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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentOther - Politics & Government · 1 decade ago

Fox News: Bush is considering changing the 'tactics' in Iraq, but not the 'strategy'?

Hah! And I always thought 'tactics' and 'strategy' were synonyms.

This man Bush is a fountain of knowledge and wisdom, isn't he?

For those of you who thought that he had neither 'tactics' nor 'strategy' in Iran, you were wrong!

Now, can anybody tell me what these 'tactics' are/were?

You know, the one he is considering changing.


Leogirl 0804: 'Just another wanna be trying to play soldier'.


No, my girl, I hate any kind of uniform, herd mentality, forced discipline, et al. You must be thinking of the 'Decider' The Cowboy - in-Chief!

Update 2:

Some of these answers really made me giggle. Thanks guys!

Update 3:

Thre are so many good answers, I am going to leave the question to the vote.

So vote!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, he plans to add more troops (put them at risk). The tactics are the methods of fighting and the strategy is the end result (democracy).

    Actually know one really knows what he is doing, his cabinet, the UN, the Military, Senate/Congress, or the American People. He changes like a light bulb. All he cares about if going down in the history books as a war President. So the end result is his goal not the means to the end (lost lives, billions spent).

    We need a change soon. Even our troops are upset. Sure he makes it sound like we dont support our troops if we complain about the war, want to pull out, or are against it in any way. That is not true. Our soldiers do not support it but they can not complain because they must follow the chain of command and Bush is at the top.

    I know my son is serving in Iraq right now and her tells me that things need to change and that Bush and his cabinet (Rumsfeld, Chaney etc) are pushing down our throats.

    Know of an Anti-War rally, I will attend.

    Source(s): Son is in Army in Iraq (1lt)
  • tom l
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Damn I sure wish he would tell us what the "course" is,,, Talk about the Democrats not having a plan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Geez

    quote by Leogirl08

    "Shows how little you know. Do you have the need to know? Are you cleared to be a part of these operational plans? I think not. Just another wanna be trying to play soldier. "

    Yup and you also think wiretapping without the consent of congress or oversight of the courts (and whatever else he is doing) is just the hunkey-dorry thing to do.

    Source(s): Me, Bien Hoa AB 1963 Daughter, Ramstein AFB 2003-2006, Kadena AB 2006 -- Grandson, Kusan AB South Korea 2006 --
  • 1 decade ago

    Poor idiot, up until this morning he was still saying our only option was victory but he had to change his tune right as he spoke cuz mr james baker III told him it was time to change strategies and that victory was not in the picture! Can you imagine some one coming in to find solutions for president Clinton? Not a likely scenario, he was in control at all times.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Shows how little you know. Do you have the need to know? Are you cleared to be a part of these operational plans? I think not. Just another wanna be trying to play soldier.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    his strategy was : say the course... which he is keeping

    his tactics are: kill terrorists

    his new tactic is: kill more terrorists

    in other words.. he has no strategy or tactics.... and hopes he can tap dance for two years until he gets out of office by saying "tactics" and "strategy" a lot

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I always thought they were the same as well. Maybe he knows something we don't????????? No, that's impossible he doesn't know much.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ah, what the American public doesnt' know!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He will stay the course until he doesn't.

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