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Lv 5

Catholics and Orthodox claim Sola Scriptura not taught in the Bible itself and is unscriptural.?

Wheres the BIBLICAL proof of this? I know of 6 scripture that will REFUTE this,. why do they continue to believe this?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Kim, you are correct.Catholics and Orthodox believers accept the authority of their religious leaders as at the very least being equal with the authority of Scripture.This is of course not supported in the Bible. The Word of God is the Christian's sole authority in matters of faith and life.Stay in the Word! All your answers are there! God bless.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Your question was a little difficult to grasp.

    Why do we believe "sola scriptura" is not a good thing? Because even biblically speaking there is a richness of tradition. Things people of faith have shared ever since the Garden of Eden.

    Through out scripture, there are other books mentioned. Such as the Book of War. Yet, that is not included. Why would it be mentioned but not included? Tradition. History.

    If 'sola scriptura' were true, then why would God give us prophets? We still have them today. People speaking the word of God.

    If the Bible carried all we needed then there would be no reason for prophets or traditions. Even Protestants have traditions. Things they have done since their various denominations began. Those aren't biblical. So if they claim sola scriptura then they must throw out their traditions as well.

    Let's take the tradition of the Nativity Scene. Would you give that up? It was created by St. Francis of Assisi in the early 1200's. It is not biblical. The celebration of the birth of Christ itself is traditional. Not biblical. The actual date of His birth is not biblical. So if you're celebrating Christmas then you are not honoring sola scriptura.

    That might sound a little mean. I'm sorry. It's not my intent to be unkind. Only to make the point of long standing traditions. I hope I've helped you understand our point of view.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ummmmm ... you're a bit confused. PROTESTANTS argue "sola scriptura" ("scripture alone"), not Catholics. Protestants uphold sola scriptura as a way of refuting Catholic belief that the Bible is "clarified" or "further explained" by external human sources.

    What is your Scriptural evidence that God tells us other sources are acceptable?

    EDIT: "Stranger," you must consider the fact that the Holy Spirit revealed to Paul and the other apostles the information contained within the Epistles and Revelation.

  • 4 years ago

    easily, the Bible is study each day of the 12 months in thousands international huge. There are 4 (often times only 3) readings from the Bible in each and each Mass. First reading is an previous testomony reading, then a Psalm, then a clean testomony reading (no longer a Gospel reading), and finally a Gospel reading. The Mass is split into 2 important elements, the Liturgy of the note (at the same time as the Bible readings are study), and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. in the course of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, portion of the finest Supper is recited by skill of the priest, Matthew 26:26-28. it really is, in accordance to Catholic conception, at the same time as the priest consecrates the bread and wine into the Holy Eucharist. in the time of a era of three years, the total Bible is study contained in the Mass. Mass is asserted each day in each united states of america of the international. there's a three 12 months scriptural cycle (I forgot the call of this cycle, if any). in case you bypass to Mass each day for 3 yrs instantly, think about heard the total Bible, previous testomony and New testomony. Do Catholics study the Bible? contained in the Mass, certain, each day. In deepest, many do. It relies upon on the guy. earlier Vatican II, Catholics were no longer inspired to study the Bible as a lot as they are at present. those days, certain, Catholics are very a lot inspired to study the Bible each day. authentic! i became a non secular Catholic from 1987 to 2000. Bible reading became inspired very a lot.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Catholics and the like know that Sola Scriptura will tear down their make believe world.

    Gala 1:8 comes to mind as well as the not to add to or take away in Rev.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Protestants and Catholics have more in common with each other than with the Orthodox.

    The early church fathers published articles on the Epistles, Gospels and passages from the Old Testament - these are referred to as Holy Tradition. Even the Nativity scene can be considered Holy Tradition even though it was developed by a Catholic monk.

  • 1 decade ago

    The "Wesleyan Quadrilateral" says that we know God through: Scripture, Tradition, Reason, & Experience. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would come and would lead us into all truth. That implies that all truth is not contained in the Bible. Besides, the scriptures were written and have been edited and interpreted by sinful humans.

  • 1 decade ago

    Catholics believe they canonized the Bible. Protestants think the Bible canonized itself. Thus the authority is in the Church over the Bible or Bible over the Church. You decide.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do not understand sola scriptura but am sure they have many misconceptions

  • Midge
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Paul talks about many teachings and traditions passed down that are not recorded

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