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Jon W
Hobbies: Fishing, hunting, shooting, photography. Specialties: I am an excellent photographer bursting with knowledge of both the old and new, the simple and the arcane - and have been one for 31 of your earth standard years now. Computer expert - primarily System Management - Hardware and Software, customer support and networking (more at bottom). Dog! I love them. Generally considered a good trainer. PC hardware and software since 1984. Hunting and/or guns Networking, Ethernet (all physical layers), OSI (no, not the model - a real OSI Network!) Async, sync modems, muxes. Programming: Unix/Linix Scripts and DCL (DEC), DEC command lwith a smattering of Basic & Fortran known at least 6 totally proprietary languages. Sybase SQL DBA Operating System and/or evironments: DEC: RSX-11, RSTS/E, VMS, ULTRIX UNIX (BSD, SYSV, ULTRIX , SOLARIS) LINIX, DOS, WINDOWS 2.0-3.11, WINDOWS 98, WINDOWS XP PRO, OS/2.
Cheapest and easiest to use Tick repellent for a constantly wet dog?
I have a Lab puppy (6 months or so) and he's always swimming in the pond or any water container or puddle he can find. I'm in the midwest and it's been very rainy!
I'm retired, disabled on a fixed income and can't afford expensive solutions so, I'm looking for something under $30.
I live in a wooded area & there are lots of brown dog and Deer ticks (mostly brown ones).
I have a flea collar on him, and I've searched & read other answers here about how they do not work that well - which has been my experience also. Even with a dry dog, they will get ticks on the end away from the flea collar.
I've also tried Hartz and Biospot drops which I apply neck to tail (and usually a double dose) & Sargents Flea and Tick shampoo baths and Sevin dust.
They work for about a week, and then he's washed them off again.
Fencing is out and I don't want to keep him tied up all summer.
I live in a remote area - so no comments re: leash laws, etc. - please.
Any ideas for something waterproof & easy?
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agoIs $400 a fair price to pay for this AK-47 outfit?
And if not - what is?
Romanian AK-47. Folding stock, bi-pod, scope mounts and scope, 3 30 round mags, 1 10-round mag. Perhaps some other few misc. items I've forgotten.
My friends co-worker has it.
They do security work - all on the up and up.
If this guy says it's nice - I would tend to believe him. The price is pretty firm.
So, I wanted to get some opinions on the price to see if it's worth going to look at. Mainly looking for a winter-time toy/backup deer rifle - well, you know... I just want one.
I may keep it - may not. If I needed the money and sold it for $100 less this summer - it wouldn't break my heart.
I just found out about the scope. Heard it had scope mounts, but didn't know there was a scope included until yesterday, so I'm inquiring as to type, brand, & model, power, and objective lens size. Seeing if he'll throw in some ammo too.
I've been diddling around with this for a month - I think he wants an answer.
15 AnswersHunting1 decade agoCheapest (Internet or mail) source for military surplus 7.62X39mm ammo in roughly 500-1000 rounds quantities.
Seems like all I can find is Wolf and Bear.
I need something really cheap. Corrosive and/or Berdan primed is fine.
It is legal to in my state (MO) to have it shipped directly to me. Given roughly equivalent prices, probably the closer to Missouri the better as far as freight charges go.
4 AnswersHunting1 decade agoMauser CZ.24 will not strike primer on "FIRE" or go to "SAFETY" with Buehler 770 safety.?
This is a safety that works "backwards" from the factory Mauser safety.
See my previous question:;_ylt=AnKAt...
for more details.
MIDWESTUSA sells a similar safety if you want to see what it looks like here:
I cannot perform step 3 of the recommended fix procedure. I'll add that as additional details next.
3 AnswersHunting1 decade agoI can't recock my Mauser bolt to reinstall it on my Chek (VZ.24?) 8mm. Safety won't move from full-right.
I must'a pulled it out de-****** & now I can't get it back in.
I'm trying to follow the instructions from here:
- but the safety won't move from full-right to center or full-left.
I've never seen it full-left. It wouldn't move that way - I always figured it was because it hit the scope, but took that off and still can't get it back in & now it won't budge from full right.
The safety lever is secured with a screws & stamped BUEHLER. The bolt has "770" stamped on the end.
It's a sporterized Chezk I always figured...
It says:
Serial starts 81xx (4 digits) followed by P3.
Some kind of crest on the top in front of the receiver and an S on the barrel in front of that.
(I realize that probably doesn't help with the bolt, but while I was here, I thought maybe somebody knew where or when made?)
I've seen disassembly instructions online-but don't really want to mess with it further right now.
8 AnswersHunting1 decade agoWhere does the thermostat go in a 1989 4-cyl Dodge Dakota? Also install tips please?
I've had this truck as a spare for a few months.
The engine never heats up (much) and found a thermostat in glove box - so I suspect it has none in it...
I bought one along with some tune-up parts, but never got around to having mechanic replace it.
Due to problems with other my Dakota, I would like to get the thermostat installed. So - where does it go?
I figure somewhere between the engine and the radiator.
I'd like to know where exactly so I don't have to remove every hose and then have it wrong. Also, which way does it face?
I don't have any spare antifreeze, and it's 20 miles to nearest store. I need to get it inspected first for plates and don't want to get stopped every 10 minutes while in town.
Also, therefore don't need to be told that I should have someone else do it - as that's not an option.
So, I'll also have to catch the antifreeze and reuse it.
Where to place pan and how big do I need?
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoDakota won't start. Acts like it's shorting out when starting. Help for automotive dummy please?
My 1998 Dakota (V6-automatic) has refused to start for the last week & my trusty mechanic's snow-birding until Feb.
It's just doing a total die-job when I try to start it up.
All of the lights go out (inc. dashboard and dome) and it won't even pretend to turn over. I've recharged the year old battery a couple of times with no better results.
Today I tried it and happened to leave the ignition on and noticed that the dashboard and dome lights reset after 15-20 seconds and can hear fuel pump click on. I have one fuse that's replaced with a circuit breaker. I'll see what it's on and replace it with a fuse.
I could exchange the battery with the one in my 1989 Dakota which is only 4 months old - but I don't think that's it.
Nearest garage is now 20 miles away. I'd like to get it moving at least that far.
I have Dakota parts - whole spare truck's worth for same year type (not counting 1989 4-cylinder manual from above - and excluding radiators). Good electrical skills. No automotive 1's
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoR U aware how serious the "man" problem could be? It's not about points. This is a serious, planned attack.
Just a couple observations. Have to use some jargon & don't have room to define all terms. (Y!A is Yahoo! Answers).
Most people seem to be fixated on the points - or inconvenience.
Those are just side-effects and/or means to an end.
Y!A - I'm sure has a top notch security staff, but have not been able to stop this yet. That indicates it's using hijacked PC's to run the bots (perhaps yours) so Y!A cannot easily block them.
The bots had to be installed sometime in advance (Step 1).
The adaptive changing of names & web site addresses (today switched to hexadecimal to obfuscate them) is clever. This has all of the earmarks of a very well planned attack.
It is about the virus or the virus payload. Deleting the virus may not get the payload.
Routers & Windows firewall does nothing to prevent this type of infection. It has likely infected many thousands of machines (Step 2).
I even clicked on it accidentally! (was using FireFox & noscript, so I was not infected)
Step 3 will be coming.
4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoCook pizza thawed instead of frozen. Time and temp changes?
I have a Freschetta Naturally Rising "Bake to Rise crust" Pizza that says keep frozen and cook before eating. I got busy and it thawed out, but I'm going to cook it now (and don't try to talk me out of it).
It's a "special deluxe pizza". I've never cooked this brand or flavor before.
Directions are to preheat to 375, place on cookie sheet on center rack, and bake for 30-34 minutes.
It also says until cheese is melted and edges are golden brown.
So, as usual, I cut it in 1/2 and then that in to 1/4's.
The baking sheet (Heavy Duty Foil) is on the center (only rack) of the toaster oven - which has been pre-heating at 500 while I typed this.
How long should I cook this and at what temperature?
I have cooked a lot of other pizza's this way including Digorno's and other rising ones. They weren't thawed however.
I'm going to pick a temperature now, throw it in, and see how it goes. I'll update the details with the final time and the closest one gets a best answer.
5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWhy are cameras listed under consumer electronics and not photography?
I realize that photography can take many forms- not all of them utilizing cameras, but I feel that cameras and photography are inexorability linked in peoples minds.
I have been answering questions in "photography" for over a month and just today noticed that there was a camera category.
I think that photography and cameras should be co-located, with perhaps a photography main category with a camera sub-category - as well as possibly others, such as photography classes, digital and film, etc.
These are just some examples for consideration.
I think that photography is a large part of our daily lives, and as such should be in an easy to locate and combined section so that questions and answers flow naturally in between them.
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoWhy does Yahoo! Answers spell-checker choke on long answers? I would think that more detail is generally good?
It hangs on long answers. The little circle thing will circle forever until you hit cancel. Does anybody have a work-around for this?
Haven't tested how long "long" is but it seems to happen regularly at a certain size - it may have just worked OK a couple of sentences ago.
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoA way of shutting off a pump when water is low. Opposite of normal sump pump switch action.?
I have a 3/4 shallow well pump supplying water from a cistern.
I'd like to have a method of shutting off the pump when the water gets down to about 8" to avoid burning the pump up (it's a cheap pump - I don't think it has thermal protectiion).
The pump is sitting on top of the 1500 gallon cistern. The cistern is about 7 foot deep and about 3.5' wide and 7' long. The only access it through a 100 pound concrete lid which I need to keep on to keep the critters out, or a 4" hole which currently has two 1" PVC pipes coming up through it.
The pump is inside an insulated and heated box. It uses a standard 115 volt cord. There are extra outlets in the box.
The closest thing I can think of would be a regular sump pump float switch that switches off instead of on when the water is low.
It almost has to be water proof, the cistern can be filled to overflowing and initially I thought it would have to be near the bottom.
6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoNeed auto battery acid. New battery got tilted and leaked. Can I take some from non-working batteries?
I bought a new battery about 2 weeks ago from a major discount chain. It jumped out of the tray and was leaning at a 45 degree angle inside the engine compartment. Some grass underneath was discolored in two spots close together. There is still enough acid that the lead is covered, but not by much.
Can I get more acid to refill it?
I live in forgottonia , so it may be hard to find (as if it wasn't already).
I have two other batteries, one is sealed (currently) and very dead. It will charge forever at 4 amps.
The other battery is not sealed. Is about 3.5 years old, and will take a charge, it's just sorely lacking in cranking amps. It was purchased for a vehicle project which was abandoned. It's mainly been sitting around uncharged. It worked ok hooked up to a trolling motor this spring, but lacks the umph reguired to start a vehicle.
I have DVM's and I have - or can borrow a hydrometer.
Any ideas? Say it's doa and take it back?
8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoI saw a small mammal in NE Missouri yesterday. Front 1/2 was red & the back 1/2 was dark. What is it?
I saw it very closely - from 3 feet for 5 seconds in an isolated patch of tall grass.
I was clearing it of summer stuff & I'd lifted something out. It was standing in a bare spot where what I removed had prevented the grass from growing.
The dogs were standing nearby, but before I could get them tracking on it, I looked back down and it was gone.
I didn't have a camera on me & I'd left my gun at the last spot, so that's best desciption I can give.
The front 1/2 of (the part with the head), was red and the back was black or very dark brown.
The body shape was almost cylindrical except for the head and tail (both medium). I'd say it was 2" in diameter and 6" in length (excluding tail).
I've lived here 7 years and, also 45 miles away for 24 years (starting @ age 0), and I've never seen anything like it before.
This is a argricultural & hunting area with crops, ponds, pasture, woods, & small river. I was the only resident around yesterday within about 300 acres.
10 AnswersZoology1 decade agoHow can I melt a beer bottle into an ashtray without it breaking in an open fire?
I've heard it can be done on an open fire.
7 AnswersSculpture1 decade agoWhat's with the "Marco" --- "Polo" thing?
I've been hearing and seeing it in movies and on TV shows the last year or so...
Where did it come from?
(Other than the explorer "Marco Polo")start?
What was it first used in (if a movie or something)?
What does it mean?
4 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago