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Allergy shots?

I have been taking prescribed medication (pills and nasal spray) but having no relief. I have considered having allery testing done and getting the allergy shots. Does anyone get these now? If so are they painful, expensive and do they work?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Debra

    Im going to give you a different answer. Here are some remedies to heal your allergies. Shots will only surpress the real issue with the body (current toxic state at some level).


    When certain foods are eaten, toxins are stirred up in the body which has an excessive retention of waste matter.

    Dr. Harold Thomas Hyman, M.D., in his book Handbook of Differential Diagnosis (Philadelphia, London, Montreal: J.B. Lippincott Co.) explains that despite limitations in current understanding of the problem, the state of allergy is described best as "a perversion or perversions of the mechanisms of host-defense." Several pages then continue to explain whether the allergies are histamine versus tuberculin type and the many tests, clinically, to determine the cause. The cause can be pollens, plants, micro-organisms and their products, animal tissues, digestants, cosmetics, drugs, serums, articles of clothing, dyes, industrial products, physical modalities (heat, cold, solar energy, etc.), and psychic tensions. The first step in cleaning up the cause of allergies is to work on rebuilding the bowel area to a "healthy action."

    Herbal Aids:

    1. General Instructions: Clean the blood stream with a good herbal tea such as the red clover combination tea, which consists of red clover blossoms, chaparral, licorice root, poke root, peach bark, Oregon grape root, stillingia, prickly ash bark, burdock root, and buckthorn bark. A very fine herbal remedy for allergies, hay fever and sinus conditions is an herbal combination as follows: Brigham tea, marshmallow root, juniper berries, golden seal root, chaparral, burdock root, parsley root, cayenne, lobelia. Adult dose: one cup morning and evening. Another aid for sinus-stopped-up head and nose is our horseradish combination.

    Preparation: Blend fresh, chopped-up horseradish roots into apple cider vinegar into a pulp (thick) and chew thoroughly before swallowing (one-eighth teaspoonful) three times in a day. Each three days increase this amount from one-eighth teaspoon up to one teaspoon.

    2.Other Treatment:

    Use the three-day cleanse each thirty days, or at least each three months and follow the mucusless diet.

    Be sure to drink at least one gallon of distilled water per day for an adult of average size. We use one ounce of distilled water to each pound of weight per day--20 ounces for a 20-pound child. One who weighs 130 pounds would use 130 ounces per day, or about one gallon.

    3. Dr. Christopher's Formula for Allergies, Sinus, Hay Fever: (Sha Tea) This is an aid for clearing up these malfunctions, a "natural and herbal help" working as a decongestant and natural antihistamine to dry up the sinuses and expel from the head and broncho-pulmonary tubes and passages the offending stoppage and mucus. This formula consists of the following herbs: Brigham tea, marshmallow root, juniper berries, golden seal root, chaparral, burdock root, parsley root and lobelia.

    To speed up this cleansing procedure, use the following combination in addition to the above: blend fresh, chopped-up horseradish roots mixed with apple cider vinegar into a thick pulp and chew thoroughly before swallowing. Take 1/3 teaspoon three times in a day. Each three days increase this amount from 1/3 teaspoon up to one teaspoon, increasing the amount 1/3 teaspoon each three days.

    4. Dr. Christopher's Blood Circulation Combination: (BPE) This formula is given to assist blood purifying teas to work more efficiently and to also aid the clearing up of allergies, etc. This group of herbs feeds cayenne (a stimulant) and ginger (stimulant) into the circulatory system where the cayenne works from the bloodstream to the heart and arteries, out into the veins. The other herbs in the formula assist these two herbs and work together to equalize the blood pressure (whether high or low) and to bring it to a good systolic over the diastolic reading. Blood flow is life itself. The blood circulatory combination consists of ginger, cayenne, golden seal, ginseng, parsley and garlic.

    5. Colic in Babies: Most babies stop being colicky after three full months. If yours continues, check more closely into food allergies.

    6. Food Allergies: Food allergies are another very common cause of headache. The worst culprit is sugar; I have experienced sugar headaches, which are sort of a withdrawal; you eat the sugar, and then as the body is trying to eliminate the toxic substance, your head pounds. Cheese commonly causes headaches, probably the worst of the dairy products for this, although allergies to any of them may cause the pain. Meats and eggs are also common allergens.

    7. Onions: Onions are eaten to help the symptoms of allergies.

    8. Milk: Mr. White continues on with a statement or two from Dr. Marion T. Davidson, M.D., in Southern Medical Journal (Richmond, VA).

    In my experience of twenty years in treating allergies, milk has always been one of the most frequent reactors on skin testing, only house dust exceeds it in frequency.

    9. A Word About Hay Fever, Pollen and Allergies: Many folks suffer great discomfort during the pollination season of plants. They attribute their symptoms to the pollen, saying that they are "allergic" to it. What is happening is that the pollen is bringing out of their bodies years of accumulated toxins. These come out in the form of mucus running from the nose, eyes, and lungs. Symptomatic relief can be obtained by using the Hayfever Formula, but again, permanent change can only be had through faithful adherence to the mucusless diet. After one year on the mucusless diet, all allergies should disappear. For an immunity to the local pollen, a tablespoon of local raw honey may be taken daily. It won't do you any good to take honey from Hawaii or Minneapolis if you are sneezing from pollen in you are sneezing from pollen in Copperstown, North Dakota.


    Allergies and Milk: Another personal experience relating to the subject of milk: for a time I was a member of the Deseret Gymnasium in Salt Lake City, Utah, where I went regularly to swim, exercise, and generally keep fit. The office manager there who admitted the guests into the facilities was constantly wiping his nose until it was reddened by the irritation. One day I asked him how long he had been suffering from this continual nasal drip, swollen eyes, and stopped-up head. He told me that the condition had been with him for as long as he could remember, ever since childhood. He also told me that he had been using a box of tissue each day for years and that he had been forced to give up linen handkerchiefs. They simply did not remain clean long enough!

    I asked the man, first of all, whether or not he was a heavy milk drinker. He said that he was, and that he usually drank a quart or even two per day. I promised him that if he would discontinue drinking milk for a few weeks that he would see an improvement. I also explained to him that within a year his allergies would be gone if he would follow a general mucusless diet routine.

    I was so occupied with business matters in the weeks that followed that three months had gone by before I was able to return to the Gymnasium. When I went to check in for re-admission to the facilities, I met my friend who was at his desk. He grinned from ear to ear, pulled out a folded linen handkerchief, and said, "I keep this in my pocket for days now and do not use it. No more tissues and no more running nose." He had become a happy man simply by following the advice to stop drinking milk. He had sworn up and down that he was hooked on that liquid and that he could not find the self-will to stop drinking it. He had succeeded, however, and found that his health had certainly improved. That incident took place nearly forty-five years ago; and since then we have advised many thousands of patients to follow the example of the animals of the lower kingdom who do not suckle their offspring after weaning.

    Best of health to you.


  • Andy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have to get allergie shots every two weeks. I have to get 4 every two weeks At the begining I had to get four every week but then after about a year my allergie doctor said that I can get them every two weeks. They are not painful at all. You might be itching for a little bit until your body gets used to it but other then that there is nothing else that happens. The allergie shots work excellent. I still ahve to take allergie medication along with the allergie shots but to tell you the truth my allergies don't bother me anymore. Before I started to get the shots I was always sick. ( allergie related) Now I am fine and have no problems with it. I will never regret going to find out about my allergies and get shots. It costs me $5.85 for the whole vist (shots included).. (My insurence covers them. so I only have to pay a co-pay) If you do not have any insureance I think they are around $45 for 4 shots.. It also depends where you live.

    Source(s): i am getting allergie shots
  • 1 decade ago

    I have been having bad allergies and tried naynenex nasal spray and allegra -d both didnt work that well until I went to a specialist and they gave me ipratropium bromide nasal spray (basically for runny noses and mucus from allergies)... it the only thing that has provided me some relief so far.. Im looking into getting some grape seed extract..

    Source(s): Me
  • 1 decade ago

    My son went through this when he was two. Allergy testing is what tells you what you are allergic to and they can pin point what they need to do from there. The shots are like any other its a shot it hurts. But they are effective. The only thing is they are a pain especially if you are put on them weekly. My suggestion is to have the testing. Talk with your allergitis about the findings and see if you can design a regimen that suits you. Good luck and I hope that everything turns out ok.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Allergy testing is painful and, depending on your insurance, can be costly. The shots, however, are wonderful! Yes, like any shot it hurts but not suffering from seasonal allergies makes it worth it.

    Keep in mind that allergy shots ONLY help environmental allergies. The do nothing for food allergies.

  • huggz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Providing the diagnostic test are done well it is excellent. They are not painful and can give life long releif of symptoms. Cost depends on where you are, but they can be quite a bit.

    I had them in my 20's and am fine with the alleries up to now (im 45 now!)

  • jojo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Allergy shots are the ONLY relief I've found. Your insurance co. should cover the costs of testing and shots. The test is not I thought it would be. It just itched really bad but wasn't painful.

  • 1 decade ago

    I got allergy shots from the time I was 7 till I was 18, once a week. Guess they worked because I have almost completely grown out it. It doesn't hurt, it's a small needle

  • 1 decade ago

    No they are not painful. Check your medical insurance. They shouldn't be expensive at all. It takes time, but yes they work. I was allergic to over 100 things so it took five years, but now I am allergic to a lot less stuff and feel much better than I used to.

  • Janet
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I took the shots for the same things, dogs, cats, etc... My reactions to the shots were by far worse than just having the allergies. i quit and just deal with the allergies. I go thru alot of benadryl, zyrtec, and singulair!

  • 1 decade ago

    Once I had to get a shot of cortizone for a rash that came from drinking liquid vitamins. I asked my nurse where I would get the shot. And she said, "Right here in the clinic." And then she jammed the shot into the top of one of my butt cheeks and I laughed all the way home. So, that was fun. Rash disappeared in 24 hrs. ($200.00 BTW)

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