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choyryu asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Do dogs clean their behinds?

I live with a very clean gf and although we've got a cat, we're thinking of adopting a dog as well. The problem with a dog is that we're not sure that it cleans it's behind after using #2 like a cat does. Also is it possible to potty train a dog and are there doggy litter like for cats. Thanks, we thinking of getting a Labrador.


yeah, that's scooting their butt on the carpet after #2, that's not going to go good.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, a dog will clean itself after going to the bathroom. However, there's no way in hell you're going to litterbox train a labrador! Toy breeds can be litterbox trained, though I'm not sure how well it works with males (since they hike their leg when they pee). I know it CAN be successful with females, but you have to know what you're doing.

    If you want a housedog (ie. one that doesn't need to go out to use the potty), get a toy breed. Not only would a large dog be impossible to potty train (you'll never find a litter box big enough for the dog to feel comfortable in), big dogs NEED outside time. I am not saying big dogs are outside dogs! They should live inside as well, but they need yards they can play in or at LEAST a trip to the park every day. Labs are very active breeds and need to run and play. If one is cooped up inside all the time, you're going to find things getting knocked over constantly. Labs are bouncy, playful, energetic dogs well into their later years.

    That said... please do a LOT of research before getting a dog. Based on your question, you know very little about them (which is okay!)... but if you want a GOOD dog, regardless of what breed it is or how big it is, you need to be able to TRAIN IT. You need to know the basics of training before you even GET a dog or you're going to find yourself having a lot of problems. I'd suggest talking to your local shelter about an animal that might fit into your lifestyle. Some breeds or breed mixes will be a much better fit for you than others will. Good luck!

    Source(s): 6+yrs animal rescue, I have both dogs and cats (among other pets).
  • 1 decade ago

    Dogs may also pose other issues to someone is a clean freak. I've had my puppy for 7 months now, and so far he's been sick twice and pooped all over my house. Well, actually the first time it was all over (on the guest bed, love seat, floors, etc) and the second was just next to my bed in the middle of the night. And we're not talking piles of poop, we're talking puddles, and he's coughed up grass balls, our older dog does have the same problem with his bowels, but he often eats too fast then throws up leave yellow stains that have to be steam cleaned from the carpets. If you feed and water them in the house, be prepared for spilled bowls. They'll not only lick their butts, but your kitchen floor (yuck) and anything they think they smell food on, like the cabinets or chair legs. They leave dog hair everywhere, even if you train them to stay off the furniture, dog hair isnt like dirt it doesnt just stay on the floor until you sweep it up. It's light and blows around when you walk, causing it to float through the air, and mysteriously land everywhere. All that said, I love my dogs and they are very spoiled, but I could not have them in my house if I was concerned about dirt or germs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would suggest getting an alread potty trained dog there is no doggy litter for dogs u have to take dogs out side if they want to go to the bathroom. some dogs are trained to scratch or wait by a door when they need to go to the bath room. if u want u can also put newspaper in the bathroom or somewhere in ur house and train the dog to go there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just like with people there are some areas you just don't get to close to. lol You should do some research on dogs so you get a good idea of what you are getting into they can be your best friends or they can be a big problem if you don't know what they need. Good luck I have a chocolate Lab and 3 girls 5,4,2, and my bet is the lab is the cleanest one out of them all

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, dogs clean themselves. I think you should do some research before getting a dog as I think that there may be other things that your very clean gf may not like about dogs, (for example-they like to roll in stinky stuff, they sometimes eat poop, they may drool, etc.)

    I'd hate to see you adopt a dog before making sure it's what you want and then having to find another home for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    teach your dog to use the toilet and how to wipe with toilet paper. Animals are not always clean, so if your girl is a germophobe or something maybe having animals isnt such a good idea. you should just get some plants. So a cat using the litter box and then jumping on your lap isnt gross?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes dogs lick their behinds. Well, at least I know an akita does. Also not exactly right after number 2.

  • 1 decade ago

    no they dont, they scoot their butt on the grass though... well, mines does..... ok not on the grass, on the carpet. yeah, you can train your doggy to "doody" like in the grass or a tray thing.

    Source(s): i have my dogs
  • 1 decade ago

    ha ha ha, cats are just as unclean as dogs. and labs are very very wild when they are pups. Good luck!!

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