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Lv 5
dgrhm asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Bush's War Strategy?

How does the policy of just sit and do nothing help us achieve anything in Iraq?

We don't have enough troops to pacify Iraq and help them build a democracy.

We won't enact a draft to get the troops we need.

Am I missing something?

What exactly is Bush's plan besides having our troops sit in Iraq and slowly get killed off?

What exactly are our goals in Iraq? How are we supposed to achieve them if the president is just adamant about digging in his heels and doing nothing?

Is Bush just being stubborn or keeping the US military goals and objectives secret from the American people.

Why do some people see his stubborness as good leadership?

Did I miss something?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bush has no war strategy. He has a political strategy, because that is how you get elected (and your party remains in power). He knows a good war takes the attention away from the economy. He knows that when generals say things he doesn't want to hear he can always listen to lies others tell him (or if no convenient source is handy make up his own lies), and that enough people will have forgotten that the lie he is now saying has already been exposed.

    I don't believe there is a strategy - I don't even believe the war is for oil, though that is certainly a convenient byproduct. The war is because other presidents got to have wars, and Bush wants his too.

    Why do people see this as good leadership? Possibly because the Democratic alternatives are seen as such losers that some people see electing a liar as preferable. At least Bush is gone, though hypothetically if he could run in 08 and it was a Bush-Hillary race I could never vote for Bush, but I sure wouldn't vote the Democratic ticket either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As I understand it, GW is the commaner-in-chief but he does not make the military decisons. He allows the on field commanders to plan and operate the actual combat in Iraq. If they require more men or equipment, they ask for it and it is provided ASAP. The strategy, which IS determined by the C.&C. is to get the Iraqi government to where it can provide its own security, both police and military, and then for the USA to leave. The fly in the ointment has been that our military has been training the Iraqi military for several years and when they think that a battalion or regiment or a pretty large group of Iraqis are trained and ready they are given military responsiblilities and most of them, it turns out, are not ready for it. Then the USA has to go back and repair the damage that was done and start all over. Some of this is due to the actual hatred between the Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq. They are killing each other off and they are using positions in the new army to kill each other this way. There are also the armed militias that are in the mix. The Iraqi govenment is not strong enough to eliminate those as some of them are so powerful. Many of them are "soldiers" in the Iraqi military and this is intimidating to the politicians as they are fearful for their and their family's safety. Our military commanders are more capable than I, but I do not see any way to militarily correct this situation short of taking sides, either with the Sunnis or Shiites and eradicating the other side. Trouble with that, besides it being inhumane, is that if we take the shiites side, they have allegiances with Iran. If we take the sunnis side, they have allegiances with the Sadam Hussein regime. GW DOES seem to be stubborn. Maybe that is a necessity, given the present situation. He HAS told the American people what the goal is in Iraq. He has also told us that the military tactics are changing all the time because our enemy changes theirs. He says that since 12 million people risked their lives and went to vote for the present government, he is convinced that this is the way to go. I pray that he is right, for the sake of our country and the world. You can see, can't you, the danger of us withdrawing from Iraq? Seems that we are between a rock and a hard spot and our ONLY answer is to stay the course. I do, however, wish that the strategy would be altered somewhat and that the publicized division of the country into 3 different "states" would be attempted. Of course, this would require the Iraqi's approval. Only history will tell if GW has been a poor, moderate, good, or outstanding leader. I do know he has many of the traits that a successful leader requires.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Our policies in Iraq are due to the lack of this administration not understanding the enemy. Unfortunately, we have a really slow learning curve when it comes to adjustments needed. There is no way our policies will succeed with the people of the middle east. We need to get out of there, let nature take it's course and then re-engage on a as needed basis. This country will get attacked again, but that is to be expected anyway. You cannot defeat these people by going about things half-hearted, as long as we are so absorbed with civilian casualties and human rights, they will kick our butts all over the planet. When it gets to the point of kill or be killed, maybe the American people will wake up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. You missed the part where Bush took over the Iraqi oil accounts and declared 'Mission Accomplished' to the world from an aircraft carrier.

    Stealing the oil was the goal; it has been accomplished. All that's left is bleeding the US Treasury dry for the benefit of military contractors friendly to his family and to Cheney. That is accomplished by 'digging in the heels' as you put it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did you miss something.


    I find it strange. I talk to men and women how work out in Iraq in and out of the military. They all say the same thing. We are there doing a good job and each day thing get better.

    Then you have people that have not got out of the lazy boy and they say how bad it is.

    Who is right. The one that has seen it talk to the Iraq's or Mr lazy boy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, he's being stubborn. He's also a true believer who thinks that once he sets a path, it can't be changed. That seems to be his Iraq policy. Curious enough, that's not his policy in North KoreMF He's allowing diplomacy to work, and lo and behold, it's working.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush has done more for this country then the Democrats have done in the past thirty years.

    Bush will be looked favorably upon in the history books, second only to Reagan.

  • 1 decade ago

    “C” average student, “C” average results

  • tom l
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Oh but,,,,,, we are "staying the course",,,,,,,,,,,, ya right

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