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Something special for my girlfriend?

Need some ideas what speical things i can do for my girlfriend, i want to take her somewhere special and give her the best date ever, one she will never forget, and please no sexual comments, we are christians and we do not do the sex thing. You may find that weird but then..oh well. But any suggestions would be greatly appriciated.

11 Answers

  • baeb47
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    RJ (hubby of 36 years) and I do a lot of "dinking around" (good, cheap [free, whenever possible!] fun things) ... like going to nearby museums on the day of the week when admission is free, to free movies and concerts at the local community college or the free summertime theatre-in-the-park performances.

    We go to local business and health "expos" and sign up for prize drawings (we've won a few, too!), and pick up the free give-away items offered at many booths (pencils, keychains, notepads, drinking cups, candy, etc.)

    We use coupons for buy-one-get-one-free meals at restaurants and fast food places, etc. Sometimes we buy our favorite fast food meal and take it to an area park and enjoy our lunch while sitting by the pond, watching the ducks and other wildlife ... very peaceful. Sometimes we head out of the city to the backroads of the countryside until we find a quiet pasture full of cattle grazing ... we pull over to the side of the road, turn off the engine, roll down the windows and just sit and listen to the sounds of cattle breathing and ripping the grass as they eat ... so relaxing!

    We like going to local high school and community theatre productions to help support the local talent. We go to area festivals, bazaars and art shows ... sometimes we buy an art piece that moves us.

    Some of the best presents my hubby has given me over the years have been interesting rocks, large and small, that he found while he was out on his job.

    Occasionally, we go to a dollar store (where everything is $1 each), and take $10 or $20 each to spend. Sometimes we buy for ourselves, and sometimes we spend it on each other. It's fun to see what all we can get for the money ... some very useful stuff, and some just fun!

    Of course, if you want to spend the big bucks, you can always dress up ritzy and take her to a fancy restaurant, then to a nice concert or theatre production!


    One of our favorite things to do is find the highest vantage point possible, wherever we are, and enjoy the view! Take along refreshments (cheese and crackers or fresh fruit, or sandwiches, etc.) and something to drink (from colas, fruit juice to your favorite bubbly [we like non-alcoholic, carbonated grape or apple juice!]) ... and don't forget the pretty fluted glasses to serve the drinks in so you can toast your good fortune of being together, and your future! We've done this on a hilltop in the Smokey Hills of Kansas, a mountain peak in Colorado, and the Sears Tower in Chicago (that occasion was cheese & peanut butter crackers and juice boxes, but still wonderful!), etc.

    Some of the nicest things RJ does for me involve housework ... he knows how much I hate it, so he regularly does the vacuuming of the carpets, and cleans the stove. I feel especially cherished every time he does these things! He also takes his turn doing dishes and starting the laundry (though we did have several loads of pink underwear the first few times he helped!). If you don't already know, find out what household chore your sweetie hates the most, and take it on yourself as your special gift to her. She'll be thrilled beyond words!

    Good luck to you both, and God bless you!

  • 1 decade ago

    Many of you have that one special dish that you can cook which always results in rave reviews. Make plans to cook a warm dinner for your lover at home. Get some new taper candlestick holders if you don't have any to set the mood. Get the groceries to prepare a full meal with soup or salad, main meal and a dessert. Have some background dinner music playing, something quiet and inspiring. For an added touch, encircle the room where you will eat with more candles and enjoy your romantic dinner with only the candle light. Try and make it is perfect as you can. Use matching dinnerware sets, cloth napkins and the appropriate silverware. Also make sure you know what you sweetie's favorite libation is and get it beforehand to offer with your dinner.


    Not enough people do this! It is truly one of my favorite ways to spend an afternoon with my significant other. You don't have to break out the champagne and carry a fancy picnic set complete with champagne flutes (God knows you can't afford it even if you wanted to). But simply throwing a soft blanket on the grass and bringing with you whatever non-moldy food you can find in the fridge can be utterly romantic. Find a location in a serene park or quiet beach. Make sure the day is sunny with no chance of rain. Unfold your blanket and lie in the sun together. You can enjoy some nibbles and then curl up with each other in the warmth of the sun or bring a book (each of you) and be happy that you are side by side and enjoying the beautiful natural surroundings.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You could go out to like a fancy store that carries fancy dresses and fancy stuff for women and pick her out the most beautiful outfit (or you could get the clerks to help you pick it out), then come home and lay it out on the bed or somewhere she'll notice it and write her a note saying that the outfit is for her and tell her to get ready and meet you outside sometime later on that night. Then once you come and pick her up, take her to a fancy restaurant where you both have a private table of your own where you both can spend some quality time with her and just talk to each other without interruptions. This idea might or should I say will get a little expensive.

  • 1 decade ago

    i'm gonna assume she likes italian food. most girls do.

    reserve a spot at a REALLY fancy, mid prided (50-100 a plate) restaurant, and make sure you tell them it's something special and would like their wine specialist (expensive restaurants will have these) and ask for them to pick out a bottle of wine in the 4-500 dollar category for when you arrive to have uncorked for you when you sit down. also make sure you read the reviews about their tiramasu, girls will weep tears of joy over good tiramasu. dress up, reserve a lincoln (usually available for 60 bucks an hour) to drop you off at the restaurant and a limosine to pick you up after your dinner (usually about 200 an hour).

    she will never forget it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am not sure about your financial situation but the best date I ever had was to come home and find a box on my doorstep with a card that said, "look beautiful for me - it isn't hard for you." Inside the box was a new dress and tickets to a play.

  • 1 decade ago

    Give her one gift for every month you have been together ending with a very romantic dinner. I applaud the no sex thing. That is a great temptation to avoid maybe you can give her a true love waits ring as one of the gifts....

  • 1 decade ago

    My partner recently took me to a town where when I was younger my parents used to take me for school holidays. We played mini golf, we walked the beach, we did the walking track, we re-lived my childhood and the whole weekend was about me.

    I think anything you do that you make all about her will make her feel special.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Take her to a candle light dinner to a restaraunt. Then after that take her to a park at night and glare at the moon.

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Get Every Girl Easily
  • 1 decade ago

    well i will suggest Niagara-on-the-lake......its beautiful this time of the year ......walk on the lake bed&breakfast are cheap $45 a day ride under a worm blanket....if she like wine tasting lots of fun adult stuff to do ......well good luck.i wish all men were like you thank you.......

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