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Why does the Media always pick the one who is a christian to say was involved?

Like the report on the the Child Porn Sting. "Among the suspects was a former counselor at a Bible camp and a longtime Boy Scout leader and middle-school sports coach, the officials said." CNN. What about the other 124?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe it may be because many people subconsciously believe that Christians should somehow be immune to doing things wrong because of our faith. Also, I have met a lot of people who were raised Christian and chose to leave whichever church they were going to. As often as not they are still carrying some resentment for some wrong that was done to them, or that they feel was done to them by a Christian. Now they may be lashing out as a result of that hurt that they have been carrying.

  • 1 decade ago

    A Christian has a duty to be better than the rest of the sinners. But in fairness. if a person is a Satanist, the media will mention that too. And a violent crime committed by a Buddhist will get mention. Media likes lurid details. It's not all about Christians.

  • 1 decade ago

    It isn't a matter of picking on Christians. When one or group holds themselves to be the moral party or person, and it is discovered that their morals evidently did not apply to them, then it needs to be pointed out. In the case you sited about Foley, many Christian groups would give him their unwavering support because he was Christian but look at the person's life. Was what he did the morality that the Christians wanted in a representative that was partially in charge of finding child predators, when he was one himself? No I don't think so. And those that knew about him and covered it up or just did nothing, doesn't that tell you that they were allowing him to continue with whatever he wanted so as not to disturb their rankings? Yes. If I killed someone and you knew I did and said nothing, you would be guilty of helping me get away with it. Crimes against the helpless should be vigorously pursued. I wouldn't protect anyone just to make me look good.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The truth about the media is well hidden.

    It is controlled by a few Zionist families which have incredible power over so many aspects of our social lives that it is unbelievable.

    A few years ago, there was a CIA project to install over 3000 operatives in editorial offices to make sure that the Zionist agenda was promoted, and that anything against the Zionist agenda was never published.

    MOCKINGBIRD - The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA

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  • JAT
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The other 124 pederasts apparently didn't pretend to be holy. Actually, we define pederasts as people who prey on children. But a pederast who also claims to be "saved" is obviously a different, and newsworthy, kind of miscreant.

  • 1 decade ago

    The media seems to have taken it upon themselves to discredit any major religion. They only show the crazy things Christians do. They only report on the actions of the stuffy religious right. They ignore the more charitable things that are done in so many ways every day. But, that's okay. Jesus said not to draw attention to our good deeds.

  • 1 decade ago

    Couple thoughts:

    1. Maybe Christians are (and should be) held to higher standards.

    2. The world has always hated God and anything to do with Christianity, so whatever chance comes their way to make God and other Christians look bad they jump on it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the media (like so many others) feels that religion is wrong and uses this as a way to justify their hatred. You'll notice that when the Pope made his speech, they only broadcasted the one sentance instead of all of it, which spoke about tolerance and living together in harmony.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because they are the ones who talk the loudest against sin and when they are caught are shown to be the biggest hypocrites.

    Look at Mark Foley

  • 1 decade ago

    because the news knows that this is (supposed to be) the most shocking part of the story "how could a christian person do this" and sometimes trying to take a low blow at other christians saying if this guys doing this then who knows what the rest of them are doing

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