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Do you feel the Ouija Board opens your life to the Spirit World?

Syliva Browne state we should never allow a Ouija board into our homes as it is like opening the door and inviting anyone in. Does that not sound logical?

We can recieve good spirts and ghosts but we can also recieve messages from bad ghosts or bad sprits. How do we know who we are talking to or allowing into our home and can they stay around and raise chaos?

I think she is right, how do you feel about it? Any experiences?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD -Deuteronomy 18:10

    MY wife before we were married as well as a friend in my hometown tried using one. Things started flying around the house and whatever was talking to them tried to scare them. Best to get answers from the Lord and not the dead.

  • 1 decade ago

    The ouija board is a link to talking to spirits. It's a form of divination and should not be done. One should run far and fast when one sees or goes near this thing. It isn't a game and yes I have over 10 years of experience of a spirit and then more spirits physically abuse and attack me.

    Sylvia Browne shouldn't be thought as the authority on spirits, just because she "sees " them. She's been wrong more times than she has been right but that's a different topic altogether.

    There are no such thing as disembodied spirits, good or bad spirits. They are all one in the same... familiar spirits, fallen angels or demons. They once were favorable in God's eyes so they have the potential to "seem" nice and help but really the agenda is one of deciet and full of lies.

    One should never talk to spirits wheather one believes it is a good one or bad one. Many Christians think that when excersising demons they have to get the name and ask a whole bunch of questions, that leads one into a deeper curiosity and opens ones self up to these things. Jesus silenced them and commanded them to leave the person.

    He only asked one time of the demons name, and the reply was "legion" meaning that there was many, they were scared and asked if they could inhabit a group of pigs, and the pigs jumped over a cliff and died...

    I can tell you I did alot of things a medium I consulted said I had the ability " or power" to do. I did! I opened myself up to more and more evil and horrific things, but you need to search your own spirituality and if you believe in God and have faith in Jesus Christ, than that's who you need to believe, not the spirits and not sylvia browne.

    God Bless, Shannon

  • ozenne
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    OUIJA boards are a interest made by potential of Parker Bros and offered at Toys R Us. stunning tale, yet its not something that truly got here approximately. certainty and myth are 2 different issues and could proceed to be so, in any different case, i'll be stunning around great-fashions inquiring for a date. There are not any "spirits", nor ghosts, goblins or backyard gnomes. playstation Elvis is lifeless. PPS he isn't a zombie the two.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think and know it's just a foolish toy. The proof was when Queen Victoria told my roommate she was going to have sex but die a virgin. The only way that would work is if she in the future went through one of those virginity retreval operations.

    So all that stuff about demons and ghost is just pure imagination. Not real.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can let such things happen on an ordinary earthly level ~~~we are always trying to have enough discretion to choose the right people for ourselves~~~~~ the spirit world is no different simply because it is "invisible," although it is not invisible to those who have faculties which allow them to see ~~~~~

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never had a Parker Brothers game open my life to the spirit world...

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