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Repubs, answer this one for me: Clinton was nearly impeached for having sex with a woman - but the whole Foley

mess seems to be getting swept under the carpet. This, in spite of the fact that he molested an UNDERAGED child.

He says he is "troubled" by the fact that he, himself was molested as a child - but does that make being a pederast acceptable?

Also, how about the THREE YEAR LONG coverup?


Okay - okay! I stand corrected, Clinton was IMPEACHED, not removed from office.

That doesn't change the heart of the matter - he was put on trial for his error in judgement.

And the child was NOT 18 when the emails started.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Anyone who knew about Tom Foley being involved in anyway with the underage young man should be removed from their position. In my opinion, this includes the Speaker of the House, who was notified, but passed the responsibility of the 'investigation'. Well, he was still obligated to follow-up on the matter, and he did not.

    This is an embarassment for the Republican Party, the Adam Walsh Bill, and the entire nation.

    Those who failed to investigate and react at all, in other words, do their jobs- should be removed from their positions. Every last one.

    Republican, member of the GOP.


  • 1 decade ago

    You are so out of line! The cover-up was at least 6 years.

    Clinton was impeached for perjury not for Monica. Foley apparently isn't old enough to tell right from wrong...

    What's going to happen? Probably the House Republicans will fully support an FBI investigation, to happen after the election, and will say they can't do it because he has resigned.

    After the election, the FBI will say that when the crimes were committed, Foley enjoyed Congressional immunity so their hands are tied. Business as usual, Foley goes free, gets his fat retirement and free health care, the rest of the House Republicans that should have resigned will not have Foley pointing at them.

    The real indictment of U.S. politics is not Clinton boffing Monica, it is not Republicans buggering pages, it is that so few find it surprising. Time for a total purge in both parties. Maybe we should all vote for minor parties and let GOP and Democrats wither away.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, Clinton WAS impeached, but he was not removed from office.

    Second, Clinton was not impeached or in danger of being removed from office for having an affair, he was impeached for lying under oath in a federal court of law. A very serious felony.

    Get your facts straight before you start comparing situations.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hate to say this but why are you surprised? The Bush Administration has done nothing but swept all of their problems under the rug and hide them from the American Public, or else cover them up so that they look like something else.


    Downing Street Memo

    Under the Mission Accomplished Banner

    Plame Leak

    Illegal Wire Taps

    Controversial UN Ambassador appointee John Bolton and Harriet Myers Supreme Court Nominee

    The Blacked out 9/11 report

    The list goes on and on....

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He wasn't the President of The United States of America.

    Nothing is getting swept under the carpet. The whole thing is under investigation. I think some dems and republicans are gonna be in trouble over this one!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    correction.......Clinton WAS impeached.

    Foley resigned and the kid was 18. By any law in this land he is considered an adult, and there only emails, no physical.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since the investigation just started, what is your rush. If it was A Democrat your side would be whining to give justice time. So give it time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    foley is sick! who knew what when won't be answered until after the election..i think they all knew and covered it up..remember this is washington we're talking about..this sucks no matter who did what ,he is a pedophile plain and simple..

  • 1 decade ago

    Big coverup!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wtf is a perderast?

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