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Do you think "we" (the common people) could get along if it wasn't for governments and religions?

For 15 years, twice a year, I got to a Mineral, Crystal and Fossil show. These shows go on for about a week. During that week I see people from all over the world interact; Americans, Brazilians, Australians, Afghani, Indians, French, Germans, etc. At the end of each day, we gather and talk. Most of us have seen each other at this and other similar shows for years. We all get along. There is a great deal of fellowship and friendship.

Have you seen similar occurances? Do you think that if it wasn't for governments, religions and power mad individuals, all of us "common people" would get along and the planet might be a peaceful, harmonious place? Or am I full of it?


Yes, I know it's a simplistic question and outlook. I know someone or something would come in and screw it up. But I like the dream.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't believe YOU are the one "full of it." Yes, I think humans could co-exist in peace were it not for the provocation of religion and, of course, politics.

  • WikiJo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Government exists for only one reason: to provide some degree of order. It is pretty expensive for doing anything else. Everything it's supposed to do comes down to the order thing, from streetlights & sewers to money & taxation.

    Subcultures such as @ the show bring together people who share a common interest & language - of minerals & fossils. I am not surprised about the friendship - often it only needs the smallest chance & springs up almost by itself !

    Governments are necessary when groups of people are too big to all know each other & the order becessary for basic life cannot be established through relationship & direct agreements. Government takes some of the place of this.

    So I would say no, because the two things operate at different numerical planes; the subculture at the individual or at the 10s level; the government in the higher numbers - thousands on up.

    And yes, I do see how distance compounds the problem of relationship - humans magnify what their 5 senses can reach & minimize the seemingly theoretical (but maybe real live) millions.

    Religions have done incredible harm, but harm would have been done some other way without it. Same for power mad individuals.


  • 1 decade ago

    Humans would still have their human nature to contend with. When someone does all the taking and begins to take what is yours, would you then, have the "oneness" of harmony? Wars are fought because of someone taking something which does not belong to them, (includes freedom to choose too). While everyone has their little "empire" self is temporarily satisfied. Ultimately, someone begins to want more and war results. Watch children play and you will see them play in peace for a while then, some child upsets the proverbial "apple cart" and a squabble results.

  • 5 years ago

    What a stupid rant!! And why cover at the back of the word faith whilst all of the worlds religions and atheists get alongside in simple terms high-quality different than for the intolerance and persecution of the christians?!! Time to appreciate that is not any longer approximately thought, God or Jesus yet with regard to the intolerance, hatred and persecution from those extraordinarily undesirable christian attitudes and habit!! You ,are forcing using the two civil and criminals regulation for use to chop down your excesses!! as quickly as Christians rediscover the loving god and commence performing like it the challenge will stop!!!! of path till then christianity will greater and greater get referred to as the "Nasty faith"!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    As a fellow humanitarian, I concur with your sentiments, however, religion is a supposed to be a moral fiber to enhance spiritual growth and is meant to be positive.

    In my opinion government should enhance the protection of the rights of the people to have faith.

    I find now that we live in a time that is regressing instead f progressing.

    There is an agenda to undermine anyone who does not bow before conquest and the dollar.

    Continue to sell not your soul nor your integrity.....

  • 1 decade ago

    Who do you think starts and supports governments and religions? Extraterrestrials?

  • 1 decade ago

    it depend on the coutry's wealth. you have nothing you are nothing, remember Iraq and the Oil

  • 1 decade ago


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