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kentata asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Why do airline travelers get so IMPATIENT?

I was at LAX on Sunday - along with hoardes of irritated passengers who couldn't get to Hawaii. The airlines had to cancel flights due to the earthquake and loss of power at the island airports.

They were taking their frustrations out on the hapless gate agents. It isn't THEIR fault that an earthquake interrupted any plans to go to Hawaii.

But, this is a common occurrence, something happens with a flight, and the agent takes it in the shorts. Any ideas why we (as a society) can misdirect so much anger and feelings of entitlement?


Boredom is no reason for ABUSE.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the world is getting too spoiled. Nowadays we expect everything to be convenient, and life has been updated a lot. ( For example, who in the heck needs a 4 car garage??!!) We also act without thinking, and blame events on people. Sucks, but until people think about their actions I don't think there is much to do about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey let's look at the obvious, disasters make people nervous. If they had someone in Hawaii they were trying to get too, that would cause some concern. The fact that the airlines overbook, cancel and just plain screw things up will also cause anger, anxiety, and rudeness. The agents although they aren't responsible for the issues are at times rude and indifferent due to the stress of their public contact, still they are there or on the phone. They represent the airlines and get some compensation for being the scapegoats, though I'm sure after a long day they question the validity of that.

    Flying just freaks some of us out even if we want to go, losing it is like sliding into first.

    Take Care & Be Blessed

    Source(s): life, flying, and working with the public : )
  • mitch
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1. Many people obsessive compulsively must have all their ducks in a row, or they feel vulnerable, scared and angry.

    2. Their lives are ordered and their appointments, and they are not flexible, some times even to reason as the Hawaii Quake.

    3. I have been through many Quakes. Remember the Northridge Quake of '94? Well, some of those people may be transferring flights from somewhere where quakes have no significant meaning for them, like us.

    4. Some learn the hard way by pushing their luck. Nothing like direct experience to drive home reality.

    Good Luck and Warm Wishes.

  • Manny
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It happens everywhere, not just airports. It's usually the people with little or no control over their personal or professional lives. They get in front of a retail agent (anybody behind a desk) and then all of that "the customer is always right" b/s starts getting into their head, and they FRICKIN UNLOAD!!! Happens in many many places, and it just is. Weak @ss people who finally get some measure of control over a someone, and they go nuts with it.

    They are trained to take it, but that doesn't make it any better.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's like the concept of "shoot the messenger." Since those people are there, and work for the airlines, society views them as being just as responsible for the delays as everything else...except themselves.

    At least things are returning to normal pretty fast out here in Hawaii.

  • 1 decade ago

    first off, many people are anxious about flying in the first place. delays, especially due to weather or worse, mechanical problems, only add to the fear.

    secondly, a lot of travelers are on business, and being late to or missing a meeting is not what they have planned. pissing all of them off. unless they booked with orbits.

    as for the gate attendants, they are just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  • 1 decade ago

    They screwed up our online 401k plan, and its a cluster....

    the old fart who sits in front of me was cussing out the poor girl who answered him in customer service...

    When i calloed, i just told them i thought it sucked, but i didnt cuss....

    most people feel powerless and yelling at a t customer service people gives them a false sense of bieng in control

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well really i'd be pissed too.its not like the airport collapsed.i know how a having a cancelled flight messes up your whole day and vacation.

  • 1 decade ago

    they get bored of sitting around

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