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Father, Christian, Graphic Artist, Lifetime Student, Husband, Horror Movie Fanantic, Comic Book Collector

  • Muslim neighbors: Can you tell me more about the holiday you're celebrating this December?

    Christmas and Hanukkah have similar meanings. I'm curious about your holiday. We all have the right to promote and celebrate our own holidays. Getting recognition for everyone's can only come about through education and cooperation with love.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Muslim neighbors: Is there a religious holiday that you celebrate in December?

    Every year political correctness puts a damper on religious holiday celebrations. Since we should all be allowed to celebrate our own holidays: Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc… is there a holiday that you celebrate in December or Winter that we could start promoting in the interest of equality?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Fellow Christians: Are gays to Christians as Samaritans were to Jews in the days of Jesus?

    The good Samaritan story basically says that your neighbor is anyone and everyone, even those you clearly seem to dislike.

    There seems to be a group of people that our collective group seems to be constantly act un-neighborly toward. How can it be fixed?

    Do you agree or disagree?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What was Jesus more focused on?

    Was He more concerned with making sure we knew what our sins were or was he more concerned with showing us how to live and bring Heaven here, now?

    I've read the red letters, so I already know the answer. I'm just wondering what your perceptions are based on what Jesus actually said and did.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is it a violation to give people examples in your question details?

    I've been reported and convicted twice of this. One of my questions was reported and removed two or three days after it was resolved.

    In each case I had provided examples for possible answers just to get people on the right track.

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Are you aware of the image you portray?

    I'm not trying to be judgemental.

    To those of us that don't often find ourselves embroiled in a Dems versus Reps, Us versus Them, or Conservative versus Liberal arguments, this political forum seems very inhuman, unloving, and mercilous considering you all don't really know much of anything about one another in a real way.

    Do you ever step back and wonder if you've gone too far or if all the arguing is pointless?

    Please feel free to tell me that you don't care about love, kindness or your fellow man. I would find that quite interesting.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can you explain your concept of Community to me?

    How does the community you belong to support you, and how do you support it? Please give your religious affiliation even if it is none.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheist Neighbors: Can you explain the role love plays in your life?

    I'm being purposefully vague. Love comes in many different forms. What form is most important to you on a regular basis?

    examples: husband/wife, parent/child, friend/friend, giving to charity, reading to the elderly, helping strangers…

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • On a regular day, how many people do you say "I love you" to?

    I'm talking out loud using the actual words.

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • More important: God or country?

    Could you also give me your political persuasion?

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Fellow Christians: Who is your Samaritan?

    I believe the story is in John, but I could be wrong. An expert in Jewish law tests Jesus with the question: If loving our neighbor is one of our greatest commands, then who is our neighbor? This was, or course, a controversial question then and it still seems to be. Jesus then replies with a question to the expert.

    Basically three people pass by a man that's just been mugged. One is a Jewish priest, another is an expert in the law, and the third is a Samaritan. At that time, Jews hated Samaritans. They actually prayed against them daily. The Samaritan is the only one that stops to help the mugged man (also Jewish). The Jewish individuals don't help because to come in contact with blood was considered to make you unclean. The Samaritan ignores that law to help anyway. Jesus asks: Who was the mugged man's neighbor?

    The answer of course is the Samaritan, which would have been very difficult for the expert to answer due to his hatred of them. So I ask, who is your Samaritan (neighbor)?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Fellow Christians: Are we doing things correctly if…?

    Are we representing our Savior correctly if certain groups of people are obviously afraid or uncomfortable to be around us?

    We have a gay relative that was visiting his parents recently when, out of the blue, their pastor stopped in for a friendly visit. The gay relative then ran and hid in the back room of thier home for over an hour until the pastor left. This saddened me greatly, this reaction of fear or shame because if there are groups of people that avoid us because of our reputation (as Christians), then how will these groups know the love of Christ? How do we start to break down these walls to show them the love, so they too can know no fear? Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Non-Chrisitans, I'm sorry, but I don't need to hear about your lack of Christianhood. Telling me that you don't believe only wastes my time and yours.


    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Science & history: how do they actually make your life better?

    I'm all for education. I love to learn, even when it's stuff that's really quite useless. However, I find it hard to understand when people put molecular structure and the history of extinct species on a level with spritiuality. I just can't see how the knowledge of these things makes our day-to-day lives better. How does knowing the theoretical history of ancient sloths take on as much importance to people as learning about God? I'm honestly looking for honest answers.

    I've had so many people say that they can't believe in the Bible because the writers didn't see fit to include the history of dinosaurs. The Bible is supposed to be a history of God interacting with men. How does the history of dinosaurs even matter to my life? I really want to understand the importance of this to people.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheist Neighbors: How do you show love for your fellow human beings?

    Do you give regularly to charities? Do you serve the homeless food? Do you visit kids missing one or more parents and encourage them? Do you take meals to ailing friends or family?

    If you do any of the above, please indicate how often.

    Don't feel obligated to answer all of the above, only the ones that apply. I just want honest, sincere input.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Athiest Neighbors: What makes you happy in life?

    What gives you that glory feeling in your chest? What gets a fire burning inside of you? What has stamped out depression in your lives? What puts the smile on your face from day-to-day?

    I'm looking for honest answers. I'm not implying anything with my questions.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Fellow Christians: Would you invite a gay person to dinner?

    I asked this yesterday, but there were some technical problems. I only received 4 answers.

    It may seem very simple, but I feel your answer will reveal much, especially when you consider who Jesus often ate with.

    Please note: This question is addressed to Christians.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Fellow Christians: Is it more important…?

    Is it more important to you to ensure that the gay and lesbian community knows that their lifestyle might be sinful or to actually make them feel comfortable enough to come to church and possibly find God?

    To me, it seems more important that they have a relationship with God. We don't make our public opinion of adultery, pre-marital sex, or other living arrangements as public. Why do we put out the vibe that we are so disapproving of this other particular sexual deviation?

    Please Note: I'm not arguing that homosexuality isn't a sin. I'm also not trying to excuse any type of sin. I'm merely trying to point out that a relationship with God is the goal. Sometimes achieving that goal leads to much greater blessings.

    Also, If you're not a Christian, please remember, I'm not expecting or wanting a response. I don't need to hear that you're not a Christian. You'd be wasting your time and mine.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago