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Tuty asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

Can a betta and a goldfish be together?

Can a betta and the kind of fish that cleans the tank be together (glass sucker)

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People do it, it's not really recommend though. Goldfish and bettas need different temps and different foods. Goldfish are also really messy and need a strong filter but bettas are too delicate for the strong filters. About the betta and a glass sucker, it really depends on the type of glass sucker, there are lots, and the size of the tank. Some bettas are just too aggressive to have any tank mates so that also matters.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I tried to put a beta with goldfish the goldfish would mess up the betas fins... I wouldn't reccomend it at all! I've heard of this behavior of goldfish towards betas many times since... Even though betas are known to be aggresive fish I don't think they can really stand up to goldifh thier size and larger... they usually like to chill out and hang around the tank... the goldfish I had at the time seemed to be really annoying and always liked to pick on the beta. Its not a setup I would ever do again.

    Also I had goldfish in little tanks (not reccomended) with simply undergravel filters and an airpump and all I had to do was take out and replace 30 to 50% of the water once or twice a week... The water ALWAYS stayed clear even tho they are dirty fish. So they arent that difficult to keep up. All i had was a gallon jug I used to keep the water I had treated and planned to put into the tanks and a little cup (specifically used for this and nothing else) to dip the old water out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes they can, you can put it with any freshwater fish basically, besides another fighting fish. They tend to get very territorial though so if the Betta was in the tank first then just move the plants or whatever else is in the tank around and it should be okay. Most people have heard that Betta's are very aggressive, but most of the time they actually don't attack a fish unless it is a Betta.

    Source(s): I have a 10 gallon aquarium with: 2 red tipped sharks 2 Gouramis 1 Clown Loach 1 Betta fish 1 Rainbow shark
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just to be on the safe side, put the Betta fish in a different tank especially designed for Betta fish only, and put the other goldfish in a medium sized goldfish bowl. i advise that you not buy a goldfish, because they have to be cleaned once a day every week, and sometimes even twice a day every week- they swim in their own waste because they need to eat a lot of fish food to survive, so goldfish ususally die of some disease. get another kind of fish instead.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have kept bettas and goldfish together for years.Bettas are very aggressive only when two males are together. Temperature is not really a big factor, 70 -72 f is fine .Bettas also will not bother algea eaters. Keep water quality at its best.

  • 1 decade ago

    most betas that you find are males and don't get along with other males thas why most of the time they are in their own bowl.. most of the time they can get along with other fish unless that fish is a male with longger fins like i have two 55 gals and in one I have some guppys and the other I have a beta and some sunset platys they are fine b/c there arn't any long tails but I was warned not to at all put it with my guppys b/c of the male having a long bright tail. if your gold fish is the kind that has alot of fin I wouldn' tdo it... if you want them both you might want to think about getting two tanks.. *btw I have had a gold fish and a beta in the same tank before but the goldfish wasn't small when I got it so that might of helped *

    Source(s): fish owner
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    The Betta's aggressiveness aside, the water temperature needs vary too greatly for either one to be comfortable.

    Betta's like it hot. 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit for them (the glass sucker fish want it warm too only 75-80 for them), but only 50-60 degrees for the goldfish.

    Somebody is gonna be uncomfortable and stressed. Stressed fish get sick and die. Keep them separate.

    Source(s): I love aquariums. I have 4 running right now
  • 1 decade ago

    go ahead and put them togeather as long as they got enough room ive had multiple kinds of fish in with a betta and had no problems i even had two males and a female in the same tank as long as they have plenty of room and places to hide

    fish i had in my tank

    3 goldfish

    2 balla sharks

    2 mixed fruit tetras

    3 thia devil crabs

    2 plecos

    2 male bettas

    1 female bettas

    3 angel fish

  • 1 decade ago

    I have my Bettas and Goldfish together and the Betta just ignores the Goldfish. Just make sure they all have enough space for themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    wouldn't try it...Betta's can be pretty aggressive. Might get a little uncomfortable for the other fish.

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