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Hello, I am 50 and married for 30 years with 2 grown sons. My 25 year old is in the Army and stationed in Ft Carson, Co.. He served in Iraq for two terms with honors. My other son is a college student majoring in Psychology. I have done so much in my life that I feel I can offer good answers to hard questions. I am a Criminal Justice Major, Sociology Minor. I have owned many businesses in my life (liquor store, travel agency, property management/real estate office, housekeeping company) and was a Captain in the Civil Air Patrol, Teen Mentor, 4-H Director, Aerospace Instructor, Boot Camp Commander, Abortion Counselor, Teen Counselor, Author, taught classes, and have taken continuing education throughout my life. And now I am studying Spiritualism. My open mind allows me to give detailed answers on many subjects. I have lived a FULL life and had many experiences that I can share to help others. I take Yahoo Answers seriously and I hope I can help you in some way. Thanks, Sharon

  • Has anyone heard of the Chupracabra? Ugly Creature?

    I saw a documentary on this creature. It is ugly, looks like a dog but has no hair and bluish/gray skin, has sharp pointed teeth, runs like a dog but can stand on two legs, has red eyes, and drinks the blood of animals leaving puncture holes in the body.

    The even talked to people who have seen them and one woman who shot one and saved the body to analysis. These animals are in Puerto Rico, Mexico and now are in the USA (Texas and Florida). They have photos of them too.

    What are they? Do you know anything on these creatures?

    9 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • What is this Chubracabra or Devil Dog? Found in Puerto Rico and Texas? What do you know?

    I just saw a documentary on the History channel about this animal. It looks like a large dog but has no hair, has bluish gray rough thick skin and large fangs. It is truly ugle and it attacks other animals and sucks the blood out of them leaving the carcass behind.

    In Puerto Rico they have been seen walking upright and in Texas on all fours. But in both areas they look similar.

    They have dead animals to evaluate and have found they seem to be part coyotee and part dog. But these animals eat meat not just puncture and drink the blood.

    Has anyone heard of these creatures? What are they?

    15 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Any Alternative Treatments for Poison Ivy?

    Went boating over 3 weeks ago, got poison ivy rash that showed up one week after trip. I have had this rash now for 3 weeks and new little bumps keep popping up in other areas on body and they itch.

    In my research, I have discovered it is poison ivy. I am allergic to poison oak but never been in contact with the ivy.

    Any ideas to get rid of the rash besides calamine lotion?

    6 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • What are the health effects of blood that is too ACIDIC?

    And has anyone took steps to make it more alkali through diet and supplements?

    I just read PH Miracle book by Dr. Young. It all made sense and matched my health issues.

    Any safe alternative therapies for this condition?

    6 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Where is the best website or book to find R.V Parks for sale?

    Not KOA, I am looking for non-franchise parks. I found one site but am looking for more. Mostly those selling RV Parks, Campgrounds and Mobile Home Parks.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks.

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any good Digital Photography courses online?

    I am searching for a reputable, low cost digital photography course that I can do online. Any help is appreciated.

    9 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Why are so many people leasing vehicles for only one year? Now the market is flooded with used cars.?

    I am so frustrated to see so many used cars on the market. The market is flooded and so it is difficult to sell a used car. I just found out Companies allow one and two year leases, not the normal three year. I was told they make more profit that way and the person moves on to another vehicle to lease. They can drive a new car each year. Sounds like fun but is it practical?

    This practice has pushed the Car Manufacturers to make many more vehicles than they normally would and it puts a strain on our natural resources.

    Should people be allow to lease for only one year?

    Where do all these used cars go when they can not be sold?

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Frustrated by lack of respect and shoddy work from employees in businesses?

    I am so frustrated with the lack of respect and genuine help offered by employees in many businesses. You get either no help, those that don't care, those that don't speak english, and even those that offer shoddy work.

    I don't know who to trust anymore at businesses. You get shoddy work, poor food, disrespect, discrepancy of prices, and those with a don't give a darn attitude.

    Does anyone else experience this and notice that it is worse than ever?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • What happened to the American Work Ethic and Customer Service?

    Have you noticed how you are treated as a potential customer?

    Have you noticed the poor services and bad food we are accepting everyday?

    What has happened to this country? We no longer care?

    Go to any fast food spot and look at your burger, does it look like the one in the advertisements? How are you treated, like a number?

    Buy a blouse or shirt, does it fall apart or shrink? Does anyone care?

    Try to get help when you walk into a business? Maybe even someone who knows what you are talking about? Have you been judged or treated unfairly because of the car you drive or the way you look?

    Do you notice arrogance around every corner? Mostly from the 18-35 yr olds at a business. Are you ever talked down to?

    Tell me your EXPERIENCES and how you handled them. THANKS

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Help Fast? I need photos of Planets, 3x3 or 4x4 off Internet that I can Print?

    I have spent so much time today trying to get these Photos for a project. I have looked at several sites but the photos are so large and I am unable to make them smaller.

    If you know of a good site with Photos of our Planets that I can just print that would be great.

    Or how to make a photo smaller straight from a site?


    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know about the VW Beetle or Jetta TDI, diesel?

    I am considering buying a VW diesel (beetle or jetta) and I would like to know the pros and cons.

    I own a VW beetle now (2.0) that is starting to have serious problems and I want a car with the best gas mileage. These diesels get up to 50 MPG. But I do not want to sacrifice maintenance/repairs for gas mileage.

    I want a reliable car.

    Thanks for any help.

    9 AnswersVolkswagen1 decade ago
  • Any ideas to Curb Loud Snoring for a Male?

    Besides losing Weight, using Breathe Right Strips, and Throat Spray, does anyone know of any natural remedies?

    Not all snorers have Apnea so that is not the issue here. He sleeps on his side and still snore like a train.


    6 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Can Quail damage a Cherry Tree?

    I have many fruit trees on my property and we lose most of the fruit to birds.

    But this year I noticed the Quail jumping into the Cherry Tree and pecking at the blossoms. Will the tree produce less fruit because of this? Or can it hurt the tree?

    I really don't know how to solve the problems I am having with birds and quail in my cherry, apple, and pear trees?

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • What do you know about Tibentan Singing Bowls? Purchasing them?

    I had my first experience with these bowls and loved it. I would love to buy one or two but am not sure what I should be looking for in a good bowl. How do I know they are authentic?

    Some are antique and some modern. Does it make a difference which you buy?

    Can you actually pay more than a Bowl is worth?

    How do you avoid being ripped off?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Help with Nationality or History of the Last Name, SEKULA?

    What can you tell me about my maiden name?

    My father was born in Croatia (Yugoslavia in late 1800's).

    My cousin tells me it is Polish?

    Please any help with this name would be Gold to me, any ideas?

    6 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • What do you think about all the Sexual Preditors on Dateline Show?

    I was shocked the first time I saw "Dateline, to Catch a Preditor". I saw the episodes in California, Texas and Florida.

    I am shocked at just how many are looking for Male and Female teens online and how many actually show up at their home for Sex?

    What is wrong with society? Our teens are not safe anywhere?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Ok, give me your State and its Capital?

    Dont make a mistake this is a test.


    35 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • Can rechargable batteries get too old and can't be charged again?

    I have several batteries for my Digital Camera that I recharge regularly? How often can you do this?

    And does there come a point when they won't recharge?

    8 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • How many agree that our Troups deserve a Rest from War, maybe a Vacation?

    As we rotate our troops from Afganistan and Iraq, our government should not only give them time off but a vacation to recooperate. What do you think?

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Do you feel the Ouija Board opens your life to the Spirit World?

    Syliva Browne state we should never allow a Ouija board into our homes as it is like opening the door and inviting anyone in. Does that not sound logical?

    We can recieve good spirts and ghosts but we can also recieve messages from bad ghosts or bad sprits. How do we know who we are talking to or allowing into our home and can they stay around and raise chaos?

    I think she is right, how do you feel about it? Any experiences?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago