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choyryu asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Wierd cat behavior, does your cat do this? And why?

I've got a pretty nice African wildcat (pretty much a orange tabby). Anyways inside the house, he would follow me around and jump into my lap or curdle up to sleep with me when I'm on the sofa. Pretty much an affectionate kitten. Put him outside though and he changes entirely. Will run off when I get close and wouldn't even come near me when I off a treat. Is anyone's elses cat similar or is my just bi-polar?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, my cat doesn't like going outside.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bi-polar - NO.

    Acting on instincts - YES.

    They are outdoor hunters by nature - there could be a cat "in heat" nearby or just a stray animal tresspassing on his turf. Either one of these reasons ( along with a lot of others) would make any cat go into defensive mode and get all wound up. i wouldnt take it personally - but i would keep a much closer eye on him. i would hate to see the defensive thing get him into trouble with anything else.

    Why not keep him inside and only take him out on a harness with a long lead? it will give hime some freedom and you a lot more peace of mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    He is just being a cat.

    Inside he feels he doesnt have to be on guard against anything.

    Outside there are lots of things to distract, etc. If you want to let him have the outside experience, build a cat enclosure connected to a (lockable) cat door in a window. That way you can let him have his outside experience in total safety. If you build a really large one you can also play with him "outside".

    If you dont want to build one, you can buy them ready made in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would not let him outside at all.

    I have 5 cats 4 of which are 4 year old littermates now each one responded differently to going outside.( I keep them inside) My favorite little boy, Phoenix who is really close to me, follows me around the house, sleeps with me and all around affectionate to me- cannot go outside.

    He has on three occasions had a seziure from getting scared. Once in the basement, and twice outside. The first time he went out I put him on a leash and he started to cry a weird cry so I tried to pick him up and comfort him he slipped away nosed dived off the porch and continued to make a bee line to my neighbors basement door, which he smashed his head into and started convulsions. I thought he was going to die. Then maybe a year later after sneaking out on the porch and being fine I let him go out and one day I think he was trying to follow his mom, well he only went down the side of the house and he started to cry that weird cry, so trying to protect him from just running away in a panic I slowly picked him up and carrying him to the house well even though we're so close he wasn't comforted and started to struggle to get away from me, knowing that if i let him go he may not come, back I held on to him while trying to open the door at the same time.

    I got scratched up really badly and even though it was months ago, the scars are still red. I am pregnant so i went to the hospital and they gave me iv antibiotics and oral ones.

    And Phoenix he ended up running in the house up and under a desk into a wall. My mother had to hold him for atleast a half hour till he calmed down enough to not run into the wall.

    Now hopefully your kitty never gets like that ever, his brothers are completly opposite and they walk with me out in the yard. But Phoenix will never be ok to go outside.

    Sorry I wrote so much but just for some reason certain cats get overwhelmed being outside the whole enviornment is weird and scary to them. I would suggest you just keep him indoors he will be alot happier just being by your side and healthier too.

    Good luck

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I don't let my cat outside but when I let my ferret out of his cage he does the same thing. He won't let me come near him...he just nips at my heals and toes and when I bend down to get him he runs away. Your cat probably just likes it outside and it brings out the wild cat inside of him. I don't think there is anything wrong with him he just likes to be outside. Keep his food and water inside and then maybe he'll just come home on his own. but if your cat is going to be outside you should make sure he has all of his shots so that he doesn't get any diseases.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe your cat's not used to the outside and he sees so much stuff he just thinks your an enemie too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your cat does not like being outside. Maybe you have something outside that freaks him out. But then agian cats are wierd. My friend had a cat that attacked doors!:)

  • 1 decade ago

    yep cats are bipolar. Every cat I've ever had does this. Why they recognize you in the house and not in front of thier friends is a mystery to me. You just stand there like, listen I feed you and take care of you now recognize me dang it! Cats are cats and to love one is to live in the realm of insanity. I should know, I named mine Storm as she is always storming through my house at mock 5, with her fur on fire rofl. Just enjoy your kitty and know that this too shall pass.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not bi-polar, just being a cat, my cats do it to me all the time. It is a wonderful game of chase for your cat.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a cat that was just like that :) I think that maybe being outside gets them more in touch with their wild side and maybe he's just playing as wild kitties do with you :)

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