anger that such a part of this site even exists. What I think you're experiencing is simply that there are a lot of clueless, ignorant, bigots around and that they find their way to anyplace where they can vent their ugly, pathetic hatred.

  • JR
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't think they would intentionally set up this site to promote bigotry. However, with a touchy subject like homosexuality and anything related you think they would be more responsible and police this section more thoroughly to delete the stupid questions that kids ask because they think they're being funny, or the hateful questions that the bigots ask to piss people off. I tend to just ignore them, however it sucks that 9 out of 10 questions now are just spam.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Purposely, I doubt it, BUT, you are right, there does seem to be an awful lot of leniency towards bashers. If I say anything even remotely disagreable (not cursing or making fun of mind you) in the religion section, BAM!, question is gone. But, truth be told, many of these posters have more than one ID, as Chris said they clone and clone again, it gets hard to know who's who sometimes. Like Randy said, I stay cause I loves the people and we have to take stand to keep our own.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah it would seem to be the general idea doesn't it. I'm beginning to think a Boycott is becoming a good idea and not of just Answers but all of Yahoo as well as those who advertise on here.

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