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can anybody help me with my consumer awareness project pleeaase?

please help i have to do it

3 Answers

  • MBK
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    there are loads of questions and answers on consumer awareness already, somebody here is obsessed with it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Consumer attention is an excessively huge and often meaningless word. Before you get any hyperlinks or assets YOU have to pick what you desire to do and if you happen to desire to get aid point out the specified directions that you just obtained for this task. You would feel approximately such places as shopping a automobile, coverage, scams of quite a lot of varieties, institution financing as good as others. Get again with extra specifics and you are going to be assisted.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Check ingredients

    2. Way of production

    3. Raw materials

    4. Are the prices realistic

    5. Is it any good to me

    6. Is it necessary

    7. Healthier/ better/ more economical replacement

    8. Dates

    9. Fresh is better than preserved

    10. Sugar (causes osteoporosis) and Salt (increases blood pressure) content

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