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Need auto battery acid. New battery got tilted and leaked. Can I take some from non-working batteries?

I bought a new battery about 2 weeks ago from a major discount chain. It jumped out of the tray and was leaning at a 45 degree angle inside the engine compartment. Some grass underneath was discolored in two spots close together. There is still enough acid that the lead is covered, but not by much.

Can I get more acid to refill it?

I live in forgottonia , so it may be hard to find (as if it wasn't already).

I have two other batteries, one is sealed (currently) and very dead. It will charge forever at 4 amps.

The other battery is not sealed. Is about 3.5 years old, and will take a charge, it's just sorely lacking in cranking amps. It was purchased for a vehicle project which was abandoned. It's mainly been sitting around uncharged. It worked ok hooked up to a trolling motor this spring, but lacks the umph reguired to start a vehicle.

I have DVM's and I have - or can borrow a hydrometer.

Any ideas? Say it's doa and take it back?


Messy and dangerous is no problem.

Tomorrow I have to climb down into my concrete cistern to clean the dead frogs, snakes and leaves out of it.

The opening's so small I had to custom build a ladder and I can still barely get into it - not sure about getting out.

Nearest neighbor is about 1/2 mile away and he's not home this week. Not that he could hear me anyway.

I've done stuff much more dangerours than this.

I got chemical gloves, a mask with filters, safety googles.

I've burnt a couple acres up clearing brush and watched it burn around my truck (you know - you can't start those if it's really smoky..).

I've had a truck stuck in the pond 3 times.

The tractor PTO caught me when I had a ripped pair of sweat pants on - otherwise I'd been worried (if I could only find a woman who could undress me as fast as that PTO <sigh>...).

I've a 6 HP trimmer that uses 1/4" plastic "string". That sliced a hole in my foot that took 3 months to heal. I think I can tackle a battery...

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jon I worked in a chem lab in the central Queensland bush 35 years ago, probably more isolated than Forgottonia at the time. We revived a motorcycle battery by rinsing it out with hot distilled water several times, then refilled it with sulphuric acid made up to the correct specific gravity. Worked a treat but I don't know for how long. I suppose long enough to ride to town to get another.

    Sadly I can't now remember what that gravity was but if you charge your 3.5 year old battery, the one that will take a charge, you can rob some of the acid out of it and put it in the new one. You can use the borrowed hydrometer for that. You will not need much if the plates on the new battery are still covered.

    All the usual cautions and wash your hands well when finished.

    Source(s): Done it myself.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Need auto battery acid. New battery got tilted and leaked. Can I take some from non-working batteries?

    I bought a new battery about 2 weeks ago from a major discount chain. It jumped out of the tray and was leaning at a 45 degree angle inside the engine compartment. Some grass underneath was discolored in two spots close together. There is still enough acid that the lead is covered, but not by...

    Source(s): auto battery acid battery tilted leaked working batteries:
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Battery Acid Refill

  • 1 decade ago

    The stuff inside those little caps is water. No you can't take battery acid out of an old battery. You'd be better off just getting a new battery. You can get it refilled but it would probably cost more than a new one would cost.

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  • 1 decade ago

    no muss, no fuss. no big deal. Just top it off with rainwater or in a pinch bottled water. I've gone so far as to drain all the acid out of a dead battery and fill it with spring water, charge it, and ended up with a good battery. I think that was just dumb luck tho. No, it does,nt need more acid. water will be just fine. it will make its own acid.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heres something may sound a bit odd to you. But if you want to check my answer feel free to call your local shop and ask them.

    If you have most of the fluid remaining in your battery, add water. Yes plain ole water to it and start the car and let it charge. It will become ionized and be perfectly fine.

    Other options would be buying a new battery or some companies do make fluid to add to the battery, depending on the brand.

  • 1 decade ago

    Assuming that you haven't lost all the acid, just some of it do this: Add distilled water (DO NOT use tap water) to bring the liquid level up to where it belongs and re-charge the battery.

    The normal process of charging the battery makes a strong solution of Sulpheric Acid. Simple chemistry

    Source(s): Living for 60 years and reading since I was 8. I took chemistry in highschool in 1964.
  • 4 years ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can try, but it probably wont work and it messy and dangerous :)

    try to find a good used one :)

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