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  • What can we do to stop hate?

    I've been reading the news and following the media lately and hearing a lot of hateful and heartless comments. People take glee in tearing groups of people down, and it seems fear and uncertainty are running rampant.

    I've even found myself walking around angrier paying attention to it.

    So I wonder, what can we as Americans do to stop the hate? What can we do constructively that will effectively build communities and encourage cooperation, compassion, and fraternity for our fellow Americans?

    I think we need to do something that has us work together and build things. It seems we're facing too much destruction and backwards thinking today.

    Suggestions? I'd prefer thoughtful comments please.


    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How can we get Americans to invest in America again?

    I've a great number of people's responses about our economic situation and there's a lot of blaming, but I've seen very little in the way of practical solutions. To be more specific, good paying American jobs are being shipped out of the country to countries that pay cheap wages.

    For example, a senior database programmer in the US could earn $120,000 per year where the same employee in India would earn $20,000 per year. From a business perspective it makes sense to hire the Indian, but doing so hurts America. People in the US have to start earning less than they're worth when they have to compete on a global market, and the loss of higher paying jobs means less revenue for communities, and more debt and impoverishment for workers and American families.

    Can this be turned around, or do we just shrug our shoulders and start planning to live like peasants to get jobs that pay $1/day? (I'm not looking for blame. I'm looking for solutions that unites us together.)

    5 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Bush's War Strategy?

    How does the policy of just sit and do nothing help us achieve anything in Iraq?

    We don't have enough troops to pacify Iraq and help them build a democracy.

    We won't enact a draft to get the troops we need.

    Am I missing something?

    What exactly is Bush's plan besides having our troops sit in Iraq and slowly get killed off?

    What exactly are our goals in Iraq? How are we supposed to achieve them if the president is just adamant about digging in his heels and doing nothing?

    Is Bush just being stubborn or keeping the US military goals and objectives secret from the American people.

    Why do some people see his stubborness as good leadership?

    Did I miss something?

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Morality of torture?

    OK, if Saddam was evil because he tortured his own people, why is it okay if the US tortures people?

    Is torture a Christian thing to do? I don't recall anywhere in the Bible where it said it's okay to torture your enemies?

    Can the US really take the moral high ground if we stoop down to the level of terrorists? Wouldn't it make more sense to take a look at the Big Picture, and figure out how to beat terrorism at it's roots rather than chopping at branches?

    16 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why did Fonzie jump the shark?

    I know the phrase "jump the shark" comes from the old Happy Days show, and that show went downhill from that point.

    I barely remember watching the episode, so why did he jump the shark?

    How did he learn to water ski, and why did he waterski while wearing a leather jacket?

    And whatever happened to Richie's brother Chuck? I mean he put the star on the Christmas tree at the end of the first season, then gone forever.

    7 AnswersTelevision2 decades ago
  • Annoying Computer Alert?

    I have this annoying computer alert from an old HP scanner on my system. I've deleted everything related to HP on my system using the control panel and going into my C: drive.

    It still pops up. Any suggestions how I can get rid of this annoying thing?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers2 decades ago
  • Can kerosene burn hot enough to melt steel? If so, how long would it have to burn?

    In other words if a jet crashed into a steel reinforced building, how hot would it have to be to collapse a 110 foot building? Especially if it crashed between the 70th and 80th floors?

    6 AnswersPhysics2 decades ago
  • Blocking image access to websites?

    I am creating an e-commerce site and I want to restrict access to the use of images on the pages. How do I prevent a viewer from downloading the images? Also, how could I watermark the pages and images so that someone couldn't do an Alt+Printscreen?

    4 AnswersInternet2 decades ago
  • Beginner's Guide to Cricket?

    I'm an American who works with lots of international people. I'm curious about the game of cricket. Is there a website that explains it simply? And, what is a wicked googily?

    7 AnswersCricket2 decades ago
  • Why are some conservatives so dumb?

    Why is it that some conservatives are so dense as to what is going on in the country today? How can they give such blind loyalty to a president who is clearly not working in the best interest of the American people? When did being a Republican become more important than being and American? Are they stupid or just too lazy to pay attention?

    19 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • How much longer can the US survive?

    With the federal debt about to go up to $9 trillion, little to no investment in infrastructure, eliminating jobs with good wages, drastic increases in health care and housing, a bloated military budget, and being engaged in endless and expensive wars how much longer can the US survive until it collapses?

    9 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • Ladies, if you're a man, how can you tell if a woman is checking you out?

    You know. How can a guy tell if he's been scoped out?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • Why supernatural explanations?

    Why do humans resort to using supernatural explanations for weird or unexplained phenomena? Is it that we're just innately lacking the ability to solve problems, or are we just hopeful that we'll get a sign that something paranormal exists? Or something else?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • What should a virgin do?

    For the sake of argument, say Im' a virgin. I'm dating a girl who's experienced, and it makes me feel uncomfortable and inadequate. We're getting hot and heavy, but I feel weird due to my inexperience. What should I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • Why are Americans so ignorant of history?

    It seems to me that many Americans are oblivious to their own history, let alone the role of America in relation to world history. Why are we so clueless about how we got here, and why are we so indifferent to it?

    15 AnswersHistory2 decades ago
  • In regard to dating, how old is too old, and how young is too young?

    I use a gauge of five years. Five years older, five years younger. That give me a range of ten years. I've found that as I've gotten older, that range is kind of limiting. Suggestions?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • Why do people believe in God?

    When finally cornered about any god's existence, a believer in a relgion will just say that you have to have "faith" that a god exists.

    That doesn't cut it with me. I presume its a very nice psychological comfort to believe in a god or gods, and that is why people believe in any divine being.

    10 AnswersPhilosophy2 decades ago