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What is the best way to approach a girl?

Girls what is the best way for a guy to approach you and not creep you out and end up getting shot down. I missed my chance at asking a girl out last weekend because I was not sure how to go about it. Now have regret and don't want to screw it up next time I have a chance.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Notice something unique about her and mention it. Continue the conversation until you get to your question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dont do it in the middle of a crowd, where everyone's attention is on u guys, because that'll put presure on her, and she'll probably end up saying no. if there r a few people around, then thats okay, alone is really good too. make sure u know what she's feeling like before u ask her. if she's had a really crappy day, and u ask her out, she's likely to say no. approach her casually like hey, (hi) i was wondering r u busy this satuday... etc. try not to look/sound nervous, or too excited.

    wow, this is some good advice, id better be getting that 10 pts. lol -good luck!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    In my opinion i think the boy should ask out the girl but that is because i am from Chicago and that is what we usually do here but then some relationships are ruined because the guy is to shy or they girl is to shy in my school we have boys and girls and the girls usually talk to the boys and then the girls usually talk among themselves same with the boys. I'm not shure if this helps it might be a little unclear but that is my opinion.

  • Eldude
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I like to approach girls from the front or on a visible oblique. Never approach a girl from behind or from a blind spot.

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  • 1 decade ago

    well,think of a day to approach her,think of what u going to say and the best time to approach her is when she is alone walk up & ask her out & go on from there

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm... I suppose it depends upon the situation. It is wise of you to consider the creeping out factor involved. Girls really don't appreciate random guys asking them out. And preferably don't stalk them. Just kidding. If you want to approach a girl, just wait until you find something that you both like, or help her with something that she appears to be struggling with. But make sure you don't make it sound like she's not strong enough or smart enough for whatever she's trying to do. Girls very often notice guys that make witty comments, but not rude. Smile at her, say something funny, and try asking her small things about herself. Girls love being appreciated and noticed! Try to get her into a conversation that leads up to what you plan to ask her to do with you, like snowboarding if you plan to ask her to go snowboarding. And please for the love of all that is normal do NOT constantly look at her breasts. It really creeps us out when guys do that. Be polite. Good luck! :)

    Source(s): Some guy randomly asked me out last week and I just found out that he's been sort of stalking me. Really creepy.
  • 1 decade ago

    Climb a wall above a doorway. When she walks through drop down.

    She'll never expect that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Flirting. It always gives her self-confidence and you too especially if she's flirting back. Give her compliments and ask her if you could carry her books to her next class. Don't seem desperate just go with the flow and be yourself. :]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) go str8 2wards her & jst ask!

    2) start a conversation and wrk ur way through

  • 1 decade ago

    From the front

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