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Will there ever be peace?

With all the wars going on and everything else to go with it do you think there will ever be peace?

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No because,the main world leaders cannot stop being greedy, but this not in their makeup. Take Iraq peace will not come until all forces pull out our troops being killed unnecessarily,after a pull out there would be civil war after which maybe Iraq will end up as two or three states. now in the case of Yugoslavia there can never be a complete pullout because in my mind this country has always been a leading producer of terrorists and this will be very hard to stop as is being proven just now,So sorry your stuck with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a good question.The answer varies from person to person. I cannot say if there would ever be peace but by educating the new or young generation to learn how to be less competitive and aggressive, we would be able to make a difference. We should also try speaking though writing and speaking out by forms that are most affective. All this require work. We cannot say if peace is ever going to happen if we stand around and asking that question. By actually doing something... something that can change the course of history for all of humankind through peaceful means and perhaps sacrifice (willingly, if that's what it takes) can there be a possibility of peace. By peaceful means, I am talking about facing the problems directly. Of course, it would mean risking your own life but could it make a difference?

    It is difficult to explain. Forgive me if it doesn't make any sense.

  • 1 decade ago

    Man has been trying for peace for over 6000 years, when Cain killed Able, to now. Man is unable to rule him self, because he can not direct his own step, he needs Gods help, his Crater the one who knows him best. Mans best will never be good enough, man has his own interests to take care of.

    Look at the world right now, is it a safe place to live? What is like 50 or 100 years ago? Satan knows he has a short time left and that is why the world is like it is. But you should be glad that the world is going the way it is, because the world ruled by Satin will end and we will see the world that God intended for us to live in.

    From the time the Satan lured Adam & Eve to take of the fruit, there has been no peace for man. The Bible tells us that the end of this wicked system is at hand, all wicked mankind will be wiped off the surface of the earth once and for all times. Christ will rule over the earth for a thousund years, people will not get sick or die, man will grow young ont old. The Bible says there will be peace amoung all mankind. We will not want as are hevenly father will provide what we need.

  • 1 decade ago

    Peace as defined by Oxford Advance Learner Dictionary is defined as

    1) Freedom from war or Violence,

    2) a state of calm or quiet,

    3) a state of harmony and frendship.

    Going by all these definition, my own response to the question is YES, but as long as we can all live in peace with one another.

    Source(s): Dictionary and Instinct
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  • 1 decade ago

    i do not think that there ever will be peace. we say that peace exists put that is not realistic because at some point and time or another more crises will arise and more wars will start therefore there never will be peace as long as man is alive: we start the war, we end the war, we have another crises, we need to take care of that crises and we end up in war once again. it honestly is like a never ending cycle of chaos for everyone around the world.

    Source(s): me
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not while there are people, although I'm sure the vast majority of people want it. But by opposing avoidable war, and the politicians likely to promote it - and by working to develop alternative ways of resolving confict such as an empowered UN (without Security Council vetos)and international law, we may increasingly marginilise the psychopathic minorities within all societies that lead us to war. As in public health, all we can do is work for harm-minimisation - but without that we're lost. Climate change, which rationally should re-direct and co-ordinate human energy, is like to exacerbate wars

    horrifically in coming decades. It's going to get very rough, even without idiots like Bush and the fundamentalists of all kinds. So those who want peace, civil order, and some kind of global justice are going to have to stand up as a critical mass for survival itself - because that's all it takes to swing societies, not a uniform majority. So think critically, join the like-minded, do your bit, and good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are various kinds of peace. Peace is a state of mind. Only when mind is resting is there peace. It is either when you are asleep or when you are dead.

    If you mean 'peace' as a state of 'no war' then I peace is a myth.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You have been speedy to show that it happens contained in the U.S. this is bullcrap if I ever heard it. That in easy terms happens to an exceptionally small percenatge of folk. actual, a lot of people international huge toss their mothers and dads contained in the nursing residences. yet for many it is not an hassle-free chioce. they can grant the care many everybody isn't able and untrained to do. As one physician informed me, it truly is in easy terms got here approximately in the final a hundred years that folk have started to stay so long. there is not any longer sufficient records to end why Alzhemier's & dimentia take place. they're engaged on it. you apart from would did no longer point out that there are elderly people who pass into retirement residences by potential of selection. You seem to be a extremely clever & being concerned individual. do no longer enable different peoples alternatives be your project. hardship extra approximately what you're doing quite than what different everybody is doing and that i can assure you which you'll be a miles better individual. by potential of ways, I neither have faith in God, the Bible, & under no circumstances that roll of bathroom paper stated as the Quran to correctly known what's powerful and what's incorrect. i develop into born with a feeling of proper and incorrect and that i do no longer desire that crap to tell me what to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I always think that that will be peace. Because humanbeing is peaceful inside of hisself. The necessary thing is to find out the right way to reach to the minds.

  • 1 decade ago

    Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul.

    Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.

    Jawaharlal Nehru

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