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Are we so far apart? should we all join hands in this tiny world?

debra posed a question stating that there are millions (billions) of people we can never know or touch, however there is a theory that states that we are not really so far apart...

In 1967, the sociologist Stanley Milgram conducted the first recorded experiments on social connectivity using post cards in the United States. Despite the crudity of the experiment, and the tardiness of the participants, he recorded a median number of 5.5 degrees of separation. Round up and we see the start of "six degrees of separation."

I personally know a son of John Lennon, people that work for Paul Allen, and the royal Family of Monaco! To paraphrase JL..."Imagine all the people"!

"No man is an island" (John Donne)

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I love the sentiment.

  • 1 decade ago

    All One

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know Bill Clinton via Whoopie Goldberg (I met her backstage at a Sting concert)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont think we should join hands...we should make a chain by joining our mouths with the private parts of the next person, and so on and so forth. Its more fun that way.

    Source(s): The Holy Bible
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    OMG...are you serious Smartoguy? I mean that as in...are you serious about how long of an answer you gave?? I didn't even read it... Anyways, oral s*x before may be what you two should try. That way, if you're able to orgasm through that, the rest of the time you two can enjoy the "intercourse" part. Your body should still be "tingly" and...well for men during intercourse, our bodies are always "tingly". Hope this helps, if it doesn' could always print out that "BOOK" that "Smart-whatever-his-name-is" did...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I truly wish we could. It would be the happiest day, a unity so wide to include everyone, and ALL our hands to be united. But alas only in my dreams, & the day I get to go to heaven.:o]

  • Peace
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    nice one

    and yes i totally agree I am sure if we went into detail we would find amazing facts about each other that we have in common xx

  • 1 decade ago

    Some day we will. Until then, we wait.

  • chris
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    What on earth is your point?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    human nature, by our very human nature. we will destroy oursevles thru our own violence. its so sad.


    gimme 10 points? please...please?

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