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  • Why say yes to powerful people?

    I was wondering why we agree to do things and say yes to people who we percieve as powerful (our bosses, CEOs, the President of the United States, etc) when if most other people (normal) that is ask us the same thing we might say no. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Mexicans in New Jersey?

    My Mexican gf is visiting from California and checking the state out. Where do a lot of Mexicans live in North New Jersey? Although I see a lot of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans where I'm currently at, I don't notice a lot of Mexicans although they are there. Thanks any help is appreciated, I'm new to the area.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Mexicans in New Jersey?

    My Mexican gf is visiting from California and checking the state out. Where do a lot of Mexicans live in North New Jersey? Although I see a lot of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans where I'm currently at, I don't notice a lot of Mexicans although they are there. Thanks any help is appreciated, I'm new to the area.

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Mechanic can't figure out, car has no power sometimes?

    My used car has started to act wierd sometimes, for some reason the car can't be turned on every once in a while. There is no power from the battery I assume, CD player doesn't work, power windows, alarm, no light etc. Most times though, it's turns on fine, no problem.

    My mechanic checked to see that battery is ok and there doesn't look like a short or anything he could find. Also he said that he doused the entire inside under the hood with water as it usually does this after it rains, no problem. The damn thing is playing with me and only does it when no one is around. I usually just wait a while like an idiot and after a few tries it works.

    I'm just afraid that one day... IT WON'T WORK. Can anyone help or have anyone experienced the same thing. According to the mechanic the battery should be fine.

    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Engineering in Training EIT license?

    I passed my EIT about 10 years ago in California but due to a move I lost all my paperwork and now that I'm looking for another job I would like to locate my license number again, have to redo my whole resume. Any ideas on how I can find my EIT license number, thanks.

    Engineering1 decade ago
  • Could China have won during the First Opium War....?

    if it fought a single European power 1 on 1. My history is a little bit cloudy but I thought several European Country including Japan and the US ganged up on China to force it to open it's borders and sign those unequal treaties. My question is, if China had only one of those countries to deal with, take you pic, COULD it have been able to holds it's own?

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Should I add anything to my imitation crab meat for Sushi?

    When I see them use imitation crab meat in a roll, it seems and taste like there might be other ingredients to it, not just the imitation crab itself. Do they add mayonaisse, salt, sugar, etc to it? Or is it really just imitation crab itself?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to cheat in a real poker game through slieght of hand shoveling?

    I play in a weekly poker game with some guys and there is this one guy who always seems to have GREAT hands when he's the dealer. I would say 90% of the time I go heads up with him when he's dealer, I lose to a pretty good hand. Aside from this, he also is very loose on asking others to cut the deck when he deals. Which everyone else does.

    So the question is, is it possible to stack the deck in your favor if you're the dealer? I can see insuring yourself one good hold card but to make it so that you had two good hold cards and a good lay down on the table just seems impossible to me. Just wondering if I'm either paranoid or should stop going heads to heads with this guy.

    This is for Texas Hold'em Poker. Thanks.

    10 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • Why are dogs more expensive than cats?

    I asked a question regarding puppy mills vs. breeders, which is worst. People didn't the way it was written. So here's better phrased one. Why are dogs priced 10 times or more than cats?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I support Puppy Mills?

    Sounds kind of wierd from a guy that has a cat but I think unlike a lot of people, I'm a realist and I don't live in a fantasy world where everything goes the way I like.

    1) Puppy Mills, even the deplorable conditions that we are always shown aren't any different than the way we treat poultry, pigs and a lot of other animals. Do you really think they get vet. care when they get sick? If you're going to talk about treating animals better, start with the animals we eat. They get treated far worst than most dogs or cats.

    2) Blame the breeders. Why are puppies so expensives? They don't need to be. A dog has several puppies just like a cat. You can make more than enough dogs to satisfy any demand of any type. Breeders keep supply low to keep prices high. And if they say they don't make money from selling their dogs, then they're not very good business people. You want to know why you can't have the dog you want, they are the reason.

    19 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Mercado de Perros en Tijuana?

    Eschucho hay un lugar en Tijuana vende perros muy barato. Se llama "puppy mile". ?Hay una persona saben donde es este lugar?

    5 AnswersPerros1 decade ago
  • Help with making a pair of earrings?

    I have two very nice looking black pearls that are tear shaped. I've been looking for an earring finding (or posts) not sure what you call them that I can glue to cover the tip of the earrings so that they dangle down like chandlers. Not the best description I know but if any earring experts are out there and could recommend a site that has such earring supplies I would appreciate it. I've looked at a lot of websites and I can seem to find something like what I'm looking for. Thanks.

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Do dogs clean their behinds?

    I live with a very clean gf and although we've got a cat, we're thinking of adopting a dog as well. The problem with a dog is that we're not sure that it cleans it's behind after using #2 like a cat does. Also is it possible to potty train a dog and are there doggy litter like for cats. Thanks, we thinking of getting a Labrador.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Kia Spectra 2002 Rear Tailight?

    Does any one know how to change the light bulbs on a Kia Spectra 2002? I removed two screws that seems to be the only thing holding the lights to the frame but it still won't come off. And I look behind this paneling which I assume is for changing the lights but there doesn't seem to be access to the light bulbs? Help someone. Thanks.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to buy just the lens for a tail light?

    I own a Kia Spectra 2002 and was in an accident not too long ago. The damage was mostly to the trunk but the lens on one of my tail lights is severely cracked. The light works but the lens looks bad. Is it possible to just replace the lens on the tail light assembly or do I have to go and replace the whole tail light to fix this problem? Thanks for any help.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Innovative way to catch a kitten in a feral colony without a trap?

    I was wondering if anyone has an innovative way of capturing a kitten in a feral colony without using a trap. I've tried feeding them and petting them but damn kittens are fast. Using a trap, I would probably get the big cats first which isn't what I want. My 6 month old kitten needs a friend and I might as well give a feral a good life rather than live on the street. So anyone have an innovative way of catching him or her? Thanks.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Growing Herbs from grocery produce?

    Is it possible to buy a bunch of cilantro, rosemary or parsley from the grocery store and just plant them in a large pot? Will they grow. And how would you go about potting them? Or if not, any ideas of a similar nature? Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Wierd cat behavior, does your cat do this? And why?

    I've got a pretty nice African wildcat (pretty much a orange tabby). Anyways inside the house, he would follow me around and jump into my lap or curdle up to sleep with me when I'm on the sofa. Pretty much an affectionate kitten. Put him outside though and he changes entirely. Will run off when I get close and wouldn't even come near me when I off a treat. Is anyone's elses cat similar or is my just bi-polar?

    17 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • If you caused a Hit and Run and got a way with it, how did you feel afterwards?

    were you remorseful and occasionally still think of it or did you just feel happy you got away? Some people in a red truck hit my car a year ago and just ran off and I was wondering if they felt any remorse at all. Cost me about $2800 to repair the damages.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago