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I am 24 and working on my BA. I am low maintenance,an overachiever, goofy, friendly, love to travel and love to live to the fullest. I love my bf yet now I am focusing on school,on my BA in history,have a supportive family,can be found at a coffee shop on campus sipping tea,have a big mouth yet a huge heart.I love to learn new things from the most unlikely people.

  • why am i acting like this?

    Here is my situation but please do not judge or make rude comments:

    On labor day I found out that I was pregnant. I am 27 years old, work part time, am dating the most amazing boyfriend and now live with my parents due to my epilepsy.I have been epileptic since the age of 6,had my last seizure this May and am seizure free ever since. After the pregnancy news my boyfriend and I went into panic mode as neither of us were ready to be parents. My epilepsy medications lowered the effect of my birth control pill, also caused birth defects and malformations. I was supposed to see a doctor last Friday yet the more pregnant I was the sicker I was. I could not eat. was nauseated, finally my mom found out and we had a talk. I called my neurologist and his advise was that even if the baby would be born him or her would have malformations and we would have no way to know what kind due in part to the ultra sound not showing autism etc until after birth. So with a heavy heart as my health deteriorated, I threw up what I ate, could not go to work and lost 7 or 8 lbs in less than one week we made the choice that an abortion was the best way.

    I know that this will cause controversy yet the baby would not survive as my medications cause low birth weight and miscarriage in the 70-80% range. I had the operation done and went to spend one week with my boyfriend which I am now, he has helped me very much,we cried together and are still grieving. After the procedure was done the doctor told me that the baby would not survive even if I were to keep it for another week due to my low weight,medications and so forth. It was the right choice even though a lot of you will get on my case and I understand.

    As of now my boyfriend wants to get a tattoo of a heart with puzzle pieces inside and one piece missing because that is how we both feel after this situation. We both want a family but not now, are more cautious about our love life and am not even sure if we will have sex any time soon or do something else. While my boyfriend is at work for the past two days I ended up crying just thinking about what happened to me and it kills me. 2 years ago I had a miscarriage while I was dating someone else but this time it was not something I wanted to do yet my health was in jeopardy.

    My question is: how do we heal as in my boyfriend and I? I know that this is a lot of personal information, will cause a lot of controversy, alot of judgemental ideas and most of all who knows what kind of answers. My boyfriend and I decided that when we get married and have a child we will love that child twice as much since we lost this one. I would really appreciate your answers since I am grieving still. Thank you.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • friendship interesting question?

    Long story:am friends with this guy Alex whom I have knows since I was 6,we are both 26, he lives in Amsterdam working on his MA but his family is in Romania.I am from Romania but live in TX since I was almost 11 years old. I visited my grandparents every a couple of years in Romania and would see him and run into him and hung out with him.Ran into him 4 yrs ago,we hung out etc.This past summer I visited my grandparents for like almost 4 weeks,we hung out once,added each other to fb, are friends and getting to know each other,had a fall out due to personal reasons etc.We found out that we liked each other in Aug.'10, but the fall out occured,spoke 6 weeks later and are on amazing terms ever since. He got drunk on me once,getting all romantic while chatting on fb chat and well after that things went back to normal.He is finishing his MA in the summer and would like to move to the US in CA if he can...So 2 days ago I was chatting with him on fb chat, asked him how life was etc and he asked me the same to which I told him and then mentioned how I had a bit of some insomnia for 2 days. I then said how this duo/band which is techno would say in their song would say "I can't get no sleep" because the name of the song is called "Insomnia" which I thought was app.(we use music etc in our stories)...He followed it up with another lyric from the song which said " Tearin' off tights with my teeth"...I was confused with what he said but the convo moved on in a diff direction towards a diff topic.I was wondering what he meant by that lyric.To me it seems all sexual and in your face,sort of tongue and cheek per se. Thanks to anyone who can help me!

    I am including the lyrics so you can look over them and make up your mind abt what he might have meant or the meaning of the lyric!_ingrid

    I used to worry, thought I was goin' mad in a hurry

    Gettin' stress, makin' excess mess in darkness

    No electricity, something's all over me, greasy

    Insomnia please release me and let me dream of

    Makin' mad love to my girl on the heath

    Tearin' off tights with my teeth

    But there's no release, no peace

    I toss and turn without cease

    Like a curse, open my eyes and rise like yeast

    At least a couple of weeks

    Since I last slept, kept takin' sleepers

    But now I keep myself pepped

    Deeper still, that night I write by candle light

    I find insight, fundamental movement, uh

    So when it's black this insomniac take an original tack

    Keep the beast in my nature under ceaseless attack

    I gets no sleep

    I can't get no sleep

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • fell for my childhood friend but am dating someone?

    Long story: so I know this guy A since we were 6.When I was 10 I left Romania and moved to the US.That is when our friendship ended and we went our separated ways.I have grandparents in Romania,would visit them every couple of years and that would be the only time to see A and my friends there which I have left.4 years ago was the last time I saw A until this summer I went with my sister on a 1 mth trip to visit the grandparents.A and I met up once,we hung out for 4 hrs of so,talked,he was very polite and courteous,asking me where to take me yet me not having been there telling him to suprise me.He is the son of doctors and since little has been spoiled in one way or another.When we hung out we had a great time but his questions of my dating,his remarks on how long my 4 yr relationship is and so forth made me question him.I brushed that aside but had a great time,we added each other to fb and chatted on that.We were supposed to meet a second time but circumstances made it impossible.I get back to TX and realize I like the guy,him and I chat on fb a lot and he leaves on a trip for Slovenia to hike and while he was gone I asked him a question abt our friendship etc.He replied how he sort of became attracted to me this summer etc..I told him that I think I fell for him(liking wise) as well but we both promised that our friendship would be #1 no matter what.Time passes and then our friendship ends in a fall out,I do not talk with the guy for 6 weeks and wish him happy bday on his wall on fb,he replies and we pick up fr. there...Ever since we have been on amazing terms we have...Before I took what he said as more than maybe what it meant but now I take it at face value.In the meantime I met a guy named J who was a friend and then we ended up going on 1 date and dating...He heard a lot abt A and me liking him etc...J and I somehow are dating for 3 weeks almost 4...Our relationship is shitty,we do not get to spend a lot of time together,he does not challenge me which I have told him and he is always busy helping is brother or sister or someone do something...I am at the end of my ropes..A and I chat on fb chat almost daily or when time permits,we flirt and he made a comment of calling me sexy.J fipped out abt that and it just drives me insane bc I told J that I just take what A says at face value.Last time I talked with A the convo was way off...We had almost nothing to say until the ice was broken 20 min later..I asked him to ask his mom abt some symptoms I am dealing with health wise,he asked me if I saw a doctor and I said yes(I have been dealing with vertigo for 2 weeks but have no fluids in my ears..lite headedness and dizziness simultaneously for 4 weeks)..He asked me if I was on a diet etc..Then I told him that I think he has a rt to know something..I finally told him that my 6th instinct is telling me not to tell him so he said do not say it otherwise you will be paranoid but I had to tell him:I said look I am epileptic..That is why I do not drink alcohol etc...He said "I know"..I had to do a double take and realize that I had a seizure when I was 6 or 7 at his parents' place when playing with him and his sis..After doing some blood work I fb mess him the results and he said take care and I hope I get well and to tell my parents...(my results are normal even though I am still dizzy!)...I do think I scared him away..My bf and I argue a lot abt me talking abt my friend,Idk what to do or who to choose,I know that my friend is overseas in Amsterdam so what is my best bet?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • wth is going minute friends,then strangers?

    RW!I know this guy A since I was 6...I was close to him and we grew up together and were childhood friends overseas.In 1995 I left for the US and left all my friends overseas so in other words my friendship with him split.I came 4-5 years later,we were both in JR HS and he was changed!He smoked and hung out with the wrong crowd etc..I saw him 4 yrs after that when in HS and then 4 yrs later and so forth..Last time I saw him was 4 years ago when I visited my grandparents.I know his parents especially his mother since she was my doctor when young and now is the family doctor for my grandparents who live overseas(she helps my dad's parents).Anyways so this summer I hung out with A one time for like 4 hrs,we talked,laughed,etc..We had a great time and texted each other when we could..The second time we hung out he had to cancel b/c he had some wisdom tooth ache and I was ok with that.The worst part is that I had to see his mom the same day when he canceled to give her a present fr. my parents only to have to see him and his mom think that I had something to talk with him abt!All in all it was a confusion.Anyways him and I added each other to fb as friends.We started to keep in touch even overseas while I was there etc...So anyways I get back home,US, to realize that I fell for this guy in 2 weeks!I had a 4 yr relat which ended last yr and was thinking "How is this possible?"...Anyways A and I kept in touch,we talked about simplicity and simple lives etc,he went on a 1 week hiking trip to Slovenia and I wrote him some messages.I literally implied in one of them abt the change in our friendship which he picked up on and he wrote me back saying that bef he never saw me as a gf but this time when we hung out he did and bc of how I was and acted etc..I wrote back and was stupid to tell him that I liked him..I made sure that our friendship would not be affected at all no matter what!In the end our friendship is still here which is good but he said that it is ok and then we talked something abt a gray zone which threw me off since I never heard of that expression before.I said how I was confused.He became frustrated and wrote me how him and I are almost strangers since in 15 years we had one actual conversation which was this year when we hung out and so forth..When I read it well it hurt me so bad because I did think that he was my friend thru thin and thick!4 years ago we talked and caught up,we hung up and now all of a sudden he sees us as strangers?He went on to say how we should just be relaxed and friendly not be blut,get to know each other and find common interests and a common ground..We now tell each other what happens in our lives minus the personal stuff,funny stories,recc. to each other books,etc to see,discuss places to travel to and so forth..The other day we were both on fb chat and I said hi to him..We chatted for a while..He knows that last week end when I wrote him on fb a mess I included a part of how I was asked out etc by 4 guys in 2 days which was annoying or I posted it on my wall!Anyways so he asked me how my bfs are..I said that I turned them down which I did,he asked me why and I said b/c and I went on to tell them that they wanted to me their world which I did not want to.We spoke of cities,traveling,etc and me training for half a marathon and then he logged off..he was logging on and off and then finally off!WTF?He asked abt who I am dating rt?He said that we are strangers so why does it matter to him?He keeps on saying that if we want to make something more of this to be more relaxed and friendly...More of what?He called me a stranger and now asks who I am dating!

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • i need space etc.. but i like you..wth?

    Long story!I met this guy on the web like 2-3 yrs. ago when one of my friends joined a site and I finally joined it too to be her friend..I added this guy let us call him A as my friend and A and I found out that we had myspace so we added each other to myspace..A and I chatted on the site where we met,we talked abt stuff,I was in a relationship,no I was not cheating on my bf or anything..A and I befriended,I went to school in a different city or town than he did and we never met..My bf at the time knew since him and I were in a serious relationship so I was always honest with him.A told me about his life,how he grew up in Colorado,his parents; divorce,his siblings,etc and I told him somewhat of my life.All in all we got to know each other even though we never met face to face and somehow after a while it seemed like we knew the other person for ever!So we tried to meet up but he had some problems with his family so he had to go to Colorado where his father and part of his siblings still live,another time his sister and her children made us call the whole thing off...Him, a couple of his friends which turns out that were my friends too and my now ex's were going to hang out and play pool..Anyways we then became busy him with work,me working on my BA,we changed out #'s,we texted somewhat when we found out the new #'s...Then work and school and so forth kept us busy again..We added each other to Y!Messenger so we chatted a lot via that more than the cell...Anyways my ex of 4 yrs and I broke up in June of last yr.,1 yr. to date due to mutual understanding that we shifted in different directions him with working on his MS and me on finishing my BA and wanting to work at a private school.

    After my recent break up in Feb. A and I chatted more and more,he was filled in my life and vice versa,etc...Recently as school came to a close we chatted via Y!mess even when he was driving he used y!mess for his cell and me onmy laptop, while he was at work,etc...For the past week when I called him he ignored my calls,ignored my Y! messenger mess. and I thought that I said something wrong..I left him 4 voicemails,he wrote me back a couple of short Y!mess on how his cell is dead or something like that which after a while it became apparent that he did not want to talk to me..On fb which he was a friend with me and vice versa he wrote me how he hopes I have not forgotten abt him 1 week ago or so..I wrote him back telling him how I have not...

    I finally called him and asked him if he was okay since I have not heard from him etc and he said but was working which I know he works sometimes late at night and said that he would call me in 30 minutes.I said "Sure" and he asked me if I did not believe him.I told him I believe him but was a bit skeptical.I waited for 2 hrs for him to call and still no phone call.The next day I wrote one message on fb and one on Y!Mess saying how rude it was what he did...After that I did not call him or try to get a hold of him...After that the ignoring part continued,he wrote one or two Y!mess. back saying how his cell is dead and another one how he is at a party with his mom and would get a hold of me..

    I finally wrote him yesterday saying that I am walking away from all this and so forth.When I logged into Y!Mess and Yahho! Mail I found some Offline Mess. and some were from A...I got confused by his message and what he meant so I copied and pasted his message below...

    I'm sorryi really do like you and I am going through alot right now. I don't want to hurt you or make the wrong impression. I would love to grow and become great friends and possible more. But at this time in my life I am emotionalygoing through more than I lament. I just need a little time. Idont expect you to wait for me. I hope our lifes will intersect though but 6:57 PM -that was what he sent me yesterday

    I was confused by his words and what he meant..Today on Y!mess he was on and we chatted for 10 min tops..I left him a message to which he responded saying that if what he said the other day in his message he meant it he would show it b/c actions speak more than words do...He was taken back and then said that he was sorry for wasting my time to which I had assure him that he did not..I had to remind him that he made me laugh and smile and how we had so much in common which we did..Seriously we had so much in common:music,art,etc..So after that I asked him if he likes me as a person from everything he knows abt me and he said yes otherwise would he talk with me..With all the given info what is going on? Some friends said that he is walking away,some that he is dealing with difficult personal problems while others that he is not that into me...Any takes?

    I also assured him that I would wait for him...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • my ex contacting me then deleting me off fb?

    Here is the long story:I dated this guy J for a couple of months in 2008(that fall semester) and then the 2009 fall semester.We called it off in Feb. 2010,rather he did, we went on non-speaking terms,I hit rock bottom after the break up but went back on my feet, did good and made good grades in my classes(we are both in college:me getting my BA in August of this yr and he is working on his MA).So anyways this Monday when I checked my fb I saw that I had a message from him saying something about getting together and meeting up.All I knew is that he had to be drunk because the message was sent at 5am and it sounded as though he was out of it.I answered his e-mail with "Who is this?Is this some stupid joke?I am not trying to offend you" and a second message saying that if he wanted to get a hold of me he knew where he could find on fb,y!mess and aim...After that he never answere and just deleted his account from fb which confuses me..I have not done anything to him but he always said that he never wanted anything to do with me after the break up yet he contacted me this one time then deleted me out of his life for good..What the heck is going on?I have moved on with my life no joke,I have applied for jobs 1 hour away from where he lives and goes to school(we attended the same university) and am in a better place.I know he still resents me for the break up and finding out only months later that last semester I was pregnant and had a miscarriage while he was dealing with his uncle passing away so I am guessing that he resents me even more.

    Why does a person who was my best friend(yes we were best friends before we dated) now hate me and resent my friend who was our mutual friend because she is friends with me?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • planning a trip for paris:have the attracions need to know how to split them up?

    Here is the deal...I want to go on a winter trip with a friend of mine to Europe to Romania since my grandparents are there and this summer we are seeing them for 2 weeks due to my summer class which is taking 4 weeks.So the winter trip will be something like:Romania(flight from Houston to Romania-Bucharest),stay with my grandparents for a week,fly to Germany for 2 days,take the train to France(stay in Paris for 4-5 days).

    Here is the catch...My friend who lives out of state wants me to sort of put together the whole Paris portion of the trip b/c she is taking summer classes and is in Grad School so she is buys and finishing up and getting her MA..In Romania which is where I am from I can bs my way,in Germany I have a friend so she will be our tour guide...I need someone's help with how to group the attractions....

    Here is what I have:(if you could plz tell me what would go with what or close to each other I would greatly appreciate it)...

    Eiffel Tower


    Musee D'Orsay



    Arc de Triomph

    Notre Dame Cathedral

    Sorbonne and the Latin Quarter

    Sacre Coeur and Montmarte

    Boat tour of Seine River

    Pere Lachaise Cemetery(Jim Morrison is buried here)

    Opera de Paris Garner

    Jardin du Luxemburg

    Sainte Chapelle

    Place de la Concorde

    Place des Vosges

    Hotel de Ville

    3 AnswersParis1 decade ago
  • is there any way i might be able to get this job?

    Long story:

    I have worked with kinds since I was 14(volunteered), when I was 16 I started to get paid and ever since have worked as a preschool teacher.It has been 9 and 1/2 years. I have an Associate Degree in Applied Science,am Graduating with my Bachelor in History and minor in Social Science Composite this August(August the 7th). I have applied to a preparatory private school near my parents home which charges parents $14,000 for their kindergarden and so forth and for their 12th grader around $19,000 a year(with out books or field trips). I would like to work with children as a preschool teacher since I would like to retake a couple of classes to boost my GPA to a 3.5 and get into Graduate School next semester(re-take 3 classes in which I have a C in this fall semester). I have applied to the school and now the school on their website says that they do not take any more resumes.I am confused if it means that they are reviewing the resumes and cover letters or if they have found out someone for the job.I know that when someone is found for the job they will list some it on their website which I have not seen it so far.

    My question is:I have worked with kids at the daycare since I was 14,have worked with different age groups,doing crafts,lessons,teaching them numbers,colors,planning the curriculum,reading,teaching them how to read,you name it I have done it and even crafts. Is there any way I could or would be able to get a job at that school?They require someone who has knowlede of children or who has worked with them,has done crafs before with them,is willing to do one on one which I am and have before,etc..I have worked with special needs children,speak two languages:Romanian,English and a bit of Spanish or rather I can understand Spanish since I have taken 4 semesters of Spanish in college for my major.My two highest bosses have written the best letters of reccomendations praising my work,etc...So with all that is there any way that I could even be considere as a candidate?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • my ex resents me and my friend why exactly?

    Long drama story made very short:

    Dated this guy J from August 2009-Feb, 2010.In the 2009 semester my life well fell apart with school,health and I found out that I was pregnant 6 weeks along the way, had an ultra sound and a couple of days later had a miscarriage(that was towards the end of the semester).I did not tell J because he was dealing with the loss of his uncle who just passed away and stress from Grad School.I turned to 2 or 3 good friends to help me,my teachers were about to kick me out of class due to being so sick and missing class and so forth.It was one of the worst times ever. FF to the break up..In Feb. 2009 I finally thought I had it after so much drama,I was trying to get over the miscarriage and it was hard especially after telling my parents and sister in December/January.My grades well they plummeted in the 2009 fall semester as in 3F's on finals and one B due to the state of depression after the miscarriage. I turned to a good friend telling her abt. J and I and how I could not take it.She told me that J was supposed to return a book he borrowed and she would talk with him.When I got back to my dorm I was texting her and changed my mind abt J when the cell goes off and J calls.he found out what I told my friend and well he breaks up with me.1 week later I asked my friend if she could get a hold of J because I had some stuff to give him and because he did not want any contact with me after the break up. I gave him this 20 page letter explaining most of the stuff minus the depression,pregnancy and miscarriage and returned a charm bracelet he once gave me and I never wore.

    After that I picked up my life,we both moved on, life went back to normal,I met new friends,hung out at the bar where he hangs out at and he would always close his tab and leave which made no sense.I asked him for coffee,he proposed to me drunk,he played with people's emotions,finally told me he never liked me and so forth.I finally let go of the past and have a healthy relationship with my life and those around me.

    I finally told J about the miscarriage and so forth and yet he seemed so cold and cool about it as though it did not bother him.He asked 6 questions,told me he did not want drama or stress added to his life and then we let each other go.That was a couple of weeks ago. Our mutual friend H who is Muslim let him borrow her Quran and he never returned it so she texted him and he kept on saying when he has time.She finally sent him a message on fb and he answered saying that he would be at place so and so doing his hmwk and he willl let her know at what time to meet.He still resents my friend for making us talk after the break up and apologize!That was in Feb. and over 3 months ago!

    I do not understand why he cannot let go of the past and just move on the way I have..I focus on school and so forth..I know he is dealing with his father losing his job,having lung cancer which has spread and other financial issuues...I told him that I can be his friend yet he turned that down...

    What is his problem?I am giving him space.I am graduating and looking for a job 1 hr away from the university where I attend and where he is doing his MA at...Why does he hate me?I know that he loved me for like 2 years and he wanted to marry me,he was even planning on settling down and moving in together in the fall and saving up for a house...Then the break up happened and then he turned into this jerk...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • taking reign of my life:going against the grain-family vs. ex bf?

    Here is the long story: I met this guy Chris almost 5 years ago while working on my Associate Degree,we started dating and became a couple.We were on and off for almost 4 yrs,a dysfunctional couple and the trouble with me was that my parents saw when I broke up with him or vice versa so they knew only what he did etc. Him and I transferred to the same university after completing our Associate Degrees, he came to the same university as I did because of the program they had but also because of me so he could be closer.I let the relationship get in the way of my grades and because of that I pushed my graduation by 3 semesters(plus health issues etc).Anyways Chris and I called the relationship off in June 2009 due in part for the best and because we realized that I was not happy and he kept on trying to make me happy.I was devastated,in the middle of my summer classes but pushed myself to do the best.After the break up I was cold to him and did not see him for 2 months,we spoke on the cell somewhat,he asked me out for dinner on my b-day but I was celebrating it with my parents,to dinner and a smoothie another time but I turned him down and the day after we broke up he called me 5 times to make sure that I was okay(I was in summer class back to back 8am to 3pm).Anyways we met in August,talked and rekindled for a while,I found out that I was pregnant in November (yes I used birth control but am epileptic and my neurologist increased one of my medicines since I am epileptic but my gyno did not change my dosage of birth control so the birth control was not effective as I later found out).I had a miscarriage and bumbed my finals,this semester I moved home because I am taking 2 online classes and 1 on campus class and comute twice a week to the campus.I have not seem my ex in 2 months since Feb when I had my last seizure on campus,but we could chat on the cell and our schedules were hectic.He is now in Grad School where I am supposed to be but my stupid health and so forth put me behind which I have only myself to blame.

    This summer my family and I were going to take a trip to visit our family in Romania and since my ex Chris and I are best friends I asked my parents after speaking with him if he could come.My mom said yes them my dad said the same thing,my sister when she found out she flipped and was mad like hell at me because I did not consult with her as well and because she did not feel as though I asked the whole family so then there was tension between my sister and I.So Chris gets his passaport stuff done and is about to receive his passaport any day now,he save a lot of money for a 2 and 1/2 week trip in Romania,my home country where our grandparents are from,Austria where my parents have a friend(a couple of days) and France(a couple of days).My dad's job was in jeopardy as his co was bought and matters became complicated and we called off the trip which was a hard thing to do and tell Chris.Not even two days ago I found out that the trip was back on because my dad's job is going a lot better,etc and my mom told me not to tell Chris because this is a family trip and well he is not part of the family.

    I agree with her abt him not being part of the family and then she said that if he wants to go then him and I can travel by ourselves.Even before my mom said that two days prior Chris asked me if my folks would be okay with me and him traveling by ourselves.Weird huh?I really want to go with the family but at the same time I feel that this is crazy and that my parents should have thought their answer before giving it to this guy.I mean yes they saw me cry and do not have the best idea of him but he is a good guy.We discussed marriage,my dream wedding,he knows the ring I want,etc...My mom asked me if he Chris saw me in the last 2 months and I said no and she said that "See he could have made time for you,etc"...I stopped telling my family stuff because I feel that if I tell them something then it will backfire.I am 25 and fell that I have no control over my life to be honest.My ex Chris waited and waited for me but he saw how I do everything my parents want or how I listen to them and finally he gave up.I want to go with both my parents and my ex but I cannot have both.While dating Chris I have never celebrated my b-day with him once!It was always with my family in Romania one yr,,another yr in Salt Lake City,Utah while on a family trip,the next year well were broke up and last year he asked me out to dinner but I turned him down.I feel that no matter what if I say yes to my family he will get mad.If I say yes to him my family will get mad.What do I do?I am an adult and feel that I should take matters in my own hands not depend on others..All my teachers see how much I have matured but I guess my family not so much...

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • confused abt my ex of 4 yrs: the present?

    So I met this guy C when I was 21 while I was attending a community college and working on my Associate Degree.He turned 23 the same 23 year we started dating,so nothing of a large age difference.We were a dyfunctional couple for most of the relationship yet towards the end of it we worked things out and learned to better change with things and each other. We dated on and off for 3 years 9 and 1/2 months and finally called it quits in June 2009.Him and I have never spent one of my b-days together though since I am born in July and every year I did something such as trip to Romania for my 22nd b-day but we celebrated early,trip to Salt Lake City and thur out some other states with the family for my 23rd b-day,with my sister in Dallas for my 24th b-day while we were broken up that summer and last summer with my family.This guy has been my pilar in every sense,he knows that I am epileptic and at the university that we both attend when I had a seizure he and I called him he always would get out of class or work to see me in the hospital.He made sure that I was okay,he even transferred to the same university as I did so he would be close to me yet my stupid actions post poned my graduation by 3 semesters.I was supposed to graduate with him yet I am graduating one year later which is sad.Now he is working on his Master Degree and I feel all left behind,we are best friend and chat on the cell but have no idea if he is dating.He is too busy to date especially with Grad School,homework,making all As,his work outs,working 40 hrs a week and anything else he does.I had not seen him in 2months since this semester I terminated my contract for my dorm and my meal plan on campus due to taking 2 online classes and taking one class which is 2 times a week.So I saw him on Tuesday of this past week and we had lunch,I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek and we ate.I touched his hand to see how he would react and he did not react at all which made me think that he is over me and tonight he confirmed it.He said that he moved on after I told him to tell me that he loves me.He said that chapter is done with and he moved on and he is not waiting for me or something like that or he does not like when people slow him down.I asked him if he is dating and he never answered.Here is the twist though:a while back ago like 2 months or so he asked me to ask my parents since he knew that my family and I were going on this summer family trip to Romania,where I am from, to visit the grandparents if he could come.My mom told me yes then my said yes,they both asked me as what he would come as in the status wise and I told them as a friend.He applied for a passaport then some trouble with my dad's work made the family cancel the trip at the last minute before buying the tickets.I told him and he was disappointed but he asked me if my parents would not mind if him and I by ourselves would go to Romania,Austria and France(yup that was our trip) by ourselves only him and I.I doubt my parents will ever say yes.I am confused why he even asked me that when I told him a couple of days ago not even a week ago and he kept on asking me this a couple of times then tonight he said something else.Any ideas?

    Yes he learned a bit of Romanian and was looking forward to meeting my grandparents and where I grew up.I do not understand why only him and I to travel alone...Confusing....

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • was this the right choice and the right behavior?

    Here is the story:met this guy let's call him J almost 3 years ago.We have been there thru thin and thick and became best friends.When he met me I was in this serious relationship,at times fighting with my then bf which is my now ex and with whom I am best friends with.Anyways the guy that I dated for 4 yrs and I called it off for good in June of 2009.J and I dated 2 months later and everything was good.Then problems started to happen as my grandparents has problems and they live across the ocean in Romania,Europe(with their health) and I had problems with school.We split in Feb.J and I were on non-speaking terms and he did not want anything to do with me and pretended that he did not know me or that I was no longer part of his life.Okay here is the twist:last semester I ended up being pregnant 6-7 weeks along with out even knowing(I had my period and everything and my last one was only a couple of days late),I was eating carbs which I do when I am stressed out and nauseated which I am when I lack sleep and am really stressed out.So nothing seemed out of the ordinary.I found out that I was pregnant in NOvember(the 30th) when J was dealing with the loss of his uncle whom he loved dearly,I was going to tell my parents and then him(him and I are in college-me about to get my BA and him working on his MA) yet 4 days after I had a miscarriage.I fell in this dark time for 2-3 weeks in which I did not return his calls,would barely call my own family,almost got kicked out of 2 of my classes and had to explain to my teachers why I was acting the way I was.He never knew that I was pregnant at any point nor suspected it because after the miscarriage I tried to pick up my life and move on the best that I could yet it was hard.I told my family finally at the end of Decemvber after finals and my sister was in awe while my mom was in tears.

    Since J does not want anything to do with me I had to get this off my chest to get closure and to move on.So what I did is I wrote a letter explaining to him what happened.I then twittered him to please meet me by the library at our university so I could give him something important then disappear out of his life forever.When he did not respond I called him and he did not want anything to do with me:I asked him to meet me for 2 minutes for me to drop off a letter and then walk off and he said no.I told him that it is important and he said no.I told him that he better sit down when he reads it and he finally said "What are you talking about?" He would not budge so I asked him if he wants me to just tell him what was in the letter and he said yes.I told him that I was pregnant and could not be by his side when his uncle passed away.He asked me what happened and I told him that I had a miscarriage 4 days after that,he asked me if I was okay and I said yes,I told him that some complications occured during the pregnancy and miscarriage and that my family knows.Last thing I told him was that I did not tell him because I was trying to protect him when he was dealing with grieving. He then told me that he had to go since I knew that he was with friends(I could tell that he was at a bar) and he hung up.

    I felt so stupid after I told him that yet also felt closure.I wish that I could have given him the letter which explains everything in detail yet he does not want to see me.I am confused: he was the father yet he shows no compassion for something.All my friends say that he was in shock especially never telling him after it happened only months later and out of the blue especially after a break up(2 months later). I am questioning if what I did was for the best.Any ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • blast from the past: for my ex?

    Long story short:dated this guy John who was a good guyfriend and it did not work out so we broke up,We are on non-speaking terms,I tried to be friendly and asked him to coffee but he turned me down. We were enagaged for 13 hours after he turned me down for coffee and the following day realized that it was too fast. Anyways here is what happened: last semester in November I found out that I was 6-7 weeks pregnant and I knew it was his.His uncle passed away so I did not say anything at all.I had no idea what was wrong with my body prior to me finding out that I was pregnant: throwing up,running out of lecture during class and throwing up,the smell of certain foods making me nauseated,eating carbs but not meat.I thought that I had too much meat to eat which if I do then I do not eat meat in large quantities for a while.I thought that stress was causing me to throw up as it has done in the past. Anyways so I had an ultrasound and then a couple of days found out that I had a miscariage.My then bf now ex John never found out about any of these things since he was dealing with his own grief.For 3 weeks my ex,friends and family took care of me-I would barelty call friends back,hit rock bottom,was behind in my classes and had some explaining to do to my teachers on my behaviors such as crying out of the blue or throwing up so much.They found out about my situation(all 3 of them-I am in college).So my ex thought that I broke up with him since I would not answer his calls for 3 weeks yet I was depressed which was normal after the miscariage. My ex bf,the guy that I dated before this guy JOhn, for 4 yrs helped me and paid for doctor's visits,etc. Here is my question: my ex and I are on non speaking terms and he is pretending as though I do not exist in his life even though he has been in love with me since 2008 or so. I was thinking about writing a letter about what happened last semester in order to have closure and give it to him then walk away. The letter explaining everything including why I could not be by his side when his uncle passed away because I was sick and pregnant.

    Is this a good idea?I know that he would be in shock though so I would write it by hand then give it to a friend of mine to give it to him.That way he never has to see or hear from me and it would be an easier thing.I do think that he has the right to know on why I was the way I was last semester since he made me to be this non -caring person as one of the reasons for the break up which is not true.I was not there because I could not and had to see doctors and was nauseated and missed more than my share of classes which I bombed in the end.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what would i make with my qualifications if i get this job?

    So I went to a job fair today and have three school considering me.I haev 9 years of experience working with kids,2 years worth of volunteering prior to that,working in the resource room,being able to converse in Spanish and carry on a conversation since I am taking Spanish 3 in colleg and am taking Spanish 4 in the summer and graduating in August. Many saw that I also have worked with special need /education children for a couple of years at my job and have put a yes or star obn my resume and will give it to the principal(these were assistant principals I talked to).

    Here is my question:I am graduating with a degree in history and a minor in social science composit but have an associate in applied science. I am going back for my certification though as many have asked me.

    I want to apply to this prestigious private school near my parents for 3 positions: librarian aide, teacher aide for pre-k,and lower school teacher assistant.Here is the catch.I read all their requirements and fulfill every single one of them which is more than I can ask but I have no idea what the pay or salary is.I know they have benefits though.This school charges around $12,000 per child per year(the younger ones) and as they go up in age the tuition goes up to $16,000 or more.Is there any way I can get the job at this school and if so what will be an approximation or estimation of the income I would make?

    2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • ex,ex's friends and i?

    Here is the drama:dated this guy let's call him J and we broke up a couple of months ago(Feb. of this year).The guy J and I were best friends before we started dating so we knew each other for 2 yrs . Okay so here is the ordeal:one of my friend,Sabrina, is dating one of his friend Adrian.So they went on dates and kissed etc, not my deal but since I am friends with her when I hang out with her on Thursdays it will get messy if my ex is there. So Thursday of this past week her guy Adrian invited us to join him and his friends at this bar where my friend and I go anyways. We met up there,some of that guy's friends came and we chatted.Then a bit later more people came so we pull 2 tables together and sit down.So in conclusion I chatted with my ex's friends who are also friends of my friend Sabrina's date,Adrian. Anyways at one point this girl and I chatted,I found out her family owns this restaurant,we talked abt food,music,Mardi Gras and New Orleans.After her and her bf left, my friend and her guy went to the bar and I was stuck at the table with this guy.Anyways the guy and I talked and yes he is also a friend of my ex's.So in the end that guy made me laugh and smile and we chatted for a while and he was flirting with me.I am so freaking idk confused abt how things will turn out since my ex and I at the moment do not want to see each other or rather him.I am ok with being cordial with him but I am not sure why he acts like a jerk or something as though I am the devil.I am not sure what his friends knew abt me while we dated or after the break up but when they talked with me they got to see the real me:no games or strings attached.I am wondering if my friend and my ex's friend dating with somehow make this compliacted when I go out with my friend to the bar(my ex will probably think I will be stalking him or something).

    So my question is: what can I do?I mean I am ok with his friend flirting with me and do not care anymore since my ex is acting as though he does not care at all.I mean should I stay away from where he hangs out?I put my life on hold per se after the break up for 3 weeks and wasted my time and tears and so forth.Now I am making up for that and I am painting,putting on weight since that is a goal of mine(am too skinny) and doing things such as country dancing which I do not do.Is that bad or does it show that I have moved on?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • how can i put on weight in the next 4 weeks?

    I am a116-117 and 25 yrs old and 5 foot 5 inches(yup underweight).I want to gain 8-10 lbs by the end that the semester is over.Any ideas on how to do this?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • spanish 3 homework help: take at home test BEST ANSWER 10 pts right away?


    El estudiante escoge el modo apropiado del vervo y lo descrive conjudado segun el sujeto.

    1. LE aconsejaron a Ud. antes de que(tener) _ la entravista.

    2. Te recomendeel restaurante despeues de que nosotros (comer) _ ahi.

    3. Lo necesitabamos porque ellos(llamar) _ por telefono.

    4. Mis padres insistieron en comer muchas verduras para que yo (estar) _ de buena salud.

    5. La medica les (decir) _ que tomaran las pastilas.

    Here is the info I can provide that can help:

    1. antes de que= subjuntivo

    2. despues de que= indicativo

    3. porque- indicativo

    4. para que- subjuntivo

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • losing "the one" i love...hanging one or letting go?

    Here is the long story:I dated this guy John for two times:once in 2008 and once in 2009-2010.We were best friends until our recent break up. The dating in 2008 was for 4 months and in 2009-Feb 2010 was 6 months.Yet somehow I fell in love with him and vice versa. He was there for me when I was dealing with my 4 yr relationship fiasco and saw me cry and laugh and was there for me at midnight to help me with essays.The guy that I dated for almost 4 yrs and I called it off in June 2009.After that I started dating John shortly.Everything was okay but then I became sick and pregnant with his child which I did not tell him,my ex helped me when I had a miscariage since my ex of 4 yrs and I were best friends and still are,John thought I was cheating on him so he went and slept with this girl for 3 times when I was not there for him for 3 weeks(dealing with finding out I was 6 weeks pregnant) when his uncle passed away and he had a small accident(found all this stuff out when he was drunk). I was not there for him but the girl he met he had a connection with because even months later I found out that they were texting when he was not letting me check the time on his Karma(cell phone) and was paranoid when I kissed him in front of his sister,etc. Anyhow in Feb I sort of had enough because my grades were going down the drain and I had a nervous break down.He never knew abt the miscariage I had which sort of left me depressed, I went to our mutual friend in tears and said that I could not take it anymore and that I was thinking abt breaking up with him.She was meeting up with him the very same day to get a book back from him and before I could tell her do not say anything to him because I need to talk with him he calls and we break up.I saw him 1 week later,gave him a bracelet he gave me,a 20 page letter and we exchanged apologies.After that I hit rock bottom,I could not study for 2 weeks,lost 10 lbs, cried myself to sleep and it was really bad.I finally pulled myself together and started making A's and B's.5-6 weeks later I ran into him when at the same bar he goes to while with friends.We ignored each other as though we had no idea who we were which broke my heart and my guyfriend I was with was playing with my ex's emotions by giving me a kiss on the cheek.

    Soon after my friend and I went to the same bar again to celebrate our good grades etc and have a girls night out and I step outside,he is abt to leave. I call after him,ask him if he would like to join me for coffee or catch up and he said no then vents off for at least 20 minutes. I listened to everything he had to say abt the break up and his life:his dad having lung cancer and losing his job,school(grad),work,helping his familye,etc. He kissed me then proposed which I at first was a joke but then realized he was serious so I accepted.In the past he proposed but I turned him down because life was always chaotic and now life for me was good. I was introduced to his father as his fiance and his father gave us his blessing, we talked that night until 3 am as though nothing happened and he kept telling me how much he loves me,he gave me back the bracelet I gave him after the break up and saw that the letter I gave him he had and a bracelet from 2008 he still possessed. In the morning he had to run errands a few hrs later I receive a call from him wanting to talk with me abt how we rushed into things last night and how he wants to be friends.I agreed. We called each other the following days especially him.So we were on terms of friends,I called him a couple of times to wish him Happy Good Friday and Happy Easter and just see how he is doing etc but he was not in a talkative mood. Anyhow I found out that he went after my best friend 6 weeks after the break up,he converted to islam then asked her how she felt abt him which well she did not feel the same way as he did:she saw him as a friend. He then asked my friend(best friend) which is also a mutual friend abt her friend Joy and how she feels abt him.I just found this out recently.Also one of my good friends started dating one of his friends(who does not like him yet hangs out in the same group of ppl because of his sister-ex's).So Thursday of this week I hung out with my friend, her date(ex's friend who does not like him), and a couple of good friends of the ex's.Okay all of my ex's friends see me as the biatch or devil or something.So I was myself and cordial and had conversations and was polite.After some of the friends left this one friend oif my ex's well he starts to hit on me and we start talking.So I am thinking "This is so not good..I cannot date his friend"..Plus last week I met this other guy while celebrating my friend's 22nd b-day and we hit it off instantly right away..I still think am in love with my ex but have not spoken with him ever since Easter.I am not sure if it is worth waiting for him or if it is okay to hang out with his friends as my friend

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • why is this so complicated-?

    LOng story made short:dated my guyfriend,we broke up,we spoke after 2 months of no communication between the two of us, he proposed, I accepted,next day he takes everything back even though his dad gave his blessing and I was oh yes introduced as his fiance.Anyways my friend is dating one of his friends. Not a big deal rt?Last nt I hung out with some more of his friends and his friend who is dating my friend and we talked.My friend, her guy that she is dating(ex's friend) and this other guy and I were supposed to go together to idk where.At the last moment I felt uneasy and not safe especially with all of them being intoxicated or having had a couple of drinks.Thankfully one of my friend's friend lived in the same apt complex where my friend left her car(were supp 2 ride in one car).I let them know that something came up and left.I tried to chat with my friend on Facebook but she will not talk with me.WTF?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • inviting ex's friend to dinner?

    Ok so one of my friends has been hanging out with my ex's friends(from their group).I met the guy for like 10 minutes but them two chatted the most and he said how it was nice meeting me after all the things he has heard after the break up(everyone said something on both sides-my and his).So since my friend and him went and played pool,hung out another time and then went swimming together I thought that they could join me and this guy Cody(he already asked me out for next week and I said yes).I am not trying to start a war but if my friends likes the guy and vice versa that does not mean that idk it will cause drama or so I hope not.

    Is this a bad idea?I last spoke with my ex on Sunday(easter) and we are supposed to be "friends" or whatever.Tomorrow here is the catch:the guy that I am going on a date with he is taking me to the bar where my ex and his friends will be there.I am not going in to stir more trouble but rather outside so the guy brings me my drink and we talk. I am not sure how things will work out but does anyone think that this will get messy?

    Friends1 decade ago